Monday, January 20, 2020

Just Stragegy and Numbers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is something that the small percentage of you reading this who ever think of the strategy of war. It never crosses your mind the necessity of mass casualties or the use of topography to create the objectives of the types of warfare that had the English incinerating German women and children in cities by firestorms or the starving and freezing to death of Ukrainians by Stalin in the tens of millions.

The world is on the cusp of some remarkable tactics in the correct use of thermonuclear weapons. The type that European seers have envisioned, such as Russians detonating hydrogen bombs in the Mediterranean to tidal wave, southern Europe in the next Great European War.

The fact is that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were ineffective deployment of resources. The reality is for the most part the detonation of nuclear weapons over targets incinerates and thermal damages targets, but at the cost of further contamination of the area. It is a balance of "land" absorbs nuclear detonation, neutralizes the blast, but increases fall out. Fall out drifts over less populated areas and none of this produces the best effect for nuclear weapons, only the best solution for them, in detonating them in cities ringed by hills, in order to amplify the detonation.

This is changing with the Russian nuclear torpedo, the Status-6. These are high speed, heavy payload, long range weapons platforms. What is left out of the explanation at the National Interest is that President Vladimir Putin displayed to the world this Russian weapon with Tim Riffat's Cobalt 60 payload.
For explanation, Cobalt in elemental form is non lethal. Place cobalt though in a hydrogen bomb, and it acquires extreme radiation, which requires 5 years to reach it's half life. In other words, Cobalt 60 is Raid to humans like Raid is to insects. It will kill all life for 5 years in areas effected, and areas effect mean, areas flooded.


powered by a liquid metal reactor and is said to have a cruising speed of 55km per hours. But it is apparently capable of a sprint at 100 to 185km per hour, allowing it to escape, according to this source, from any existing torpedoes employed by adversaries. Good to a depth of 1000m, the vehicle is said to be 26m in length and 1.6m in width

The Americans have their own counter measure, which is ORCA, and you will notice this torpedo is a replica of the Russian model. Two super powers both command the same doomsday weapon. This Lame Cherry has noted that cobalt is a primary object in batteries. There are concentrations in the United States and every area is filled with tons of cell phones and battery packs.
The point is a hydrogen detonation in key areas would create mass contamination points. This though is a territorial issue and not nautical, as is the subject of this expose'.


The XLUUV program, also known as Orca, was established to address a Joint Emergent Operational Need (JEON). The Navy wants to procure nine XLUUVs in FY2020-FY2024. The Navy announced on February 13, 2019, that it had selected Boeing to fabricate, test, and deliver the first four Orca XLUUVs and associated support elements. 

The Lame Cherry presents a few maps. The first is the population centers on coastal areas, which basically include the port areas of major shipping or naval deployments.


The next map is of the areas in red, if the oceans rose 300 meters, which is a fat 300 yards. In a nuclear torpedo event, in shallow waters of the continental and port shelf, a thermonuclear detonation would raise a nuclear tidal wave of 1000 to 1500 feet or a skinny 350 to 500 meters.

As you can see by the red areas, a 300 feet rise, would flood and contaminate major population areas for annihilation. Granted there is a ratio of force x volume minus gravity / land rise resistance = kill zone.
Basically 1/10th of the land area and 3/5ths of the US population would be wiped out. For Russia, "Russia" would be 9/10th's and 99% wiped out, as cobalt is a five year plan.

China for example is more "defensible", but without ports the population would be eating each other as under the Mao regime of cannibalism.
China is fascinating in a timed HAARP major dust storm, with enough radiation salted in would be one hell of a human cleanser, probably reach the States just like all that radioactive fall out from Chinese industry poisoning America in the modern age.

About 230 million dead in this Russia America direct nautical war. Add China, and add 500 million due to starvation. If you read that all clinically, as those who design and deploy these weapons do, then it is all numbers and efficiency factors.

Just numbers and factors is all.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
