Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Black List

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This seems impossible, and thanks to Paul it has come to may attention.

I pay meticulous attention in posts to make certain that there are three posts at least each day here. It is impossible for this to have taken place, but Saturday the 18th has disappeared, kaput.

I pay attention to Saturdays, as they are the Sabbath, and there should be something God directed on this day, and yet on this there is nothing but dead flies swatted in ten below zero.

If you want to gain an insight into every off balanced thing which is taking place in America, centered on the FBI, watch James Spader in Blacklist.

In Blacklist there is all the ant Christite and #NeverTrump rhetoric of the world of past Obama, present image Obama and future Obama.

In it, you will find an FBI which lies, breaks the law, tortures people and murders people, all because there is a greater good, and in that good, is the use of master criminal James Spader, using the FBI for his means, as this is all about his Russian bastard daughter who is going nuts like John Brennan every few tweets.

There is Muslim Jews having sex with Jewish Persians, all knowing Black leaders, and the German Spaniard who only upholds the law, by breaking the law.

Blacklist is like.........watching the world we are held captive in. It is all like a woman on PMS.

Why anyone would cast Meghan Boone to star is as bizarre as JR Orci of Fringe, whose brother was working on Alias, after two good seasons, morphed Blacklist into Jennifer Garner boredom of the Alias storyline and by season 5, it morphed into Fringe, with John Noble actually appearing.

I must admit that I like Fringe better than Alias, but I liked Blacklist better. I can see why the ratings tanked and ABC kept the Obama propaganda featured, but what I can not see is the hatred of women that Meghan Boone portrays as she is just a fricking nitwit. She is screaming at James Spader every other episode about betrayal and in between she is thanking him for saving her.
Adults should be more stable, especially after FBI profiles and having weapons. Then again she did shoot the Attorney General and got a pardon.

It was odd that the advent of Obama, a series on FOX called Doll House mirrored the Designer Negro, and the same Negro on that show, stars in Blacklist, the epitome of all Obama outlaw crimes.

Everything which is happening in Richmond Virginia, is still being managed by this group.

Nothing has changed. Perhaps it is good that today was wiped, as in less there is more, in your going back to source in realizing what you are looking at.

James Spader in season 5 speaks of the Cabal, who rules the world, Trilateral etc... who move NATO, the United States.

Spader still bows to the Obama trough of anti Christite, but it sounds a great deal like what is printed here.

A week ago, I had my drone, all 71 million dollars worth, of that white beauty, cruising in a 50 mph gale as if it was a bluebird day. When I ran to take a photo of it with a smart phone, as I was taking a photo, I saw my face in the image. Somehow it switched. Odd or fitting in either an AI monitors such things and records who is taking pictures of drones, or someone was letting me know I was being watched, just for fun.

Nuff Said
