As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In the global interests of the world, the United States must respond to the biological warfare creations of Iran and China, in the Iranian produced Arabian SARS and the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, on the diplomatic front, namely President Donald Trump must approach the United Nations and the leading nations of the world to formulate a plan in what to do in the worst case scenario of the China superstate and states like Iran, in the advent that commerce and industry grind to zero, which projects that trade will cease, which means starvation and population implosion will be the result.
The world can not allow a population the size of China to be starving, responding to a PLA military intent on protecting itself, while moving out to secure food and energy resources, which would further expand the pandemic to continents, and as nations responded, result in nuclear, biological and chemical weapons being engaged as attacked nations responded, and a global war would erupt in China.
Iran is a specific problem due to the fact of close relations with Russia for defense. How will nuclear Arab, Jewish and American states respond to nuclear Russia gaining control arbitrarily of Iran?
For this reason, a two fold strategy must be formulated for nations in worst case scenarios of Coronavirus Wuhan implosion.

China is by far the largest problem, due to population, land size, resistance to intervention and the fact that China's crimes in this, must be kept hidden from the world, as China resists outside assistance.
As this is worst case scenario, China will have been in meltdown and moving into starvation, and military expansion. In this the United Nations must respond with a peacekeeping force which would be unprecedented in history. What must take place are the remartialling of Chinese transportation and container groups, in order to begin the distribution of food and supplies, as the Chinese must be directed to respond with the basic necessities of dealing with the dead, the protection of drinking water supply and the security of the regions from chaos.
REGIONS are key in this, as China is far too large to deal with as a complete entity. For that reason, China must be as was Germany at the end of 1945, divided into 4 districts, which would be defined as the Russian Arab sphere, the European sphere, the Indian Indochinese sphere and the American Japanese sphere. China would not be under the control of these nations, but these nations would oversee the food and supply to these districts under the oversight of a very large United Nations peackeeping force.
Simply put, Russia would have responsibility for north China, Europe, west China, India south China and the United States east China.
A lend lease system of supplying food and supplies for Chinese assets would provide the structure for this mission.
For nations such as Iran, the issue would be not as large of international scale, but would be overseen as the Big Five of the United Nations, providing security for Iranian sovereignty. The Big Five would be the United States and Russia having no involvement, but the good offices of Germany, France and India would be the honest brokers which Iran would trust.
The United Nations will have to change due to this pandemic. China will no longer be viable as a global force at the United Nations, and in that, India msut be placed in this role of leadership, and Germany acting as representative of Europe, will replace the United Kingdom at the United Nations Permanent Security Group.
President Donald Trump must lead in this as an honest broker, not disenfranchising the rights of the United States a superpower, but understanding that other nations would be better suited to these on ground roles and representations in China, Iran and other states which are in implosion.
The degradation of China and Iran are in process. They are special attention areas as they would lead to immense problems in their region or on a continental scale. They must be placed into receivership to protect the world from desperate actions.
The International Community must be led, and that leader must be President Donald Trump, aided by the capable President Vladimir Putin and Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.
This is another Lame Cherry white paper policy for the assistance to President Donald Trump as none of his advisors or any leader in this world is projecting this to the necessary groundwork which must be discussed now, so that the world does not have roving populations of starving marauders setting off regional conflicts and global wars.
Nuff Said