As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The purpose of this post is to take you by the brain and provide you with an understanding of what Coronavirus Wuhan is, as the information in how it came to be, is hidden in propaganda and the worst forms of Mockingbird and the laziness of people who writers who simply will not invest the time to explain how a biological weapon is created.
The first genesis of biological warfare in modern terms was by my favorite author, Robert Heinlein, in using a radiation weapon against a Pan Asian invasion.
One of the first modern fictional discussions of ethnic weapons is in Robert A. Heinlein's 1942 novel Sixth Column (republished as The Day After Tomorrow), in which a race-specific radiation weapon is used against a so-called "Pan-Asian" invader
All of you reading this, have little understanding what Corona is an infective form. It literally is a flu which has infected numerous species beyond humans and bats. There is cow, dog, cat, pig, rat, turkey and rabbit which all have a form of this virus which makes the genus ill.
I had a dog which would not leave cats alone which had eye infections, and the dog in a depleted state from another condition, actually caught a feline version of this, survived, but went blind in one eye. Transmission is not common, but it is not uncommon either.
Coronaviridae - Coronaviruses |
| |||
Family | Genus | EM Images | Example Virus | Diseases | ||
Coronaviridae | ||||||
Human Coronavirus - SARS | SARS- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome | |||||
Avian infectious bronchitis virus | ||||
Bovine coronavirus | |||||
Canine coronavirus | |||||
Feline infectious peritonitis virus | |||||
Human coronavirus 299E | |||||
Human coronavirus OC43 | |||||
Murine hepatitis virus | |||||
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus | |||||
Porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus | |||||
Porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus | |||||
Rat coronavirus | |||||
Turkey coronavirus | |||||
Rabbit coronavirus | |||||
an animal Torovirus | ||||
Berne virus | |||||
Breda virus |
The bridge to other species though on a wide scale though is human assisted. To use layman's terms, a virus is placed in the womb of a slide, and in this, the virus which is not a living thing is sliced into sections, and then in these sections are placed at exact extensions the bridges to cross one species or type of illness to another.
In nature, a person does not get bronchial flu with intestinal flu, as it would kill the person, as a virus in most cases is not designed to kill the host, but to perpetuate the virus, and a virus can not perpetuate if the people, plants or animals are all dead.
Just remember in the background of reading all of this, that Monsanto has been genetically splicing ANIMAL and algae into crops. This becomes more of a problem in what if a virus or a biological weapon begins propagating in corn and an outlier infects a human? There would be zero defense of this and none of this has been vetted in any of this.
The hands on of bio weapons for specific races began with the Jews of the holocaust, who began researching in specific Iraqi Arabs, genetic differences between the Ashkenaz and Sephardic Jews and the Arabian populations who were closely related. Differences were discovered and them were virus created to attack only those types of Arabs.
This drew great attention, but all of the original material has been removed from the internet after propaganda called it all impossible to ever create such a weapon as Coronavirus Wuhan.
There is though real scientific discussion of gene splicing, because gene splicing is a common realitiy in biological community. Germany has been creating insulin using genetic engineering, making people's lives worth living. The problem with this is, the positives are equally useful in harmful ways.Ethnic bioweapon - Wikipedia
An ethnic bioweapon ... magazine suggested the possibility of a virus used as an ethnic bioweapon that could sterilize a "genetically-related ethnic population." Israeli "ethno-bomb" controversy. In November 1998, The Sunday Times reported that Israel was attempting to build an "ethno-bomb" containing a biological agent that could specifically .
Description of Gene Splicing as a DNA Technique | Sciencing
The coding region of a gene can be changed with naturally occurring or artificial mutations. These changes to a cell's DNA change how the cell functions. Scientists can add a tag sequence to track and study gene products in an organism. Gene splicing also creates new gene sequences to create proteins with multiple or entirely new functions.
The basis of all of this is DNA, and in those functions are the building blocks of proteins, bacteria, enzymes and viral coding. A virus is not alive. It is like a thought, which injects itself into a cell, and once in the cell, it begins doing all the thinking of the cell in not allowing it to replicate for the body, but the survival of the virus.
This is why the body reacts to viruses. The body raises temperatures in fevers, sends out white blood cells to kill the virus, creates tumors, inflames, produces mucous, as it is attempting to isolate and kill what is foreign to the body. This is what you experience in "being sick".
In developing this "ethno-bomb," the British paper went on, Israeli scientists are trying to exploit medical advances by identifying distinctive genes carried by some Arabs, and then create a genetically modified bacterium or virus. The goal is to use the ability of viruses and certain bacteria to alter the DNA inside the host's living cells. The scientists are trying to engineer deadly microorganisms that attack only those bearing the distinctive genes.
