Sunday, January 19, 2020

Is MI6 Meddling in the 2020 Elections Again?

I am incognito can't you tell........


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Apparently we have Mockingbird NBC filling in on the staged theater in Richmond Virginia of a "gun rally" which has the Governor declaring states of emergencies and for some reason all of the FBI infiltrated groups scheduled to appear.

There apparently is The Base, just like al Qaeda, as they have the same name, but it is no longer the AltRight, but The Base which is everywhere, sees everything, knows everything and scares Virgin Governors, when the FBI tells them how bad The Base is.

Thing is, except for spray painting some SS symbols on Jew places, The Base looks more like a created fiction, like Obama's ISIS, which was really Kurds smuggling stolen Syrian oil, selling it to Turkey for billions, and that money was running into Obama McCain coffers.

This alert from NBC says a bit too much in too much detail about a Canadian trained killer, named Matthews who came to America illegally, but instead of a Homeland John Kelly Visa, he instead was arrested by the FBI.

Pay attention to the details in this that the FBI knew.

Mathews was a combat engineer in the Canadian Army Reserve, and his disappearance last summer put a spotlight on the group's efforts to attract new blood and its use of paramilitary training camps.
Federal prosecutors say Mathews illegally crossed into Minnesota in August, and was picked up by two men from Maryland: Brian Lemley, Jr., 33, and William Bilbrough IV, 19.
In December, Mathews and Lemley, a former cavalry scout in the U.S. Army, constructed a functioning assault rifle, according to an affidavit, and the men bought 1,650 rounds of ammunition this month and used the assault rifle at a Maryland gun range.
Law enforcement officials said they moved in to arrest the men after learning they planned to attend the upcoming gun-rights rally at Virginia's state Capitol in Richmond.

Chances are like in the murder of LaVoy Finicum in Oregon, that one of the people arrested was an FBI undercover operative, or all were, as someone knew exactly what was taking place, to the screws in the gun being screwed in.
The reason operatives are arrested is to give them creds.

Now the question is, like with Michael Steele in the Pissgate Dossier, is MI6 working with Canadian intelligence again, fomenting an event in Richmond, to push the cartel's Michael Bloomberg agenda against gun owners as this has all been scripted since that strange little homosexual named Hogg of Florida was resisting or whatever against Donald Trump.

So this is the new twist, Director Christopher Wray's FBI which swears FISA courts are now legitimate as the FBI now has more layers of training so no one can frame Donald Trump or any lesser species again, has been briefing a baby killing and gun grabbing Michael Bloomberg, community oragnized Obamite in the Governor of Virginia that The Base is......well a worse threat to Richmond than Jews, than Donald Trump is.

I doubt Attorney General Barr is going to receive the names of the undercover operatives the FBI has deployed in this, what these informants said, and what the operational meeting that Director Wray had in signing off on alerting the Governor of Virginia.

Congress should really be having oversight on this issue, but will not. This information is vital though and the public does need redacted information to understand just how many FBI officials are The Base and how many are not.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
