Friday, January 25, 2019

Cave Man

Trump Blinks, Caves on Shutdown to Chuck and Nancy [for Now] Announces Reopening of Government for Three Weeks With NO WALL FUNDING

Have you seen Bertha But?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

OK you rich non donors and people who can afford to donate, I challenge you to look at the archives here and just see who The Lame Cherry alerted you to was the real point man in Washington DC and it was not Donald John Trump.

It was though a strange little man who recently grew three scrotum sizes plus two and this is the man who Donald Trump just was put on a leash by.

Graham Urges Trump to Open Government for Three Weeks to Make ...

Jan 13, 2019 · Graham Urges Trump to Open Government for Three Weeks to Make a Deal 13 Jan 2019 On this weekend's broadcast of "Fox News Sunday," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) urged President Trump to open up the government for three weeks so lawmakers can negotiate an end to the ongoing government shutdown.

Lindsey Graham is the person who is the power behind all of this, now that John McCain committed suicide to save himself from public humiliation in having his cancer cured, as McCain used that cancer to betray Americans.
Graham is not the power in this, but represents the power which manifested in the physical appearance as you have been shown.

Graham has inherited the mantle that John McCain wore for the deep state. The same mantle that had McCain pissing all over Obama policy in Syria and Ukraine. You may think gay ear is a clown fag, but you were alerted to all of this weeks ago and now Donald John has fallen into line.

I told you horse's asses that you were being played, but you sit there and fondle your money not donating thinking you know it all and can believe the pied piper media of the right.

Trump was promised in this for caving now, that he would have open season in the State of the Union on the 29th.  Nancy has to allow the vote now which she had no Constitutional power to enact in this diversionary sideshow.
That is the insider spin.
Graham now gets to show how presidential he is by fixing all of this. Just remember you are not going to like the fix, as the fix Mr. President has promised included DACA and Amnesty in a really big bill.

You are going to find in that cave the missing link past the age of the Neanderthals.


Oh Lindsey, you are such a Manderthal!

The handwriting is on the wall. If the wealthy readers here had held up their end, I would be now fishing as the above has revealed more than what you will ever figure out.


Lame Cherry proven right on Facebook

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am just posting this as I am not going to be sucked into the diversion drama of good guy Robert Mueller arresting Roger Stone, as this President could have and should have shut this down with a blanket pardon of his staff and associates, the way HW Bush pardoned Cap Weinberger to end the Lawrence Walsh charade of Iran Contra.

What is important is I have been proven right again, but will receive no credit and no rich people will deem it necessary to provide a generous donation to take the pressure off of me in all I am going through. The subject is Fakebook, in I told you years ago that NSA generated platform which replaced My Space, did not have billions of followers. Facebook is entirely bot generated with just a few million wetwares filling the ranks.
I can tell you from the terrorism Facebook has harassed me with in email alerts, my Lame Cherry account in limbo is still generating content, as I get alerts  about people posting into groups I supposedly am a part of. That is fake accounts to generate advertising revenue and  is a felony. Yet this NSA platform keeps being propped up.

The internet does not have the mass following which it is deemed to have. Drudge Report which hates Christians does not have a billion hits. That old  fag has a refresh software which makes it look like more people are using that site.
I can tell you as being the last independent media available that Google  has gone to great lengths to wipe my user numbers down  so the blog does not rise in the rankings  and become noticed. I have detailed how the daily use numbers do  not match the page views. This is a crooked internet and what matters is I told you Facebook did not have followers and now a study proves what I first published in actual numbers quoted here.

So that is the story. Donald Trump should pardon Roger Stone and the rest of these people past, present and future and Mike Pence can pardon Donald Trump when Mike gets the coup award for helping set all of this up.

You children and brats have to have brains which are honestly not this mush to believe Mr. President stating Nancy Pelosi cancelled the State of the Union, as the Constitution gives full authority to the President in this, and the Speaker can not ban the President from the chamber. There is not any "vote" noted in the Constitution. This is all more of this misdirection and ruse, to make you think that the President his helpless in all  of this, when a real President could have stopped all of this and put this into order two years ago. This is just another diversion to keep Obama's 3rd term active.

For the weather terrorism which is about to be unleashed on America this next week, you should have been paying attention to this blog and donating.