The secret Israel program is based at the Institute for Biological Research in Nes Tsiona, a small town southeast of Tel Aviv, the main research facility for Israel's clandestine arsenal of chemical and biological weapons.
A scientist there said the task is very complicated because both Arabs and Jews are of Semitic origin. But he added: "They have, however, succeeded in pinpointing a particular characteristic in the genetic profile of certain Arab communities, particularly the Iraqi people." Diseases could be spread by spraying organisms into the air or putting them in water supplies.
The Jewish link to this is the bioweapons lab of Nes Tsiona. It was here that the genetic biological weapon industry was born. The reason this was important as while others had developed biological weapons in the Soviet Union, Japan and the United States, they were weapons of enhanced killing structures like super anthrax or super small pox. New diseases were not created, but old ones were enhanced. There were vaccines or treatments available, but the Jews created a new order of holocaust agents in which specific people could be targeted.
New Arab-Specific SARS Has Origins in Israeli Biological ...
New Arab-Specific SARS Has Origins in Israeli Biological Weapons Discussion in 'Arab Defence Forum ' started by Arabi, ... Further experiments into biological weapons specifically tailored to attack Arabs were conducted in a secret Israeli program at the Institute for Biological Research in Nes Tsiona, Tel Aviv. ... Palistinian Arab and Jews ...
Again, for the propaganda to protect the Jews from their holocaust biological weapon's responsibility, the US Army Command had created journals on this, in order to plan for and deal with genus specific biological weapons. This is not fiction, it is reality. The US Army receives information from think tanks, their weapon's division, forward planning, which then appears to the Joint Chiefs, who issue orders for the Command to begin planning for projected events, and in those scenarios, recommendations are then forwarded to the President and Congress on the political front, to obtain directives and funding in how to protect the United States.
Command would not be issuing these journals for the Army proper, if this was not coming from the top as a real threat which scientists have assured the President and Joint Chiefs, that this is a real.
US Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas published information in a journal intended for military personnel called Ethnic Specific Weapons, wherein the history, desirability and possibilities of biological weapons tailored for specific races of human could be genetically engineered to defend a nation against attack.
Again, this link was archived, but was censored. It was one of the most outstanding public statements by a Secretary of Defense in William Cohen of the Clinton White House admitted the Pentagon was dealing with nations using weather as a weapon, earthquakes as weapons, and nations making human specific biological weapons to kill only that group of humans.

Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.
So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important.
Secretary of Defense William Cohen
The proof of all of this is the following link which is posted here, which explains exactly how a virus is gene spliced. What is of interest in this is, almost EVERY VIRUS on the planet has been logged into a collection. All that is necessary is to gain the virus, take a section out, and with splicing glue, splice that part into a virus.
In essence this is how Coronavirus Wuhan was created. It was a Bat SARS virus, which was opened up, and inside was spliced in the links necessary to make it human lethal and transmittable. For humans the Bat SARS was spliced in HIV, which is a multi access virus, in being able to attach anything to it. It is like the holy grail or the rosetta stone of virus, as it is plug and play.
Coronavirus Wuhan also had tuberculosis sectioned in, which is a fungal. This is more than a virus, it is like cancer all grown up, as this virus has a protein bacteria outer spiked offense to attach to sells, and when it put in its viral programming, it unwraps the package of HIV and TB, to both repress the human immune defenses and to cause numerous outlets to infect others from spit to excrement.
Genes are sequences of DNA that can be broken into functional segments. They also produce a biologically active product, such as a structural protein, enzyme or nucleic acid. By piecing together segments of existing genes in a process called molecular cloning, scientists develop genes with new properties. Scientists perform gene splicing in the lab and insert the DNA into plants, animals or cell lines.
Why Splice Genes?
Although some night say it's prudent to leave nature alone, gene splicing offers many advantages for society. Scientists are by far its most frequent users, studying the function of genes and gene products. They add new genes to organisms to make crop plants disease resistant or more nutritious.Gene therapy, an active topic of research, provides a new and customized way to fight genetic diseases. This approach is especially useful when small-molecule drugs do not exist. Scientists also use gene splicing to produce protein-based drugs that improve medical care.Gene Splicing Process
A gene is spliced by assembling different gene segments and DNA sequences into a product called a chimera. Scientists join these snippets in a circular piece of DNA called a plasmid.Scientists use a complex process to clone genes from an organism's DNA. However, in decades of scientific research, most genes already exist in a plasmid stored in a lab somewhere. Gene segments are cut out of the original DNA and joined to make a new gene. Then, researchers check the new sequence to make sure that its position and orientation in the DNA molecule are correct.Coding Regions
The coding region of the gene defines the product that is produced by the cell; this is almost always a protein. The coding region of a gene can be changed with naturally occurring or artificial mutations. These changes to a cell's DNA change how the cell functions. Scientists can add a tag sequence to track and study gene products in an organism. Gene splicing also creates new gene sequences to create proteins with multiple or entirely new functions.Non-coding Regions
Not all parts of a gene control production of an end product. Non-coding regions are equally important in determining gene function.Promoter sequences control the ways that genes are expressed in a cell. These sequences determine whether a gene is always expressed, processes the cell produces a particular nutrient or whether a cell is under stress. The promoter also controls which cells a gene is expressed in. For example, a bacterial promoter will not work if it is moved into a plant or animal cell.
