Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The HAARP Fuel Seller

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

HAARP Weather Modification has set a pattern in what I term the HAARP Hydra. It is these T shaped storms that looks like a water hydrant going off. I am doing an early update on this, because the South has just been flooded with horrid weather. Being wet and cold for weeks on end is not conducive to health.

This hydrant has been going off for weeks, but hidden in this over the Northern Great Plains is the real killer. That thin band of clouds over Minnesota is the leading edge of HAARP Arctic air, the "polar vortex" which is not a polar vortex. I watched this last night and noted that the air currents were running west to east in snow. The upper clouds were moving northwest though early in the morning.
What was interesting is the Arctic air appeared in a bubble over the Rockies in Montana in northern air flow, and exploded into the Plains early around 3 AM. This is vital to understand this, as HAARP is out of control. Meaning, It is around 10 below zero in the Dakotas at noon. This cold was not to hit them until 6 PM. This cold air is 12 hours early and means HAARP overloaded the atmospher to cause this horrendous surge of cold.

As no one cares what happens in Um Dakota as said by Rush Limbaugh, the real interest is for people in Zone 5 America, or the Illinois Ohio Pennsylvania area, as this Arctic cold is coming hard and fast, and it is sitting on top of this Hydra. Where this mixes is going to be heavy ice and below it will be severe thunderstorms and tornadoes.
In caring about people, livestock, wildlife and pets, I get really frustrated in this, as all of this is nothing but freezing people to make their furnaces run to steal money from them.

In order for Chicago to hit 20 degrees, it has to be 20 below in Fargo. In order for Cleveland to be 30 degrees, it has to be below freezing in Chicago and it continues on as the cold keeps being heated by air from the south until it warms up to New York "cold" which is balmy compared to the people being frozen.

There have been nothing but HAARP cold bombs going off from October on. Billings Montana has been buried in snow in early storms there, and it has been a seesaw across the West. The cold has been in the Dakotas and Minnesota in that pocket, which freezes all the Beaners, Jigs and Hadji's out for warmer locations. Not conducive to overthrowing those GOP areas, but it adds more plague carriers or the Zone 5 peoples.

I feel for the people of the South. It has been miserable there in relentless Hydras. The same patterns which swamped them in 2019, have been tracking through that area the entire winter. With spring around the corner, it is a given that flooding will continue.
There is deep snow pack from the Rockies and into the northern Plains. That is all heading down the Mississippi and will keep farmers soaked in. Nebraska has has "warmish weather" as has Iowa, so they are not buried in snow pack as last year. HAARP decided that Montana and the Dakotas into Minnesota were expendable for attempting to sell fuel to people on the east coast. This probably is the last cold bomb which will sell any fuel as the temperatures are warming in the West.
As evidence the propaganda in calling this a Polar Vortex, which it was not, stated they lasted 6 weeks. A week ago they were stating this would last 2 weeks a a polar vortex. What this is, is HAARP sucked a pocket of Arctic cold out of the north pole, by weakening the wall of pressure there. It was then brought down the Rockies in Alberta, and plunged into Montana, and is moving into Chicago later tonight.

A few years ago I was reading of a North Dakota local who was very good at predicting HAARP. He would watch the clouds and announce, "It is going to blow like hell as HAARP just cooked the sky", and within 12 hours a hurricane wind would blow for days.
In reading the winds, this winter HAARP has been engaged in a like principle, in the cookers will create a massive heat pressure wave, in which the winds will blow 50 mph out of the west to southwest into the Plains. On the heels of this, it is calm, as the heat is cooling, and causing a vacuum, what follows in a massive hurricane of cold air from NORTH winds coming out of Canada for days.
In this latest case,  the Arctic hurricane is clocked to last 21 hours, but I am wondering about this as it started 6 hours earlier and almost 12 hours early in this surge, so the time table may have this over sooner than was predicted as HAARP overloaded the sky. There are indications mother earth is going to push back as hard and warm up to where the temperature should be.

People in the civilized world are going to have a nasty time of it, but the winter in the east has been pleasant compared to the west and the north. In the brier patch it sucked shit here from the first snow. I stupidly a week and a half ago went for a drive one Sunday as it got to 40 in the night, before it got below zero and the pick up broke through the slush and I have had that shit to drive on like a train on a rail system. Just get cabin crazy sometimes and have to get out, but I am paying for it.

As for today, I have tax papers to sign but in the coming blizzard that is a no go as God said NO. Thing is from the moment the appointment was set, I had forecasts of 15 inches of snow, got past that, and now a blizzard. Is like the NSA taps my phone and tells HAARP to frick up the weather, and it has.

Today is the ordeal of just keeping this shack warm in it will be cooking, cooking probably tomorrow and for all I know cooking tonight. I do hope and pray that these horrid people behind this rapine are tormented in this life, and hell is the worst of it, as honestly hell is too good for these horrid people. Just like not even a tax cut, they won't even give people a week of warm weather to feel human again.  I have to go now check on things, but that is the reality of all of this in what is about to hit the civilized world. This system CAN NOT HAPPEN and once again, it is taking place.

Nuff Said
