Sunday, January 19, 2020

Donald Trump is not Ronald Reagan

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Long ago in the American realm of Ronald Reagan, his Defense Secretary, Casper Weinberger, had an immensely difficult time with Soviet KGB propaganda maligning the United States, and the threats from terrorism to nuclear war appearing every day.

I remember an exchange that the Secretary had with some English folk, who were in a phroar over American bases in the United Kingdom.

US to Iraq: ‘Vote All You Want, We’re Not Leaving!’ — Strategic Culture   strategic-culture

In the exchange it was all High Noon drama, as here were the English village folk challenging the Super Power of the world, and the United States was occupying England as it had since World War II.

It was important to remember that the entire base of Ronald Reagan's freedom and liberty was the evil empire of the Soviet Union holding all of Eastern Europe captive. The Americans not leaving England would mean they were no different than the Russian communists.

That is when Caspar Weinberger quietly stated, "If the people of England do not want the United States bases in their country, we will leave".

The English were stunned. Americans were a people who would not occupy lands even if it placed America in a greater jeopardy. It ended all talk of the United States being forced out of the UK.

That is why the Lame Cherry disagrees with the statements coming out of the United States concerning Iraq and America having bases there. If Iraq wants America out, then America should leave. The Lame Cherry does agree though with President Trump, that Iraq should be made to pay for the costs of America liberating that nation and base construction, but according to the Reagan Doctrine as espoused by Caspar Weinberger, the United States should remove itself from Iraq, and let Iraq become what it is, and if it threatens America with Iran, then use nuclear weapons and end their organized threat to the United States. That last part is the Lame Cherry Doctrine.

It is a corrupt policy for America to inform nations they will not leave. Yes there is the point of Japan and Germany after World War II, as much as Italy in America occupying to stabilize the lands, but Iraq has been nigh decades since being liberated. There is no more strategic reason to be in Iraq, than there was for the Soviet Union when Saddam Hussein was a client. Iraq is Sunni, Shia and Kurds. It will fight Iran if Iran comes in, and it will fight Russia if  Russia comes in.

With the expansion of American energy, there is not any reason for the United States to be in nations, which do not want the United States involved. Cut off in energy flow, will only increase the leverage America has with energy, and lessen the allure of the Chinese who have no energy production.

President Donald Trump has stated that the mideast wars were a mistake and costly. It is a fact that continued occupation is as great of mistake. This blog has advocated nuclear drift to cripple these terror capitals, and keep Russia and China from occupying. That solves the entire strategic and occupation problem.

By 2050 China will be in population implosion. Russia is already in decline in population, in it can not occupy the Mideast if it did take the land.

It is time to get out of Iraq and it is time that Donald Trump begin acting like the American President, Ronald Reagan, and his noteworthy Secretary of Defense, who counseled against using US military power, even against bombing Libya, as it would be a mistake, like placing Marines in Beirut which were blown up by Iranians.

Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