Nuff Said



Our Stephanie - Her Pillow

Dude must have been stoned that came up with this pillow idea

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Like all of you, I have been tempted to purchase a My Pillow. My first temptation was several years ago when it was I think on Rush Limbaugh's program, but when I started looking at feedback, some people were saying the money back guarantee was not so guaranteed, so being poor I figured the lump I was sleeping on would be what I would be stuck with.

Last year I found this pillow in the thrift store. It was a huge brown burlap thing, hard as a rock, and it stunk like  it came out of a World War II crankshaft. Oil like can was the smell. I washed it twice and still the stink, but I suffered as my neck hurt like hell on my lumps I was sleeping on.  Then TL got an allergy to it, as it had goose feathers in it, so out the door it went.

I still saw those My Pillows in the farm store and thought about buying one, as I had gotten a Serta for 15 bucks for us, and I can attest, Serta pillows SUCK SHIT. The deflate in about 2 days and all you have is another flat pillow.

That is why I was so pleased when Stephanie mentioned she had purchased one and sent me her experience.  I too, do some interesting things with pillows if I have the opportunity.  As of late I sleep on 3 pillows, or that damn Serta is on the bottom, then I have another thrift store pillow that is for cripples (they do not make it anymore but TL found one like it  online for 100 dollars. OUCH!!!) and on top of my head so I do not get headaches, I have my Spiderman pillow on top of my head.
TL thought this crip pillow was an ass pillow for people with rhoids. It is what I have though, and what I will not be buying is  that My Pillow shit either.

More specifically, I have a pillow that dates from around 2010 and it is a special model that is like 2 pieces sewn together. Since I like to cradle my head in the pillow, my nose ends up being where they meet and I can breathe while most of my face is buried. After all that time, I have become real used to it and to my dismay, when I looked for a replacement, I can’t find such a model anymore. Mine is still good, it’s just that I like to have backups of these kind of things in case of anything happening. While searching for pillows, I stumbled on the “My pillow” product. On Bed, Bath and Beyond’s site, there are thousands of reviews for the product, most extremely favorable. It changes people’s life, they get the best night’s sleep they ever had, etc. Just a few in between said it’s lumpy and extremely uncomfortable. Now I wasn’t born yesterday, I know that it is customary practice for businesses now to hire people to write positive fake reviews of their products online. After wading through the reviews, I decided to give it a try, mostly because for Christmas there was some at the grocery store where I shop and I can return stuff easily there if it does not work. Well the damn thing was returned the day after I tried it.
It should have raised red flags that I actually had to look up what was so different about this pillow, as this should have been the focus point on the box, and not the picture of this ex-con who supposedly turned his life around, complete with a big cross on his neck. The pillow is indeed super lumpy, the idea being that it takes the shape of your head and “interlocks” in place. It felt like I was sleeping on a bag full of packing peanuts. On top of it, I tend to boggle down, so I woke up a first time in the middle of the night with all the stuffing on both sides and up and down, but my head on nothing in the middle. I sleepily pushed some back in place, fell asleep again, only to wake up a couple hours later in agony, as apparently one of the pieces was pushing just at the right place on my ear, pinning it to my skull and irradiating pain. That thing ain’t cheap either, it is beyond me that ANYONE could recommend that product, which shows the extent of money spent on fake reviews all around the place. Sadly, not even 5 years ago those could be trusted, but now we are back to having to hear from people we really know that something is good.

That Mike Lindell is a quite horrid man and when I think of all of the Conservatives, led by his good friend Sean Homo Hannity who keeps hawking and whoring My Pillows, it really is a shitty deal. Apparently if you just lay on a pillow like a corpse this My Pillow would peanut wedge your head to comfort.
My sleeping arrangements are more in the mattress pad, the bottom sheet, the blankets all end up in new positions by morning.  Pillows have to be right, or I get a headache, neck ache or I can't breathe.  I know what this My Pillow would end up like in there would be a canyon where my head is and there would be these two flotation device mountains on each side trying to suffocate me. I would probably have dreams of Dolly Parton playing dueling banjos as she sang Jolene, Please don't take my pillow, just my man.

So the lesson in this is, as Mike Lindell has not bribed me and you can not order a MyPillow from his site using the special code of 44DD Dolly Parton, so you are getting the real life review here.

I am grateful to Stephanie for allowing me to use her experience. It just stuns me how this pillow has worked its way through trusting conservatives and now is preying on farmers. Of course in that farm store, I think the return on lasts about the time you walk across the parking lot.

As for me, I will have to wait for another cripple to die, and HAARP is croaking them in record numbers in this cold as it keeps getting colder. Then no one will buy it, because it does not look like a pillow, which is where I will have to fight off Mexicans to get it for a quarter after it is marked down from 4 bucks.

