Friday, February 21, 2020

WHO and CDC Spread Coronavirus in United States


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Durdan Boys at Zerohedge were upset that their Twitter account had been banned by the global Jewish elite, not a problem when Kushner media censors this blog in search engines and throws it off Facebook, trying to bankrupt me, along with bot bombing the site with fake porn site visits as the elite do to knock Conservative media off the internet, but it is a problem when the World Health Organization has gone Red Square in smearing media investigators exposing that China has been lying about the dead and that Coronavirus is a bioweapon which was unleashed.

Yes the "misinformation of today is the proven information by evidence today, and yet WHO has gone after Facebook and Twitter, which are NOT in China, and there is a warning in China as the Chinese population is questioning all the lies of their communist regime on media, but WHO is not targeting China, instead WHO is targeting the Free Speech in the United States.

 That is odd, a 7 days ago, WHO was announcing to the world that Coronavirus was more dangerous than any 9 11 Terrorist Attack. Yet once that statement was made, it was rolled back by WHO, which was put under pressure, as telling the world to protect themselves, does not make the 30 silver coin merchants any money at the risk of all of your lives.

Corona has literally shut down communist China and is beginning to shut down the treacherous industries of the West who were bringing in Chinese poisons in Walmart food, Chinese toxic sprayed clothing with chemicals, Chinese dangerous parts and Chinese contagions.
Yet WHO has now rise up and told everyone to risk their lives for China, a communist slave ring exploiting the world.

WHO has told us all is safe with Corona, and in the next headline the Director of the hospital in China at he epicenter of Corona Wuhan is dead from the virus. A health official with all the expensive Jewish made medical protections and all the spraying to kill bats in trees, and here another human with all that protection is DEAD.
It is why dictator Xi has been hiding in his air filtered bunker outside of Peking, and shoot to kill orders are for anyone who approaches, as Peking is a ring of guards in no one gets into the forbidding city.

On WIKI is a list of the absolutely horrific record of WHO, in absolute disasters they are in plagues. Plagues are actually worse with WHO in charge. Now ask yourself why?


A plague means people need medical supplies and vaccines. That is billions of dollars, WHO runs a 5 billion dollar budget, and still spent 300 million dollar more. See WHO like in American Nazi Conglomerates, decides in agencies who gets the money for gauze and vaccines. China manufactures products cheaply and slipshod, so WHO no doubt gets kickbacks and their fine staff, no doubt after awarding contracts ends up hired by international pharmaceuticals.

So telling the world to censor free speech is right up WHO's organizational structure. You can not create an international pandemic if the Untied States shuts it's borders and people stop having contact with the filthy Chinese.

The American CDC is no better. President Donald Trump created a Coronavirus Committee, and the results of their recommendations were these actions:





The Lame Cherry will be blunt in this, in the United States in it's history kept suspect people out. Ellis Island in New York was such a quarantine island. Sick people were shipped back out, with small things such as eye sores to protect Americans. Yet with the CDC and the Pentagon sick people are being dumped directly into the American population.

The incubation for Coronavirus is 4 WEEKS. The United States in their evacuated refugees, where people are becoming sick, is releasing infected people in 2 weeks. Corona has shown a disturbing side in this bioweapon in people do not have fevers or symptoms, and are spreading this plague.

The fact is that WHO and CDC have taken actions to spread Coronavirus in the United States deliberately, with the Pentagon assisting. The fact is the reason WHO began forcing Twitter and Facebook to censor Americans, is if Americans really were getting the full information, instead of the MSM propaganda, there would be protests in the streets and these infected people would not be allowed inside the United States.

ALL OF THE INFECTED should be placed on an isolated island, and one of the best would be Leper Island in Hawaii as that is what the United States used to do to protect Americans. They put contagious people where they could not infect the mass body of Americans.

China is listed at almost 19 million dollars in donations,  but it has extracted 100 million dollars in funds. China is the Mexican welfare cash cow which has been allowed to invade the United States. The realators, bankers, grocery stores, schools, car sellers, hospitals, all love foreigners as there is a federal blank check for their spending, making huge profits. It is the same with China in WHO loves China, because it enlists services, which funnel the almost billion dollars out of the United States each year into global Conglomerates making huge profits as Bill Gates polio vaccines slaughter Indian children.
That is why WHO has been covering up for China. China is good for business, human exploitation and for creating a more draconian order that the world order can control nations by.

No one is questioning WHO or the CDC, or even President Donald Trump as he takes his victory lap on stating he contained Corona. The projections all indicate that Corona in the United States will not begin to appear until March to April period. For the pandemic record. China began having cases of Corona in December of 2019. By January 2020 a problem was exploding all through China, and by February Chinese were dropping like flies.

Coronavirus mutates as that is it's natural order.  We simply do not know if more Americans who are not Asian are going to be catching this pandemic in DNA bridge gaps. That is why you do not bring in hundreds of infected people to the main population as the WHO and CDC have engaged in. The only reason to do this, is to spread the virus for profit and control. China is dying literally. Once it's gold, American held debt and warehouse resources are traded for food which it is not growing, it will starve and the world can not afford 1.4 billion cancer like Chinese consuming resources with nothing to offer. It will cause a great global depression. If this continues to manifest in the United States by deliberate spreading for profit and power, the world will sink into a global depression like it has not seen since the dark ages. The only area which will remain untouched is Europe and Russia, as they have protected themselves. Yes WHO Europe is not censoring Europeans, so the virus spreads, but after Americans to spread the virus.

Yet the global order is creating these insane media propaganda of saving Chinese restaurants in Australia, instead of warning the public to stay the hell away from them.
The fact is every Chinese business is a money laundering business, where the people in charge make trips to China, bring in cash, use the business as a cover for the money laundering and the money ends up in Wall Street. Everyone knows this is crooked as hell, and the government does not stop it, any more than blacks selling dope on street corners, Muslims laundering terror money and Mexicans giving Wells Fargo their cut to launder money out of the country.

So no one is looking to protect Americans, the WHO and CDC have proven that in sowing in infected people into the United States, and in Australia, you are supposed to eat at Chicom places, which import special priced food out of Wuhan that the Chinese will not eat because of the plague.

Instead of censorship, and impeachment hearings, maybe Adam Schiff adn Mitch McConnell should be having hearings to demand why infected loads of people are being dumped into the Untied States spreading this pandemic and why is it WHO is now in charge of what Americans can think, do and say.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
