Friday, February 21, 2020

How many Americans in Quarantine is a Plague?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

I believe the Jews are one of the most ignorant races on the planet as they promoted the holocaust as a cover and then when China goes plague, they rush in like carpetbaggers and start hawking gas masks to the Chinese to make their 30 pieces of silver. That is just bad press and the Jews should know better.

I was speaking to Maggie and she was noting how many products which are illegally packaged MADE IN AMERICA, are really manufactured in China, and with China having zero exports, credit card companies are having to refund to Americans merchandise not being delivered.
As Mr. President celebrates the stock market plunged 168 points over the reality of Coronavirus China.

Americans are about to experience profit taking by those exploiting this like Jews in medical supplies and deflation in prices as China is no longer the cancer eating up the world's resources.

The CIA is running a Mockingbird media conspiracy campaign with far too many holes in it. It is impossible to tell the world they are safe when dead bodies are in the streets and human soot is now drifting down on the United States from the crematoriums of China.
The Lame Cherry is about to inform you of something. China is burying bodies in the ground in mass graves. The Corona does not die in the ground, and those bodies will cause cholera and other diseases in the water supply. Now for the reality of shoddy Chinese manufacturing. They are just as shoddy as in cremation. In other words, the soot has a parts per thousands of Corona being injected into the atmosphere. China is belching plague in the jet stream and that jet stream which has been dropping radioactive fallout on America, is dumping Corona on the United States.

In addition, the world was told that portable crematoriums in the dozens were sent to Wuhan. Then it was reported these were for animals. OK, so is Corona killing animals now too as humans? Or is this just the Chinese killing pets because thousands of their owners are dead? Something is amiss in this and this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The CIA and the Media

So California now has 5400 people in "self" quarantine. All of this indicates that the swamp state is attempting to produce this epidemic in the United States, as from New York to Washington to hospitals in Nebraska, America has masses of people in quarantine and Americans are being told that all is contained.

5,400 people had been asked to self-quarantine in CA

WA Monitoring 712 People for Coronavirus

 There are two nations this blog has been watching, and the reality is, they will outbreak as China has. Japan has literally unleashed Coronavirus into it's population in a mass release off a cruise ship.

I had wondered what this biological weapon's direction was taking, as this is literally about crippling the Asian economy. Singapore is finance. Japan technology, China slave labor and Vietnam has Chinese pouring across the border.
Japan looks to be auditioning by it's won regime like America for a massive cropping of the population.

Japan isn't the only government that was caught flat-footed by the outbreak. In reality, governments across the region failed to predict that it would have such a huge impact.
"This virus spread very, very fast. Not only China, not only Japan, but also many other countries cannot catch up with the speed of this virus," Hitoshi Oshitani, a professor of virology at Tohoku University, told reporters in Tokyo. Oshitani also sits on the government panel tackling the virus. "Even if they implemented a travel ban to all of China, it was too late."

This is the gem of the lot, as Iran has reported two dead and others infected. The reason Iran is important in this, is the policy which is being linked as China falls, so will Iran. Iran was the source of the original Arab SARS to genocide Saudi Sunni Muslims. The Jews knew this virus was a threat to them, and now the threat has been introduced into Iran. Iranians are dying from Corona, while in other areas of the Middle East, it has just been Chinese.

This is most important, as it means this Corona which was killing Chinese, had as this blog predicted would have designer Corona to further the policy being progressed. Literally, Iran created this biological weapon and engaged in first strike on Saudi Arabia. China stole the SARS and made it for a first strike on America, India and Japan. That release was covered by "accidents" as this Mirror Corona was unleashed on the guilty China.

Iran state news agency says virus has killed
Two citizens there - schools and universities
closed for investigations

Elsewhere in the Middle East, nine cases have been confirmed in the United Arab Emirates, seven of them Chinese nationals, one Indian and one Filipino.
Egypt’s Health Ministry confirmed its first case last Friday, identifying the individual only as a foreigner who is carrying the virus but not showing any serious symptoms.

In what has been engaged in, Russia fully understands she is fully on the target list and is engaged in attempting to do all she can to remain isolated. The world order is mutating, and the United States should not be celebrating as there are those in the CDC, Pentagon etc.. who are dumping infected people into the United States and allowing them to roam the streets to start and epidemic.

Russia Stuns World With Blanket Banning Of All Chinese Visitors

All of this is by design, none of it is by accident.

By the above, China, Japan, Singapore are targeted. Specific population reductions in Africa. Russia is targeted by their reaction and this blog is not prepared to pinpoint which population will be targeted in the United States according to the data.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