I am about to look for some cotton batting and make my own pillow which I am going to research now, as I know peanut stuffed pillows, conforming to my active head is not a future purchase.
Maybe I should get sheep wool. I could then smell like sheep grease and get a facial at the same time.

A sleep just like on Mammary Mountain



Victory in Waiting Day.......or Years

It's ok now General, the Americans are here to
save you fucking European pansies in doing the war our way.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In revisiting John Keegan's History of World War II, an interesting reality appears which no one has ever really examined, and that is how Winston Churchill sabotaged thee American war effort.

In retrospect, I can understand in the English track record leading up to 1942, in why Churchill was scared of the Germans and the Japanese, because he had overseen the Germans driving the British to humiliation out of Europe and the British driven to defeat in Asia. Churchill wanted a smashing blow when America struck the Nazi's in Europe and was terrified as were the British military that America would move too swiftly and be repulsed.
Churchill kept preaching the Nazi's first as America's objective in fear that America would take on the Japanese first, and in that came Churchill's machinations in lying to the United States, as General Marshall of the Army was furious with the British in Marshall wanted to strike Germany in 1942 and Admiral King wanted to smash the Japanese in the Pacific immediately, instead of succoring the British in Europe.

It is vital to note the dates in this, because under British military leadership the following had taken place by the spring of 1942.

The British had been whipped twice in Europe, France and Greece and once in Africa.

The British Army had been whipped in Asia, and under British admiralty,  the English had lost the battleship HMS Prince of Wales, and had allowed the Japanese to sink the remaining Dutch and American fleets in the South Pacific in the worst of disasters.

It would be the Americans finally taking command in the Pacific which brought a victory at Coral Sea in repulsing the Japanese and at Midway.

Churchill though was intent on stopping America from liberating Europe "until the fruit was ready to pick". Churchill convinced FDR via Harry Hopkins the Soviet spy to stop the invasion of Europe by the Mediterranean as the British had failed several times before in disaster.
Churchill opted for the large numbers of American's stationed in England should be launched instead in Africa in Operation Torch, led by General George S. Patton, who with great success turned the African campaign around to drive the Germans from Africa.

Note the date on Torch in being November 1942. Now note the date when the Americans landed in the underbelly of Europe at Sicily and where General Patton beat the lagging British again in conquest of the island. Yes July 1943, yet too early for Churchill's  massive blow against the Nazis, but you will notice in the date that the Americans were successful in beating the Axis on their defended positions. Again the British had failed numerous times at invading Europe in this route and the Americans' were victorious in their first landing, and more  importantly look at the link below concerning Normandy and the date.

Yes Normandy would be a year later in 1944 for Churchill's massive blow, which when struck, George Patton smashed the Germans again into full retreat, but remember when America struck Sicily, the entire Axis was in operation, including the full Nazi war machine in the west. The Americans were not repulsed. They won and continued the drive into Italy.

In examination of these events, it is a fact that General Marshall of the United States was correct. The United States could have struck Europe in the underbelly in 1942, been successful and cut off Africa from the Nazi's in the operation. There never would have had to have been a Torch, as that army of Rommel would have been cut and would have had withered on the vine. Think of that for real strategic consideration, in the United States with Torch in Sicily, 9 months earlier, could have broken out into the Italian mountains and the Balkans which were already fighting the Nazi's by 1943. Hitler would never have been able to remove his forces from France out of the reality of invasion, and the Soviet's had the eastern front pinned down in stalemate.
Romania, Hungary, the Slovaks would have not stood against the Americans, and the American left bordering on the Alps would have been secure from a German attempted wheel on the American flank. The reality is in this scenario, that the United States would have been on German soil by the summer of 1943. It is a reality that the Germans would have agreed to terms of peace and the Russian raping army would never have left Russian territory to form the Iron Curtain.

The war according to Keegan was over on Churchill's terms in December of 1944 if America had not stopped bombing German energy production. The fact in all of this is General George Patton could have been Caesar of all Europe, and with a combined American and Wehrmacht Army smashed the Soviet Union and liberated all of Europe in a true United Europe, with an ally of Japan, as all Japan ever desired from America was resources and not to be humiliated at their seat at the table.

Remember that fiction that an invasion of Europe from the south would not work. Of course it did not work with the English officers in command, as they failed time and again. It worked though with the United States in control of their operation and no one ever mentions that fact which needs to be heralded and remembered in an upcoming Great Eurasian War.

