Thursday, September 19, 2019

Donald Trump Victimized By His Fed's Flesh Peddler Economy

I'm a jet fuel genius

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Donald Trump can bitch all he wants in running against the Federal Reserve as this blog predicted he would, along with Congress to give cover to the dismal United States economy in 105 million Americans are out of work, but the fact is the world economy is Donald Trump's tar baby and he birthed it.

Fed Chair: "We Don't See a Recession, We're Not Forecasting a Recession"   peoplespunditdaily

The world was in the Obama Super Depression when Trump took office. Instead of Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp fixing it, Donald Trump handed America over to Jew Street in Gary Cohen of Goldman Sachs who gave tax breaks to Nazi Conglomerates, and in that rationed money to Trump voters in "tax cuts" which were money laundering, in Cohen knew that money would through price spikes in gas, home heating and food, would rob working Americans of that pittance of 40 dollars a month.

Daily Telegraph

To understand this gutless Federal Reserve which does not see a recession in the United States when there is one, one has to look to Donald Trump's real policy in ZERO interest rates.

Zero interest rates would appeal to someone spending money like an ex wife with her dead husbands credit cards, which Donald Trump is an equal to the Armageddon Debt of Barack Hussein Obama. In the real world, money costs. By this, money costs to be printed, created, monitored in being counterfeit, e currency costs electricity, and it costs money for Brinks to haul money around, your bank to have tellers to tally your accounts, lick envelops and tell you what an idiot you are in overdrafts with a smile.
See people work who deal with money from processing your loans to sending you out your swipe cards. It costs money to use money and someone has to pay for that, and that is what interest is charged for.

The problem in this is the Fed does charge Americans a skimming fee for Americans using their own money for the cartel families. Donald Trump is spending so much money now that inflation to too much money printed, and the Dollar as a fiat currency other nations are charged for using it, can not serve the US debt. There comes a time when a hot air balloon can not lift the dead weight in the gondola, and America is reached that, and that is why Donald Trump is advocating zero interest to not pay the fortune on that debt.
Again the problem in this is, is zero interest means money when it appears, is costing institutions more than they can make using money. The only source is you, and either you will be charged or these institutions will go bankrupt and you will not have the services to use your money.

All of this Trump raging is a smokescreen. Donald Trump's policies have sunk America back into the Obama abyss. This blog warned you that Donald Trump had 18 months to fix the US economy as Ronald Reagan did, but he did not,  as his Mike Pence associates in Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer instead represented the Nazi conglomerates which Obama place into power.

Donald Trump's economy is best explained as a massive Ponzi scheme, where he spends debt money to the Nazi conglomerates through Congressional appropriations in this scam robbing Americans. In order to fuel this as Adolf Hitler did, Donald Trump and the Nazi conglomerates need a force labor group to be exploited to reduce costs on the China playing field of mass slavery, and that is the over 1.5 million illegals who are in America PER YEAR, now legalized as Trump Visa Vermin.
Donald Trump has brought into America via Homeland in John Kelly, over 6 million new foreigners. Marxist Mark Dayton of Minnesota based his economy in that state on this slave trade, as did New York, New Jersey, California etc... as one figures in Wells Fargo money laundering to 3rd world nations from the Visa Vermin, that 6 million people are generating 1.8 trillion dollars a year to be skimmed by the cartel. Everything from Social Security to SNAP directed funding for Vermin is being infused with this contraband currency.
So when the Fed does not see a recession, of course there is a not a recession as America's empty gas tank is having a direct fuel bucket dumped into the engine in Trump Obama's slave labor. The illusion is complete as America moved from a production economy in the 70's to a service economy in the 90's to a Ponzi economy in the Obama era. Donald Trump has wrung out ever last copper trace of pennies in the pocket in this, and the "economy" is now running on fumes.

What is already is store is the promised money laundering in another Quantitative Easing or the Fed signs bogus IOU's for the bogus Dollars it is printing for the debt being increased. As I stated this is an ex wife or a crack whore economy, in it is nothing but fraudulent money dumps bribing the elite who just like Nazi Germany rely on a forced labor work force to cut costs.

The US economy is poised upon a mountain of debt, teetering on the precipice. In layman's terms, things of value are over valued, and the way a clever Steve Mnuchin for the nation rapists responds is to set things up, to blame the fed when everything from the inflated price of your home to inflated bond rates collapse. In other words, you have Americans sitting on piles of massive debt, with too much money printed for that debt, and the way you get rid of that money is to collapse asset prices. Trillions of dollars can disappear from your wealth status over night, but the people holding your debt already have the money, so you are left with less asset wealth, but those with your money they loaned you in their vaults in cheap money, are the ones still holding the money as it is now worth more in there are less Dollars in the world.

