Wednesday, February 5, 2020

It is time to Depose Mexican National Mitt Romney

Confirmed Mexican National Mitt Romney
exposed in attempting to overthrow the United States

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Donald Trump Jr calls for Mitt Romney to be expelled from ...

TodayDonald Trump Jr has called for Mitt Romney to be expelled from the Republican party after the senator announced he would vote to convict the president on the first article of impeachment, abuse of .

Mexican Mitt defiled an innocent American girl keeping her from a real American Man

 Yes, why did not Mexican Mitt marry one of his own kind, instead of preying on an American blonde virgin as a status symbol he tried to ride to the White House.

The United States People, the United States Senate has before this Nation the grave usurpation of power, which requires the historic deposing of Willard Mitt Romney of Utah for fraud, as the records reveal that Willard Mitt has hidden he is a Mexican National, and is not qualified on residency to be a Senator from Utah.
Republicans must go beyond expelling Willard Mitt from the Party of Trump, to the United States Senate must depose Willard Mitt from that Upper House.

The history of Mitt Romney is his father was born in Mexico in a Mormon colony there, and the elder fled to the United States illegally, crossing the border and committing fraud in the United States by the "anchor baby" Willard Mitt.
Romney's crimes in Willard Mitt, are his hiding his dual citizenship with Mexico, and being a multiple resident illegally of numerous mansions within the United States.

The Romneys are Mexican since Miles Park Romney crossed the border in 1884, rejecting the Edmund Act that in 1882 declared polygamy a felony.
According to an AP story, Miles married his fifth wife seven years later. His own father had 12 wives.
In 1912, Mitt grandfather’s Gaskell Romney returned to the U.S. fleeing the Mexican Revolution. (No mention of immigration papers here). 

Willard Mitt should never have been seated, but what is taking place is not an unseating of Mitt Romney which is of the Constitution Articles requiring a 2/3rds majority, but the 10th Amendment of Rights retained by the People, in DEPOSING WILLARD MITT ROMNEY from the United States Senate, which would require a simple Republican majority as the Republicans are the first group harmed in this.

Powell v. McCormack (1969) limited the powers of the Congress to refuse to seat an elected member to when the individual does not meet the specific constitutional requirements of age, citizenship or residency.

The criminal Romney family of felons has a long history of high crimes against the United States, and Mitt Romney has engaged as a Mexican agent for the overthrow of the President of the United States in Donald Trump.

The swiftest measure is deposing Mitt Romney under the 10th Amendment in Rights Retained by the People. In this solution, the Governor of Utah will then nominate a replacement for the treacherous Mitt Romney and by Utah legislature confirm a true American, and not a Mexican agent.

I can not keep quiet like Michelle, my husband Mitt, is a foreign national,
bent on destroying America!!!


This entire action could be undertaken and completed in 24 hours with the filing of resolution and an immediate vote to remove Willard Mitt this agent of treachery of Mexico.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. The PEOPLE RETAIN THE RIGHT to depose Willard Mitt Romney and it is time that President Donald Trump be protected against this agent of a foreign state in Mexican Mitt Romney.

Nuff Said

