As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As everyone knows, I support the American CIA operative, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, as she is a successful woman who rose through thousands of candidates funded by George Soros to overthrow the socialist democratic party and making it Obama communist.
Barack Obama was a failure in this, and Bernie Sanders lost all cred when he became Hillary Clinton's strawman in 2016 betraying his voters.
That leaves AOC, but AOC besides her flirting with Donald Trump jr. has after being fondled by all those on the Nazi right like Sean Hannity has had an image problem, and this came into view on the The View.
In this AOC was attacked for wearing a sparkling leopard dress.
To this AOC responded, and she did quite well for herself, in not quite hitting the correct Raquel Welch tone of ladylike dominance, but lowered to a rather tribal level of stating she has a nice ass.
Yep! I rent, borrow, and thrift my clothes. (It’s also environmentally sustainable!) 🌎The Post is just mad that you can look good fighting for working families.
Sequins are a great accessory to universal healthcare, don’t you agree? ✨😉
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) February 22, 2020
If I walked into Congress wearing a sack, they would laugh & take a picture of my backside.If I walk in with my best sale-rack clothes, they laugh & take a picture of my backside.
Dark hates light – that’s why you tune it out.
Shine bright & keep it pushing.✨
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 15, 2018
The dark hates light is lame, just as lame as haters got to hate. None of that carries any weight, and for the reality of it, the View carries ......Whooper looks to tank out at 220, I think Meghan McCain tips the tonnage at 250, Behar is like 150 as she got big bones and that other thing looks like she has 123 pounds of added up that is like 743 pounds, so AOC is going to look thin in that kind of beef bonanza.
See AOC's problem is she has sideburn eyebrows.

The View did a shitty job on her makeup, as it was too heavy, made her red lips look like a sex blow up doll, and they made her hair look like she was Trash Can Sally living in the alley.
We have all seen AOC. She is a beautiful woman without equal. She can be demure, she can be cute, she can be poised, and she can hold the stage with anyone. On the view though, she was slouched and too stiff in trying to have that Ivanka model look. Where Ivanka excels is being able to look poised and soft, and not stiff. AOC just looked like a stiff slouch in her posture.
That is not her, as dressed as a Pelosi white virgin in Congress, she was magnificent in exuding power and presence in a room of powerful people.
Honestly. I believe AOC's problem are the liberal on the View, from the make up to the staff, as they sabotaged her as bad as Donald Trump was sabotaged as the orange man. Camera angles are produced and all of the shots of AOC make her look horrid.
As I have said, I adore AOC, as there is nothing more thrilling than a female intelligence operative, being sent out alone and holding her own on a world stage. That is AOC.
She is attractive. She has a perfect figure. She honestly is getting more refined in not making herself look stupid to drag down the party deliberately to defeat. Her response was though not cutting edge enough and part of that is, no one is paying attention to her, as the limelight is on Bernie the Commie Jew, who has better Indian Swammie writers than AOC does for comeback lines.
I see AOC's dress as the highlight of her appearance. It it was not sparkling the View sabotaging her in that horrid dead sea blue background would have made her vanish on the screen.
AOC simply has to do better than looking better than ugly women.

Her responses to her critics should have been:
I am not the face of the Soviet gulag failures or the exploitation of women in America. I am a 21st century voice espousing a political future to not repeat the mistakes of the past.
If AOC would speak in those John Kennedy type New England tones, she would not just crush her detractors, but be on real media, not the View, and she would be moving to the place which she should be considered for as Bernie Sanders' Vice Presidential Nominee.
I realize in the CIA one has to play a role, but she simply in her important position must stand up for herself in not letting liberal trolls costume her incorrectly on television and not respond with statements where people are shrugging their shoulders and saying, "Well at least she is not fat ass Hillary Clinton grossing us out".
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said