Sunday, November 17, 2019

VIkings one and All

As  I sit here typing this, I never thought I would be moulded by force into a caring person. I am a James at heart, in ready to kick the plank out of people so they sink or swim in their sins, but God decided to make me more like John in caring about people.

I never thought I would become an expert on old people, but my Auntie when we stopped by said "LC you have a knack for it". I loved my Grandfather and old people when I was young, as I was a shy child, but around old people I could be myself. They always did all of the talking and I could just sit and listen, as I absorbed stories from people of an era which will never return.

It is odd in my neighbor Dan. He helps us out so much, and he is so tired now in the passing of his Dad, as that old man saved Dan steps like you could not believe.Dan is an expert in old people too. When we talk, it is like discussing livestock, in you notice things about people, like water build up, and their mental fog, and immediately he will make a House diagnosis, which I already knew. We share that in four parents we cared for until they met their end. You never think about it as a kid, that you will be the lone soldier who is there when both your parents die. At least that is not what crossed my mind, save probably the time I was going to shoot my old man for being such an abusive bastard to me. I am still there though broken a dozen times over, a functioning whatever I am.

The Uncle was doing pretty good in TL and our care, in he was sucking energy from us, and he got better. I tapped him into my toxic sister and husband, as the world would be better if they were sucked dry, but they must not have had much life force, as I see the sings. Well at least when I am awake, as I have been pretty sick this past week. Today I did something I never have done and woke up at a quarter to twelve, and I had chores yet to do. Too much blog, too much tapesoul Uncle.

He is telling us things though, that he told us before. He is a bit more sedate. His mind is not as sharp and he is not as eager beaver, as he was chewing my ass about a door he and his kids broke, that we were fixing. He enjoyed that though, but I think he was burning too much fuel. I can see the signs. He is slipping and while he is still cooking and things, something is off about him, and just the way he is, he is on the road out.

I saw it all last year with the mother. Interesting for my part is, Black Friday in all those events are just a few days away. She kept speaking invalid things about herself, and when she tried to throw TL and I, after she was caught stealing from us again, I had enough and removed my Spiritual cover from her. That was all that was keeping her going was my energy, as she went down hill fast, and was a trial every horrid day. Nothing is worse than an unappreciative, lying old woman, who is keeping you up all hours claiming she has to go to the bathroom, and being more inconsiderate than she was my entire life.

That is why I feel so for the Viking as his Mom is a good person and he is the good Son. There is nothing left but God's hands. I believe that evil people are given to the last moment to repent and I believe that good people are given to the last moment to grow to their full Light in God. I complain a great deal to God about that Light growth, as these are things that no one should be put through.
My thoughts turn to Uncle as Poot is doing something at my feet which is absolutely necessary for Poot. Like peeing in my slipper, my getting a wet foot this morning and you guess who got the bad treatment. It was me for laying down the law. Uncle has one daughter who is steadfast for him. She can not do it all. She is opening a branch office and has no time, but she is the one who set up accounts for groceries and the one who checks on him, and keeps in contact with me. I have once again become the good son, because none of the other children will do what the Viking is doing for his Mom. This is the hard part of us again, as it is the waiting in knowing what is coming. I am fortunate as this time I get to hand off the hard decisions, which Uncle's children will load up on his one daughter. She has been doing everything to keep him alive. Her younger brother has helped in trying to rebuild the relationship, but two children have never appeared, and are never mentioned. two children wrote him off for the geezer home last year and are just looking for the money. We saved him with his daughter, in what is probably one last go round. He might rally, but I doubt it. We got him to the top again, and now he is sliding back down.

I just feel for the Viking in every moment he endures. I have been there too often in his shoes with animals and people and the filling in time and doing what is right so your conscience is clear, is all that can be done with prayer. We will pray for them as God will perform His Will, and that is what everyone has to understand, we are not God. We have the Love of God and Caring in us, but He is the One working things out in His time and purpose.
We are all in this together.

May God bless the Viking and God bless His Mom, into Jesus Care we commit them in Jesus Name, Amen and Amen