Monday, January 20, 2020

a more Putincan Union.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the American Founders penned the words of in order to form a more perfect union, they knew that any government by man, was a government with inherent flaws. The American Experiment, has been overthrown by ruthless socialists and communists, on the financial rapine of capitalists, so the Republican Form of Government is no more, but there is a fascinating form of Government evolving in the Russian Federation, and it is one of George Washington horizons, for when George Washington turned down being King of America, King George noted George Washington was the greatest man alive to turn down such power, as no one in history had.

With Vladimir Putin though, President of Russia, he has been the savior of the Slavic peoples. Since the Jewish Rothschild and Schiff overthrow of the Czars in Russia, the Russian people have been obliterated by the most murderous of despots. Marxism had eaten Russian alive,a nd when the second plundering of Russia was begun after the end of the Cold War, the chosen leader Boris Yelstin, was not up to the task in being too trusting of the West's worst plunderers.

As President Bill Clinton warned these nation rapists, they could not continue to humiliate Russia without consequences.

Out of this appeared the Russian savior, former KGB agent, Vladimir Putin, who has been involved in a perpetual revolution against him by the cartel from his coming to office. Putin's one strategy was to end the western oligarch rapine of Russia, and replace it with his own led organized oligarchs who regained financial control of Russia.
As that meant Vladimir Putin would become one of the richest men in the world, it was so, because that money was staying in Russia and not being used against Russians.

Russia though was still the antiquated financial system which the Czars managed. The communists did little with state production and economic control, to create a modern tax revenue state, of the many comes most revenue for federal projects.

Theodore Roosevelt in the Jekyl Island accords, created the Federal Reserve, in order to bring in foreign money to create the basis for American Empire. Russia could not allow the same forces to gain control or Russia would resemble Ukraine. Instead President Putin relied upon Mideast and Asian investors to buoy up his economy, which was under restraint in American sanctions over Crimea Ukraine.
Russians voted in Crimea to become part of Russia. That freedom was denied them by the same nation rapists led by George Soros, who wanted Crimean oil. This was Russia's great crime in denying foreign plunder of Crimea.

As the carnivore West waits for the end of President Vladimir Putin, the President has been engaged in one of the most remarkable government transformation in history. Not since English Common Law or the American Constitution has there been a power on earth, who holding absolute power, has relinquished that power, back to the People.
Vladimir Putin surprise the world and Russians, when he dissolved his cabinet, and announced a series of modernization, in instituting a national tax system which was efficient, and decentralizing the Presidential powers, to those of the Parliament, with the People having the right to remove officials.
The fuel for this Russian Republic is Arctic development, or oil and gas production for the world. As the cartel seeks to rob Americans of oil and gas for worthless electric transport, President Putin is securing Arctic wells to fund his 22nd Century Russia.
The fact is Europe has two of the most remarkable leaders in history cementing their place in President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation and Chancellor of Europe, Sebastian Kurz.

This all feeds into the great succession question of 2024—and what role Putin plans to play. Given the constitutional amendments, he appears to be laying out a series of different options. If we take Putin at his word, that he does not plan to be president again, then that would explain why the powers of the presidency would be weakened after 2024. The role of the Duma to select the government would be enhanced and the prime minister would have increased power and authority—but would also become formally responsible to the parliamentary majority and subject to recall and replacement. Finally, the State Council would acquire new and formal status and control over parts of Russian foreign and domestic policy.

President Putin is preparing Russia, not for his going away, but for his centralized powers to be given to the People of Russia. The Lame Cherry is not going to sugar coat this in Vladimir Putin not having objectives as he does, as he will secure Russia, by becoming another kind of leader of Russia. This is exactly what Russia needs in a State Council Chair, the same as a President, with veto powers, but one who is there to protect Russia from the same nation rapist intrigue, and to solidify the Russia which Vladimir Purin restored as as self governing people, in control of their own currency, gold based and in control of their own future.
The Arctic energy to Vladimir Putin is the Lincoln Greenbacks of the American Civil War. President Putin is not going to build the 22nd Century Russia on debt, which would enslave Russia as America is, but Putin will build it on selling energy.

Russia has two 22nd century problems which must be solved, and science will solve them. There is a 3rd problem which science can not solve, only Russian diplomacy and financial independence.

Russia has a birth problem. They do not have enough wombs to keep their Slavic race in the leadership position in Russia, compared to Muslim or even the implosion of Chinese communist populations by 2050 AD in the year of our Lord.
Russia must create artificial wombs and  enough women to nuture a production of 100 million Russian babies.

The second problem is Russia will run out of Arctic energy, or more to the point, new energies will supplant gas and oil, in thorium. Russia must begin the advance to outer space, for both resources and to not be swept aside in this next generation of humanity.

Russia's future lays in robotics. Robotic wombs and robotic miners of resources.

The 3rd problem is one which science can not solve. It will require diplomacy in Russia, as great as Bismark's of Germany. Russia must heed President George Washington's advice to Americans which has been thrown away, in Russia can not have foreign entanglements.
This is not to say that Syria was not a correct policy for Russia, as it was vital for Russia to keep Syria from being completely annexed as Greater Judea. Russia can have presence, backed by her nuclear arsenal, but Russia can not be goaded nor baited into the kinds expeditions which ruined Adolf Hitler in Europe or Leonid Brezhnev's disaster in Afghanistan.
Russia can not fight a major war in the east or west, as even in winning, the pollution of her lands, the obliterating of resources and the slaughter of her generation, will spell the end of the Russian Federation.

President Putin has understood the last part in not being drawn into conflict. He has been most astute and selective in deploying forces at not overwhelming costs to Russia. He has not repeated Afghanistan and has not been Stalin in squandering Russian lives as Russia's enemies had hoped.

It is a most remarkable time in Russia though, a new government is forming, in giving power back to the People. There is not American gun confiscation or wars for conglomerates, nor the deep state ripping Russia apart, as Vladimir Putin is the state, and he is backed by the Russian military and intelligence system, and backing all of this is the Russian People in majority.

I fear though the German seers who always saw Russia invading Europe one more time, with a leader such as Vladimir Putin forced into that decision. Russia can take any region, including a continent, but the problem is Russia does not have the resources to hold that area, and in that, is Russia's dichotomy. It is what President Putin has guided Russia away from and into a future for Russia as a more perfect Republican Putin Union.

Left to herself, Russia would experience a golden age, such as Catherine's into the 22nd century.  A solvent nation is a rare nation in this world, and President Putin has Russian's as self reliant and out of debt.

I would that the West had such leaders, such an intelligence and police state dedicated to the people as much as dedicated to those in power. The West has no such relationship though as foreigners are destined to replace the native populations, with the United States and Canada disappearing into socialist despots ruling a tan skinned mob fed like rats.

That though is a different expose' and dissertation.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

