Saturday, May 4, 2019

Yankee Black Face Dandy

I prefer Frankie Doodle Dandy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive  in matter anti matter.

In the American Genocide, books are not burned, but instead Americans in the grave are dragged around to be lynched, as is the case of American Heroes as Robert E. Lee and American entertainers in Kate Smith.

Yankees’ Kate Smith ban could lead
to the breakup of America itself

New York Post, by Steve Cuozzo    Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon- 4/27/2019 7:12:14 PM     Post Reply
The New York Yankees’ bold decision to ban Kate Smith’s 1939 recording of “God Bless America” from the stadium over two racist songs she once performed surely calls for further brave steps by the team.(Snip) But if the Bronx Bombers are serious about standing tall against racism, they must next ban the national anthem, which is sung before every game. Francis Scott Key, who wrote the lyrics to “The Star-Spangled Banner” in 1814, owned slaves—at least six of them, as a matter of historical record. Isn’t “ownership” of human beings a more grave offense than merely ridiculing black people

The other night I was watching Yankee Doodle Dandy, starring American icon, James Cagney, who does a wonderful job in portraying  that American creative Patriot, George M. Cohen, who created some wonderful songs in You're a Grande Old Flag and Over Here.

There is something though in Yankee Doogle Dandy  which is never spoken of in the Cohen family of theater and vaudeville fame, in they like most entertainers entertained audiences in Black Face. In Yankee Doodle Dandy, James Cagney and the 4 Cohen's do a number in black face......and yet you never hear this movie being banned, edited or ranted over like Kate Smith in being lynched in the grave.

I'm a Yankee Black Face Dandy
Black Face Nigger do or die....

Now why is that?

I can tell you way, because FOX is currently celebrating the noted person in this movie, who was selling his war of genocide against Germans, using Cohen's music to get Americans slaughtered, and that is none other than democrat, liberal, socialist and communist sympathizer Franklin Roosevelt, best friends with the butcher Joe Stalin of the Soviet Evil Empire makes a lengthy appearance in this democrat movie.

I can see you like wearing black face there Frank.

See you can't have the butcher  Franklin Roosevelt, the father of all liberalism in America, outed in being a major fan of a George Cohan and their Black Face.
You can't have the Jew's choice of hero to destroy the American Republic, being outed as Jews promoted racism, promoted black face, owned slaves in huge numbers, aa the communists in America behind Franklin Roosevelt.
As the entire paradigm in blaming White Christian Protestants comes undone, as it is revealed that the very moneychangers who were behind everything that White Americans are blamed for, were the ones who started it, promoted it, and murdered for it.

Black Face of the World Unite!

It is past time that Donald Trump started acting like an American, and not an asset of Tel Aviv and signed an Executive Order protecting American Christians and Patriots from this Anti American Racism with the Justice Department unleashed in full measure on those corporations and individuals who are involved in media assassination of Americans in and out of the grave, in this genocide of the Americans and their culture.

Once again the Lame Cherry again in need of the big donation for the FIRST TIME, in actually doing the job that all you people sitting on your asses, expecting your President and his Kushner media, to perform in refuting these attacks, putting an end to them and defending you and the United States.

It is time to tear down that goddamn mausoleum to racist, genocidist, leftist Franklin Delano Roosevelt polluting the American Capital in Washington City and protect Kate Smith and all the other American Caucasian Christian Heroes of these United States.

Nuff Said, you lazy, unappreciative, rich bastards!



Trump Takes the Fifth

Think of me as  the Businedent of the White House
as it is always about the deal.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Donald Trump appears not to be pumping dust in his mounting the overturn of Obamacare, which John the hero McCain betrayed all American voters with his refusal to overturn Obamacare. In the Lame Cherry, being highly displeased with this President on Conservative issues, there has emerged a definite legal strategy from the Department of Justice to have Obamcare struck from the books as UnConstitutional.

From the adult and powerful stance of Attorney General Barr in dealing with democrat anarchists and his Justice Department not being politicized and leading Director Christopher Wray of the FBI, there are for the for the first time in the United States, signs of the restoration of Law and Order in America, without the abuse of Citizens nor the protection of career criminal politicians.