That is what Ron Paul means in an asset price bubble burst.

Ron Paul, the former congressman and presidential candidate and sparkplug of modern Federal Reserve skepticism, thinks that monetary policy attempts to keep goosing the economy will likely lead to Trump's desire for zero or negative interest rates, and that this will lead to an unpredictable but dangerous asset price bubble burst.
As Barron's notes, a return to the immediate post-2008-financial-crisis bond-buying policies (remember "quantitative easing"?) on the part of the Fed also likely looms. Jeffrey Hummel wrote in Reason back in 2014 on the dangers of the Federal Reserve becoming such a huge holder of financial assets.

The reality is that the world is moving to Zero Interest or making holding money a financial cost. You get 100 dollars and it devalues to 75 dollars immediately as you have the zero interest cost. It is equal to buying a new car forty thousand, driving it off the lot and it only being worth 33,000 in  a moment.

Of course Jew Street with Donald Trump is gong to make money on this, as they run the scam as it is designed for that. You though have a President who is shifting blame to the Fed which is the gas line to the engine economy, while Donald Trump has been dumping in cheap Mexican gas and mashing the pedal to the floor and complaining the engine is not running good, while the Fed says the engine is running as it can still hear it sputtering along.

Ask yourself why is the Lame Cherry the only media source explaining all of this? The only independent media left as this criminal money laundering robs the masses. This President has told all of you that in 2021 if he is not President the collapse will come. That is what he has been informed. So it does not matter who is President, or who thinks they know when the collapse will come, because this scheme can not last past 2020. This President is blaming the Fed for his Flesh Peddler Economy. pitting foreign vermin against his voters, and do not think that democrats give a damn about you either, as they are the ones putting chains the taco niggers and measuring your drapes for slave quarters.

There is not any stopping any of this, Trump was the last chance, and that chance is gone. The world is in Depression, and the United States has been legalized back into the Obama Abyss of the Super Depression. The past remedy is another Great Eurasian War.

Mr. Trump's rages indicate the tank is empty. The mathematical factor now is the ratio of dead Americans to living vermin. The tipping point is this foreign cancer consuming the American stores in private hands.

Let us sing....


When The Good Die Old

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One of the pleasant things about being the publisher of the most powerful blog in the world is as in Horace Greeley, I can write anything here and call it news, as my editor has to publish it all.

It is one thing to be the whispering conscience to the President's delusional tweets, but it is another thing when something import is to be published and I am highly upset, worse than when the mother went tits up after after Thanksgiving, because this is about real life.

I hate most people, as you have proven that you deserve it. Just like my neighbor has proven he is one of the good people. I have known Robert Bob my whole life. His son is the neighbor who feeds our cattle and keeps our roads open. He was the last person to see the mother alive before she died with me.
Dan stopped us this afternoon and asked if we had heard about Dad. I said no. He then said the bull got him, busted every bone in his body, and he told Dan not to move him as he wanted to kill that goddamn bull he fought off, in being 85 years old.

They can't do anything for him. The hospital staff was going to drain the fluid in his lungs as his pacemaker is going off non stop, but the family said no.
I wondered why Dan's cattle that they had been working that day, were not back in the pasture, and it was because he was 150 miles away at the regional hospital doing what no child should have to do, and that is putting their parent down.

It was a tough hand Dan and I have been played this past year, and it is not what normal people should have to decide, but that is what God decided in Dan's prayer in what was best for his Dad, and I think God could have worked it out a bit better than to be beat to death by a goddamn Angus bull, as I hate that breed. Their meet is tasteless and the bulls are mean.
I am certain that damn bull that killed Bob was the one that had it's head up in the pasture looking at us a few weeks back. I told TL to watch that damn thing as I was looking for a Russian olive tree about 50 yards away if that bastard came through the fence at us as we were walking on the road.
You always watch a bull.

As I type this, Bob is coming back to the local hospital to die. Dan said Medicare would not cover the trip, but he told his sister to bring him back as he would pay for it, as Bob was going to die here.
The last thing Dan said was Bob always said he was going to die with his boots on, and Dan was going to be at the hospital to put his boots on tonight as the last thing he could do for his Dad.

