Thursday, February 13, 2020

Lady Clinton in waiting....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Placing the feces scented cock on the ballot of democratic early politics, along with Iowa vote fraud, has provided the Peter Bungholer slot for Hillary Clinton to seize the 2020 nomination.

Iowa was stolen from Bernie Sanders, but Sanders moved into New Hampshire, where he took back the victory. Joe Biden facing humiliating defeat, fled the state to South Carolina, where a Caucasian Racist is a welcome to the South Carolina democrats.

That is where this DNC stands. Bungholer in Iowa, Sanders in New Hampshire and Joe Biden destined to take South Carolina and Nevada. Do not count Biden out. South Carolina and Nevada are not arenas friendly to little faggots. idiot women like Elizabeth Warren and rape fantasy geezers like Bernie Sanders. They like old pervs who sniff women and children, like Joe Biden.

Listless is what the first four DNC primaries will result in, and democrats of Obama and Clinton geared this to drop a ballot bomb on Super Tuesday, which will present a fading Bungholer, a stalemated Bernie and a Biden on political life support.

It is too bad that Amy Klobuchar did not put more effort into phase two, as she rallied in New Hampshire being a sound candidate, cutting Elizabeth Warren off at the knees.

So it will all come down to Super Tue, as democrats will have no clear winner coming, and 15 states try to sort out the soul of the democratic party.

March 3
(Super Tuesday)
1,344 52
Alabama primary
American Samoa caucuses
Arkansas primary
California primary
Colorado primary
Maine primary
Massachusetts primary
Minnesota primary
North Carolina primary
Oklahoma primary
Tennessee primary
Texas primary
Utah primary
Vermont primary
Virginia primary

This is absolutely the worst thing that Obama and Clinton could have done to the party in overloading it this way. Joe Biden was literally rejected by protest democrats in Iowa and the sounding board democrats in New Hampshire. Biden appears to be able to rally in Nevada and South Carolina, with Sanders placing second.

Biden Alabama
Sanders California
Biden Texas
Warren Massachusetts
Sanders Colorado 
Biden North Carolina
Biden Virginia
Biden Tennessee 
Sanders Minnesota
Sanders Utah

Sanders is polling nationally in a 4+ against the field.  The problem is Super Tue and the lead up, is Sanders fades when he needs a knock out blow in South Carolina against Biden. Queerdom does not win national elections, and while Sanders is rising as Biden is weakening, South Carolina will only confuse the issue.
Biden on old polling is powering in the big delegate states, except of ultra liberal California, which is where Sanders powers again in the liberal enclaves. Biden will gain ground, and should on March 17th, in the last big primaries of Florida, Ohio, Arizona and Illinois should be where Biden knocks down Bernie Sanders.

The problem though is Sanders surviving,  as the primaries swing to the northeast, and this is where Sanders has the opportunity to cripple Joe Biden, but the polling indicates Biden is the solid 30% leader just like Jeb Bush had his 23% ceiling.

April 28 663 60
Connecticut primary
Delaware primary
Maryland primary
New York primary
Pennsylvania primary
Rhode Island primary

This is what should not be lost in this. Hillary Clinton had her ceiling with Obama and Bernie. Bernie was buoyed by hatred of Hillary. Do not overlook in this that 70% of democrats are desperately seeking someone other than Biden or Hillary for four years, and no one has emerged.

Hillary Clinton is looking at these polls and why she keeps lurking around. She knows the numbers and knows just as image Obama, that democrats do not like the field, and Hillary is hoping in vain that the 70% will come to her again, or more to the point the 27 of Biden, the 24 of Bernie will leave her a 49% for Hillary at the convention.

Joe Biden has been a disaster at primaries. He has an ability to offend voters and be rejected, the more they see of him. Bernie Sanders is old and like Biden could go coma any time in the next months. Elizabeth Warren is the elite child the public does not desire, and while the Trump campaign focuses on Michael Bloomberg, the billion dollar troll has shown little support from democrats.
Bloomberg and Warren are spoilers. The only dark horse for the Vice Presidential slot is Amy Klobuchar, but she fades in the big show.
Andrew Kang should have stayed in, focused on key states to remain viable to California, to become the DNC Vice Presidential candidate.

Hamrod's door is open, but with the 70% who have not voted for her, but against Bernie and Joe.

Bernie can slam that door shut by winning South Carolina and then Super Tuesday as he does trend in Texas, but he has to show momentum. A strong Bernie though is still a 1000 year old angry communist and Americans are not that angry this year. A treading water Biden is the same Biden who shoots himself in the foot at every step.

This is the perfect design for election defeat as the cartel intended. How much they hope to torture Hamrod, embarrass Biden over Obama or have Bernie establish Marxism to leap over the abyss for now, is the paradigm.

I would relish Hamrod being forced to be Bernie's Vice President in the Clinton's continued humiliation.

I doubt the entertainment will have that episode.

Nuff Said