I do not want to leave the impression that Donald Trump has gotten religion, as in all things Trump, he is simply returning the rapine to the original cartel, which Obama wrested it from in a most violent and murderous overthrow, Chicago is still a bleeding example. The point is though that a striking down is coming, and a replacement is already written to profit the conglomerates who have Trump in power. That is the thing I am wary over. If it is not a mandate, then I do not care when the Indians dance as it is not forced conscription or decriminalization.

The strategy in this, is the Sam Alito led United States 5th District Court of Louisiana, which is dominated by 18 Republican appointees, and the Clinton appointed Chief Justice of Carl Stewart is more Texas normal than Obama nuts.

By running this  through the 5th, the Trump DOJ means to win this, and drive it to the heart of the Chief Justice John Roberts  Supreme Court, where Roberts under gay Obama blackmail betrayed Americans, by voting for Obamacare.
That Court which has been a disappointment, will be a court without Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who will be replaced by a voting Catholic. While it still has the same frauds on it, Donald Trump now has the power and the backing behind him, that it is logical that Roberts will have to vote against his own decision to humiliate him, and the vote very will could be 6 - 3 supporting the 5th Courts striking down of Obamacare.

All of which is in time for the 2020 Presidential elections.

The Trump administration offered its first full argument Wednesday for its reversal on the Affordable Care Act, arguing in new court filings that the entire law “should not be allowed to remain in effect.”
The government argues in the filings that the so-called “individual mandate” requiring Americans to have coverage is unconstitutional and that the rest of the law should therefore also be struck down, even if the government “might support some individual provisions as a policy matter.”
The landmark legislation provides health care coverage to millions of Americans.
In the filing, Assistant Attorney General Joseph Hunt acknowledged that the administration had previously argued that parts of the law could remain in effect even if the individual mandate were struck down, but he said, the administration had come to believe it could no longer defend that position. He suggested that rewriting the statute by “picking and choosing which provisions to invalidate” would interfere with the role of Congress and the “proper course” for the courts would be to strike down the law in its entirety.
The brief was filed with the conservative-leaning 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals, which will hear arguments in July and possibly tee up a Supreme Court case next term that could finally decide the fate of the law and render a decision during the heart of the presidential election.

There are signs in this that the real President in Lindsey Graham of the Carolinas is pressing the agenda forward for the cartel of the octopus. Graham is not a 2.0, he simply has risen to replace John the hero McCain for this elite group of powers behind the scenes. Watch if John Roberts responds to Lindsey Graham's request to investigate the FISA Court. If that goes through, which it probably will, it will mean Roberts is on the leash again for this faction, and Roberts overseeing the wiping out of the coup, will mean John Roberts will oversee the end of Obamacare, in a real landmark ruling which will read something like the government can not force people to buy things, nor attempt to name it a tax to get away with it.

Lindsey Graham 2.0 Will Ask Chief Justice John Roberts to Investigate FISA Court Misconduct

This Trump taking the 5th does not negate his pouring in of Visa vermin, the price of gas and food, which is from his benefactor's looting and it does not negate his failures in negating people from having to pay income tax who earn under 50,000 dollars as he promised and the reality the US economy is still the Obama economy in Great Depression shambles and the cure is not pouring in 100 million vermin foreigners for economic consumption.

I am though honest and report things as they are. This is good and will benefit, but we will still get screwed over in the rewrite, just as we were screwed over before Obamacare. Killing rationed death though with criminal penalties  abolished is  one less burden to be answering to the IRS for. For this I support Donald Trump, but as I have not received any crumbs in all of my work for years at this, I am still not voting for him in 2020, because Americans are not liberated and someone is plotting a large event on the horizon for another distraction of the public.

There are indications though in Attorney General William Barr that the rule of law is being restored to America, which will lessen the friction between the Citizen and the Police, and  develop a trust in government again, which will help calm the United States down. Everything helps in a National Socialist Amerika.

