Thursday, February 6, 2020

When the man comes Around

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For those who actually read this blog and donate, this poor orphan girl provided you some astonishing revelations these past two months concerning a certain leader in Europe, who had been not assembling his government after winning elections, but was busy on all the high days, putting that regime in Austria into place.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Am Anfang ist Sebastian Kurz 


Schön sie zu treffen

This blog predicted specifically that something was taking place in January of 2020, but that a coming stock collapse, as this was economically related, would be in the first part of February.

Somebody knew to wait to form their government for Janus. Somebody knew the United States stocks were going to constrict and continue downward.

MSN News

The Hill

Creator Of US BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon

This blog had only conducted a quick read into the matrix, and published months ago, something was out there in why Sebastian Kurz was waiting, and it had to do with the markets and that the impact would hit in the first part of February.

This is the Prophetess by God's Grace and there is absolutely no denying or zero doubt about what was posted before it happened.
There is an engineered global collapse coming, not the kind that everyone predicts which never happens, but the type which was swirling in the matrix and in a current strong enough that it did progress, because this man is the wave.

I do wonder what the hell it is going to take to scare the rich people enough to pry open their plastic cards and make those big donations, as by God's Grace I was right again.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Black Swans

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Nuff Said
