Coronavirus update: 1,018 deaths, a new case in San Diego, 195 evacuees expected to…
A passenger who was repatriated from Wuhan, China, on a U.S. flight and has been in quarantine in San Diego is the latest i…MarketWatch
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I received a report from KOMO Seattle that 250 people were ordered to "Self Quarantine" from exposure to Coronavirus. None of this is appearing anywhere else, so it means the story is being censored.
For those not reading the headlines, it will not be until the end of February that these "self quarantined" who are not sitting at home isolating themselves, will register if infected or not. America has at least 2 weeks yet in the incubation period.
Fear and Takeout: 14 Days in Coronavirus 'Self-Quarantine ...
Feb 4, 2020Fear and Takeout: 14 Days in Coronavirus 'Self-Quarantine' Hundreds of Americans who recently traveled to China are isolating themselves in basements and dorm rooms, waiting to see if they ...
If one searches, there are quarantine stations popping up all over the United States.
The Pentagon which began dumping exposed Corona American into the Heartland, has now approved concentration camps near major US cities. I know there is preparation, but something in this just appears like the United States is expecting a second wave to envelop America.Seattle Quarantine Station | Quarantine | CDC
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) operates a quarantine station in Seattle. The station's jurisdiction includes 56 ports in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. The station also supports preclearance ports in Canada: Calgary, Vancouver, Victoria, Edmonton.
11 Quarantine Camps Near Major US Airports
Are Approved By The US Military
Remember when I told you that Chinese products were a threat? Observe this Chinese spitting on elevator buttons, spreading the flu. People in England, staying in France where a person had Corona, caught the plague. Corona is viable for at least 24 hours to infect people on surfaces.
Watch - Chinese woman spitting on elevator buttons
And Doors - Could Imported Products From China
Be Intentionally infected? YES - Vid
The fact is China bred a WMD virus to use against Americans, Indians, Russians and Japanese. If China overcomes this epidemic, it is reasonable to project this that China will deliberately infect those nuclear powers who stand in her way to becoming the dominant superpower.
China has been jigging the numbers, to make it appear the infection rate and death rate is dropping.
Wuhan Funeral Home Worker Reveals Staff Is Burning Well
Over 100 Bodies A Day, Non-Stop, At His Crematory Since 12/29
There Are 49 Crematories In Wuhan, Do The Math - Listen
To His Desperation - Real Death Toll In China Is Likely HUGE
'Official' Govt Numbers Are All Lies - Stunning Interview
China has been burning so many Corona dead, that they have created Niche Climate Change in Wuhan which is showing up on satellite images. It is believed China is incinerating 5000 dead a day in Wuhan.

And another Chinese spitting on elevator buttons.
Watch - Insane Psychopath Chinese Man Opening
Elevators, Spitting On His Hand And Wiping Saliva
On ALL The Numbered Elevator Floor Buttons! - Vid
I do not believe this is over. This appears to be just starting in a second wave. The reason none of this is showing up, is because the CDC engaged in SELF QUARANTINE, so that none of the numbers would appear in this epidemic.
Six people in quarantine in Monroe County amid Coronavirus concerns
Following federal government regulations surrounding the Coronavirus outbreak, six people from Monroe …
200 Georgians In Self-Quarantine To Watch For Coronavirus Signs
Georgia health officials said Tuesday that nearly 200 residents are self-monitoring for coronavirus symptoms …Patch
There are now hundreds of evacuees inside the United States, and the first just developed Corona. If this follows the cruise ship, the United States just dumped plague carriers into California, Texas and Nebraska, and they will be sent to civilian hospitals, in further exposure to Americans!
Nuff Said