Kommt es als geschenk verpackt?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is a most interesting reality of the Mockingbird which is covering up that Coronavirus is a bioweapon engineered in a lab, as "red herrings" have been planted in the media, and then CIA assets as Forbes magazine send in a cancer research scientist to make the claim that an India study linking a sequence to HIV in the Coronavirus was just bogus.
First, if you have brain cancer, are you going to go to a plumber? The reason I ask is, a cancer researcher is supposed to be an expert in CANCER, so Forbes putting out their expert to shoot down Coronavirus sequencing is someone who is not an expert in the field.
The CIA is clever in labeling everything a "conspiracy theory" and then printing out the tin foil hats as in the Kennedy assassination.
No, The Wuhan Coronavirus Was Not Genetically Engineered ...
Feb 2, 2020Some types of viruses can swap pieces of their genetic code and in this case,the authors of the study say that the specific coronavirus which is involved in the most recent outbreak (2019-nCoV ...
The real information on Coronavirus, is in this article, which actually traces the "gene splicing glue" used in splicing genetic sequences into viruses which are created in labs. In this, the Coronavirus Wuhan definitely carries the fingerprint of the pShuttle.
One of the tools used to accomplish this genetic engineering is called pShuttle. It’s a genetic tool set that can carry a payload of genes to be inserted into the target virus.
Researchers engaged in genetic engineering can purchase the pShuttle sequence from online retailers such as AddGenes.org, which sells the sequence for $75, shipped in “bacteria as agar stab.”
Irrefutable: The coronavirus was engineered by scientists ...
(Natural News) Every virology lab in the world that has run a genomic analysis of the coronavirus now knows that the coronavirus was engineered by human scientists. The proof is in the virus itself: The tools for genetic insertion are still present as remnants in the genetic code. Since these unique gene sequences don't occur […]
pShuttle is like Bisquick in a box in making pancakes. That is why it is used, as it is such a successful product in lab generated virus.

Why are so many governments lying and putting CIA propaganda out to smear legitimate stories? The answer in part goes to the Lame Cherry exclusive in China stole bioweapons material out of Canada. This Coronavirus is a biological weapon. China was creating vat batches of biological weapons. China was not going to use this on Chinese. China has one adversary who has been engaged in a Trade War with China, and that is President Donald Trump of the United States. China was creating a first strike biological weapon to destroy the United States, and not run the risk of a nuclear strike by the Americans in response.
We know this, because in 2005, a PLA General laid out the very policy paper they were engaged in to cripple the United States in preparation for invasion.
As you understand this, as this blog is the only source explaining this, the reason the CIA is covering this up, is because the United States has experienced an aborted launch of Coronavirus Wuhan as a first strike against America. That is a WMD, and if this was known, President Donald Trump would be mandated to launch a massive nuclear strike on China as what China die was WAR.
The global financiers do not want to lose China as a slave market just yet to American nukes. The Americans do not want to launch a nuclear salvo due to the consequences.
China does not want to admit that it was preparing a Pearl Harbor attack upon the United States using biological weapons as this would at most mean nuclear war, and at least it would mean China would be hauled before the World Court and her entire leadership hung for crimes against humanity.
So as Coronavirus Wuhan and Mirror rage in human populations, China is engaged in a cover up, and the United States is desperately trying to take a Donald Trump victory lap in keeping the virus from spreading as the Pentagon continues to dump plague carriers into Omaha Nebraska placed in PUBLIC HOSPITALS exposing the entire American heartland, in apparently attempting to spread this virus for deep state cabal reasons.
During this process, of course, the pShuttle leaves behind unique code, a “fingerprint” of the genetic modification. It is this fingerprint that has now been identified in the coronavirus.
As revealed by genomics researcher James Lyons-Weiler in this bombshell analysis article, the pShuttle genetic code is found in the coronavirus that’s circulating in the wild.
This is proof that the virus has been engineered by human scientists.
“IPAK researchers found a sequence similarity between a pShuttle-SN recombination vector sequence and INS1378,” writes Lyons-Weiler for IPAK:
There is absolutely zero doubt that Coronavirus is a biological weapon. The point of this blog is though that while China was breeding vat batches for first strike use, and it is believed live carriers were to be created in Americans living and working in Wuhan China and expelling them back to the United States in the near future, that another group, not the United States, but international in nature, transplanted the Chinese Bat Corona, with another genetic similar duo of virus, in order to manifest Corona in China, before China delivered the first blow on the world. A world without Japan, America and India, would be a world of Chinese communist dominance, and Russia and Europe being relegated to vassal status.
Russian nuclear weapons would be checked by Chinese population and dominance of Europe, and Europe would be put on the leash due to Chinese superpower trade status, reaching around the globe from Africa to South America.
These diagrams show the protein structure for the “spike” that’s used by the coronavirus known as COVID-19 to force its way into cells. The diagram at left shows the spike with a molecular key known as the RBD in the “down” position. The middle diagram shows the RBD-up conformation, and the diagram at right shows the spike on the SARS virus for comparison’s sake. (Wrapp, Wang et al. / UT-Austin / NIH via Science / AAAS)
There is an 800 pound gorilla in the room and the CIA media has been unleashed to smear and silence independent reporting. The problem with the cover up is even the CIA has material being published with is blowing holes in the cover up. This quote is astounding.
Six of the patients worked at the Huanan wholesale seafood market in Wuhan, China, which is thought to be where the outbreak started in December. About 70% of the samples were nearly identical to each other, and their genetic sequence was 79.5% similar to SARS.
The researchers behind that study also found that 2019-nCoV is nearly identical to other coronaviruses circulating in Chinese bat populations — 96% of the genetic codes match.
To translate thee above, when 6 Chicoms have the same infection, then why do 30% show a different Coronavirus?
In the second part, we are told that 96% of the genetic code matches, but not 100%. While 79.5% of this Coronavirus matches SARS. So a Bat Coronavirus by some miracle, matches Pig SARS virus before, and recall in this, we were told that since bats did not match originally, that it was Chinese Cobras who are the source.......which was ruled out too.
What the above concludes is, yes Corona Wuhan resembles SARS at almost 80%, BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT THE LAB USED as the blueprint in the stolen Arabian SARS out of Canada. The genetic splicing of the discounted HIV is the human bridge for the Bat SARS which was used to found this not really a virus organism that loves sugar.
The information being gathered from scientists, is so over the head of most scientists, completely over the head of the reporters and beyond the expertise of the CIA's "experts" and agency directors guiding this propaganda, that all of the technical information is so simply exposed as fraud, as it is that glaring as the numbers do not lie.
That seems to be the solution in this, in those involved in the cover up are confused and they are hoping that if they put enough statistics out with gibberish and people with titles behind their names that the public being fucktards will just accept it all like monkeys in the feeding zoo not noticing the leopard about to eat them.
So the CIA generated an outlier story in India research to create a conspiracy theory to shut down the factual reporting and smear everyone who was discovering the facts and alerting the public. The problem is the CIA was overwhelmed in the data in being proven their "conspiracy theory" was bogus as more information was generated which was factual.
In short, like Andrew McCabe, James Comey, John Brennan in the cover up of Barack Obama framing Donald Trump, the CIA was caught in a cover up, which produces the conclusion that Coronavirus is a bioweapon and admitting to that, would mandate a nuclear first strike on communist China for producing a virus for a first strike against the United States of America, to wipe out the American population by drowning it in their own lung fluids.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said