Enhancer sequences control whether the cell produces many or only a few units of the gene's end product. Other sequences determine how long and how many products linger in the cell and whether the cell excretes end products.
So in that brief explanation, you understand that a virus is made of nucleic acid, enzymes and proteins, sometimes bacteria. It has codes in which cells to attack and what the expected result is of the attacked cell. Meaning, a virus that requires being spat out, produces phlegm. A virus type like cancer which requires energy, produces hunger.
I include a human genome chart from Wiki. Not as a great study measure, but as a device to understand the differences in humans in their races and within their races in their DNA. As you can see the more complex DNA actually is the Han or Chinese, while the less complex actually are European.
With kind of diversity, it is highly likely the Chinese were creating a first strike biological weapon, which would kill humans not like the Han. That has never been discussed in the reality that China was building a weapon which would infect others, but not them. That is the polar opposite of what the Tel Aviv Jews were engaged in. The Jews were trying to kill one Semite race group of people and not any one else. The Chinese were trying to wipe out what would basically be known as Pacific Rim Asians, sub Asians and Europeans, Hamites of India and Africa, all which make up the American population.

Human genetic variation - Wikipedia
Human genetic variation is the genetic differences in and among populations.There may be multiple variants of any given gene in the human population (), a situation called polymorphism.No two humans are genetically identical. Even monozygotic twins (who develop from one zygote) have infrequent genetic differences due to mutations occurring during development and gene copy-number variation.
Logic dictates that Corona Wuhan and Mirror, are a like organism. To target genus groups of humans, the bacterial protein spike which infects cells, must have a code placed into the DNA relay. The
virus spike infects a cell, but a splice in the sequence either triggers the activation of the organism if it recognizes a specific human DNA pattern in the groups infected. Otherwise it is like invading a dog cell, the virus does not recognize even a human as a human.
Unless the Sequencer recognizes the cell as a target host, it does not activate the rest of the DNA material in the HIV, TB and SARS. The HIV is a bridge for the BAT SARS to infect humans as this retro virus has numerous open ends of lines. The Sequencer must be in place at the beginning of this virus to activate it or unpack the genetic coding.
The Sequencer in a simple splice as in DNA genetic testing, could be spliced to any human group or subgroup.
It is projected that the "cure" for this organism would be one which would be an anti bacterial, not in the form of an antibiotic, but an anti bacterial which would break the ability of the protein spike bacteria to invade a cell.
As HIV has proven, a retro virus is near impossible to neutralize at this technology, so the "cure" would have to be to not produce any more shed off cells in replication, and that would mean stopping the virus protein spike by deforming it.
That would be the simple model of a virus in one dimensional understanding. This is the workings of a virus in it's form. The key to this transcript splicing or the instructions inside the virus. That instruction is like a computer which overtakes the instructions of a host cell, and makes it begin replicating a million times over as a "sickness".
Humans and animals have millions of cells dying every day, and are either flushed or consumed by the body. In this, a dog could have a hundred thousand Coronavirus Wuhan in their body, and as the programming does not recognize a dog as host, the infected cells die off and are flushed, and the dog remains healthy.
For groups of humans though the virus in Corona Wuhan has exhibited two types of released virus in symptoms and not symptoms. This was engineered, not by the Chinese to create shedders or people who shed the virus to spread it. This virus has proven viable outside the human body for over a week, and as the cases emerge in tracking, it is a great deal like Russian biological warfare anthrax.
To explain the anthrax, the Soviet's had a facility release by accident weaponized anthrax. The anthrax did not make everyone sick. Healthy people lived with anthrax in their lungs, and some people were not killed for months, or until their bodies were weakened by stress, and then the anthrax killed the people. There are realities in Corona Wuhan that this virus just does not just re infect people, but that is lays dormant in people for weeks, meaning people are carrying the virus and then become ill much later.
This is the basic of the biological weapons creation in the Coronavirus of Wuhan. This virus was beyond anything China could build, as the Chinese mind is not sufficient to create such a mosiac of the perfect killing genus machine. Nature does not produce these types of agents as it wipes out entire species and literally ends the virus cycle.
This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said