I almost cried which he didn't need and he almost broke down when I looked in his eye, but that is not the way out here. I can think of most of you who deserve to die like this, and most of the assholes I am related to, but Bob didn't deserve an out lik this. Yes it is better than having slush brain and being a geezer in the old folks home as he would have hated that, but it is one tough sled to have a bull crush you, get hauled across the country, get hauled back to die, and and then have to wait around for your lungs to fill up so you drown, as that is what Bob is going through as you read this, unless I can get God to take him home to be with his wife. This is a prayer that I hope works.

This is one memorial TL and I will attend. I will dig through the pile of dead people's clothes I have and find some dress pants and shirt. We drover through a killer fog to make his wife's service, and by God we are going to make this horrid hour in having to say the right things and get the hell out, in a mob of people remembering Robert Bob.

There is going to be a big empty spot without Bob around here. On our walks, Bob stopped and talked or blew the horn at us. Last time we talked he was telling us about the crops in how bad they are. We are going to miss Bob, as he welcomed TL like family and one of the greatest observation he ever made was that, "Michelle Obama was the ugliest woman he ever saw".

This is the way I am handling the extreme sorrow I have that has me feeling sick. It is tough when it is one of the animals we have wating on them to die, and it is tough when it is a neighbor waiting for them to die, knowing what the family is going through and knowing how lost Dan is going to be without his Dad.
I know the pressure of worrying about Bob in his being old is going to be gone, but those two have been together since Dan could walk. The mother always said Dan was out in the barn with Bob at four years old doing chores.

This is frustrating as hell and I would have shot that goddamn bull on the spot, but at 3000 bucks a bull, in this great Trump economy, people just can't afford that cost with HAARP ruining everyone.
You feel helpless and want to do something, but nothing can be done. The proper thing done in America once would be to put a bullet behind Bob's ear and send him home, but now in civilized society people have to die the hard way unless God has something else figured out.

So that is just one more shitty thing this week. At least Bob will not have to deal with what is coming, but I would have liked to have had him in the neighborhood with his 30 30 to shoot the riff raff. Been better than to get killed by a bull and dying the hard way.

The last of my old neighors are dead with Robert Bob, and he was worth gold compared to the pile of shit you are, and the pile of shit Uncle and his kind are. Bob you could count on. Bob was family in he looked out for you and you looked out for him.

I remember the year he almost shit himself to death. Dan said a few years ago he was 15 minutes from toe tag as his heart was beating so slow. I admire the hell out of that old cowman. He was a hard sell son of a bitch.

He was more important to the world and to me than most of the bullshit on this site I have been waisting my time covering.

Nuff Said


Make Mine A Triple

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If I could shit money, I would have a brace of these Charles Daly Triple barrel shotguns, which are a throwback to the old German Drilling firearms of 3 barrels.
It is an odd thing that Europeans went for that shotgun and rifle combination, but Americans never really liked them. It seemed that the old Savage 410 22 combo was ok, but when you got into the 12 gauge with a 30 30, it was like you never had enough rounds in the 12 and the 30 30 just did not compensate for bad American shooting.

The reason I do not have a shotgun like this is rich people do not donate as they should generously. I would not waste money, but this would be a very nice tool for home defense or to carry around in the pickup. For a 3 barrel the top I would put a slug into it and the bottom two barrels I would probably feed either BB's or 2 shot depending on the season in the pickup. 2's for bird plotting and BB's for coyotes. The slug would be bang up for having a deer license and like us seeing a monster buck driving home last autumn, would fill the tag, the BB's and slug would make excellent for home defense fodder.

For people of slight expression, Daly produces a 20 gauge and a 410 for home defense. Probably would make a nice travel gun too as they are 7 pounds and it seems the stock separates to make it a hip gun for firing. This is a pretty good house hoser for home protection that package, and the 12 gauge is over 8 pounds which would dampen recoil.

As far as Drillings go, under 2000 dollars for a new firearm is a good price. It would be a joy to go on adventures with this thing, as I could see potting a buffalo with the top barrel and following up with two more. It would just be fun to have under the seat and whipping it out to harvest supper in some grouse or whatever was sticking it's head up.

The company apparently had a plethora of scattergun types from single shots to the triples. I just would like them to make a short single shot, as they do make a coach gun which under 1000 dollars is out of my market range too, but that coach gun would produce ample pleasure for me too as it is comforting having those defensive firearms around.

Anyway that is another dream, and a compliment to Daly in their sites load super fast in they do not have a crap load of bots loading into your computer draining resources. While they do not say, I am guessing these guns are made in Turkey or Japan by the looks of them. As I said, anyway, that is another dream.

Nuff Said