Nuff Said


My Dark Saying Upon The Harp

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following delights me as the Holy Ghost produced the subject, and it fascinates me that in all the Bible I have studied and read, that I never catalogued Psalm 49 was in the Bible, it is the Psalm of the END OF THE WICKED RICH.
I look upon this as God's Line in the Sand. I have harrangued the rich on this blog to donate for years in begging and pleading and still no large donations appeared. So this work of God suffers and we suffer. I know though in this Psalm 49 that something has changed, and just as the door to the Ark was open until it began the Deluge of Noah, I can hear the thundering on the horizon for the rich of this world.

I have a peace and a calm about this as I can now let go of all of this, as the fate of so many has now been sealed. Those who have stolen from me now will meet their end as God will balance the scales.
It is nothing I approach with reveling or sadness. It is regret though for those whose lives have been wasted as it has been sealed by their own actions, that they like the rich and religious Jews of the Good Samaritan, left me by the side of the road as only those few who have ministered to be GLADLY, yes Bless the CHEERFUL giver, will have their reward with Christ and a Prophet's reward with me.

The rich will discover that they can not save themselves in that money, nor their inheritors. Their children will meet the end, their affluent parents did, and the end which the rich will in this time, of complete darkness.

It is a reckoning and I Bless the Lord for His Steadfast, Mercy and Grace, that here am I, not the one being Judged in the balances, but those who mocked me and left me for dead, thinking they were getting away with it.

I have not examined if this will be a global, national or their personal end. If it will be nuclear, Great Depression or dying of cancer, or all of the above. I simply believe the Word of the Lord, that the Holy Ghost spoke this to me and God will perform it now, without any doubt.
That brings me peace in the ending of this burden. The Rich Man and Lazarus, the Condemned on the Cross mocking Christ, traitors to King David, all me their horrid end, and my enemies who I held an open hand out to, will now meet the end God has destined for them.

All that money they worshipped and were in tune with, instead of God, instead of using it to bring the Good News to the world, will have new possessors and their inheritors will inherit the darkness which the rich will, for they are the wicked rich.

This amuses me in the Holy Ghost does not present things with fanfare, but reminds me of the learned Professor looking over their books, and as I am distracted by something, looks up and says something like, "I know and have been watching, and now it is time for the people who harmed you to die in their sins."

In every case, I am more of the mindset of, " Yes I would like some sweet tea and a cookie with You".

This is though is cast by those who cast their fate, and now their destiny will be visited upon them and their's until they are consumed. I pray Jesus returns as while I still would like to enjoy something in life, I know that enjoying life will be better with Him, now that the Holy Ghost on this day revealed to me a bird I have been watching and delighting in, as to their identity.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive  in matter anti matter, via the Holy Ghost, the pleading is over, the Judgment is come.

Nuff Said

1 Hear this, all ye people; give ear, all ye inhabitants of the world:
 2 Both low and high, rich and poor, together.
 3 My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.
 4 I will incline mine ear to a parable: I will open my dark saying upon the harp.
 5 Wherefore should I fear in the days of evil, when the iniquity of my heels shall compass me about?
 6 They that trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches;
 7 None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him:
 8 (For the redemption of their soul is precious, and it ceaseth for ever:)
 9 That he should still live for ever, and not see corruption.
 10 For he seeth that wise men die, likewise the fool and the brutish person perish, and leave their wealth to others.
 11 Their inward thought is, that their houses shall continue for ever, and their dwelling places to all generations; they call their lands after their own names.
 12 Nevertheless man being in honour abideth not: he is like the beasts that perish.
 13 This their way is their folly: yet their posterity approve their sayings. Selah.
 14 Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their beauty shall consume in the grave from their dwelling.
 15 But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave: for he shall receive me. Selah.
 16 Be not thou afraid when one is made rich, when the glory of his house is increased;
 17 For when he dieth he shall carry nothing away: his glory shall not descend after him.

 18 Though while he lived he blessed his soul: and men will praise thee, when thou doest well to thyself.
 19 He shall go to the generation of his fathers; they shall never see light.
 20 Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish.

Amen, Amen and Amen

Nuff Said