Nuff Said


The Reflecting Pools

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was watching the 1982 production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, starring Anthony Hopkins in his first outstanding role which revealed the abilities of this actor, when I noticed an actor I know I had just seen this past year, and knew he reminded me of the actor in Pushing Up Daisies, as I had thought before, when I had watched him in Great Expectations as Pip.

Everyone has seen the photo from the Civil War of the man who looks like actor Nicholas Cage which is interesting, but this resemblance of Gerry Sundquist a British actor and Lee Pace an American actor is the wink of an eye.

Gerry Sundquist.

Lee Pace.

What is strange is the mannerisms, the halting delivery and the look are both the same.

Sundquist, for whatever reasons, committed suicide in 1993 by throwing himself under a train. It sort of only adds to the bizarre reality for these two actors, as one was born while the other was in the earth and as the other left, the one born became an actor.

 This is just one of those bizarre coincidences of billions of souls, two cross the stars almost at the same instance and mirror each other in reflection.

Words only get in the way of pondering. Thus this closes.

Nuff Said


The Gopher Hole

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is an interesting psychological question in which place would you choose to sit in this restaurant?

Most people will break down into two groups. The first group will be aesthetics in human traffic, comfort, not next to the bathroom or next to the kitchen to get their food. The second group will be in tactical response in the event of violence.

I will point out my choices in life, and two interesting choices from 4 law enforcement officers.

In a Subway with this layout, I choose station G 1. Yet in a Hardees, you will find TL and I at A 1. If our first choice is not available, literally we switch to how we sit in the other establishment.

In Subway, the Game Warden sat at D2. in Hardee's, three highway patrols sat at I 3 and I 1 and I 4. From a tactical point, those were vulnerable positions.

As I am not in the employment to shoot criminals, I want as much cover or targets to absorb lead as I can have, in why A 1 or A 2 is the choice. If I want the blind spot for a perp, then G 1 is the location.

An exit through a kitchen is a choke point of death, as is running to a bathroom and trying to barricade it.

G 1 in being unarmed is a  real point of trouble if the perp begins to focus on your location, but logically someone entering a restaurant is going to be right handed. It is why most establishments are laid out for the bias of right handed people, as is the one above in the power centers are to the right.
In the above the perp will first fixated on the hostess area, then the waiting area on their blindside. That is a time venue of perhaps 1 minute. Your shock value time of lizard brain freeze, process and flight is 10 seconds for the individual and 15 seconds for couples as women always have to have their protest in a situation.

That leaves a person 30 seconds at most for a blind side escape.

As in most cases your bias will be to exit where you enter, and restaurants are built to keep people from running out on tabs, most will not think of running for the kitchen, which in the above would leave advancing on the waiting area where shooting would be, along with dead hostess bodies on the floor.

In most cases what it comes down to in being unarmed, is moving as swiftly, with as much cover as possible, toward the violence, and hoping the perp is still creating  morgue meat as a distraction, and if not that distraction, then your moving form not being struck by bullets in the odds of random chance.

Even if struck, unless it is a head wound, you will have the oxygen to vacate the building for 40 seconds, even with a major bleeder, due to adrenaline.
Being shot running or knifed running is far better odds than being plugged in the head at 4 inches or having your throat slit.

Dynamics change in this too, as a bringing a chair to a knife fight is a good idea, as much as a chair increases your odds in absorbing a kills shot from a handgun or the fashionable 223 calibers.

In any exit though, you will choose the 90 degree angles of the wall for fastest travel lanes and hopeful blind spots to the perp.

Just remember that the staff is going to be running for their lives and hoping you are the fodder. The first ones will freeze in panic, but the majority of the remaining souls will be moving toward the exit. That is the tunnel vision problem in this, in while a patron focuses on the noise and danger, tries to shut out the other gopher patrons trying to call attention to themselves by screaming, if one can observe the staff in motion, they will be the rats in the maze to show you the best way most cases.

It will not occur to most to attempt to break  window to vacate through, as they will not want to get into trouble, and with thick industrial windows, one might be playing that drum until you are sent to meet St. Peter as that would attract attention too when unsuccessful.
It is though something to keep in mind.

Now you can study the above and run through the scenarios of your survival, and probably start discussing exit strategies in all of the businesses you frequent, as discussing it beforehand is probably the time to deal with a dangerous situation.

Nuff Said
