Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Big Bang Reality

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not know why the cartel wastes money on think tank brains who are not that brain functional.

Take for example in this quick refutation of the US needs to build new battleships.

In World War II, the Japanese super-battleships Yamato and Musashi each mounted nine 18.1-inch guns, the largest naval guns ever deployed, but they never sank a single American ship. In a conflict decided by naval aviation, Yamato and Musashi were used mainly as flagships and troop transports. Despite their huge armaments, they were steel dinosaurs from an earlier strategic age.
(This first appeared last year.)
But how do you sink a steel dinosaur? The answer is: "with difficulty." It took eleven torpedoes and six bombs to sink the Yamato. The Musashi took nineteen torpedoes and seventeen bombs. And at the time they were sunk, both ships were already limping along on patch-up repairs from earlier torpedo strikes. They may have been strategically useless, but the Yamato and Musashi were almost (if not quite) indestructible.

A lesson in kinetics.

That sounds good doesn't it?

Ok in World War II, there were descriptions after high explosive shells went off, in people sitting in their homes like they were alive, completely unharmed, but the life was blown out of them by the shockwave. Think of it like a cardiac shock machine in reverse, instead of starting a heart, it stops it.

In modern warfare, the enemies of the United States, will use things like the Russian Sunburn, which Bill Clinton helped the Russians fix for arms sales in DARPA America as it made US forces obsolete.
See Sunburn is as hypersonic missile, which hits like an atomic bomb through speed, developed by shock.

If you want to experience Sunburn, put a cast iron pan near your ears and have someone bang on it with a hammer. It will hurt like hell. Now imagine being inside the fry pan, and a Sunburn hits your battleship. What happens?

It knocks the life out of you and hundreds in and on that ship. Just like in Africa when you shoot a Cape Buffalo and the tick birds are lying dead on the ground from the transfer of shock.

This is what makes battleships obsolete, and until an effective measure can be developed to stop that process, it is not the ship which is the savior. The ship is the concussion tomb killing the occupants.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
