Thursday, February 13, 2020

China We Have A Problem

I tell you no worry, we catch you virus real good American person.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The communists in China were caught yesterday rigging the numbers of Coronavirus, by placing them into new categories, so it appeared the infection and death rate dropped, but CNN just posted this stunning headline.

The REAL numbers have not decreased, but have spiked 300% from the Chinese totals of February 11th.

The stories on CNN are factual, not fake news, and they are macabre and they are telling the real story, and the fact is that people who are in the lethal scope of Corona, are proving the WHO and CDC to be LIARS.

What began February was a suspension of Chinese stock markets to February 3rd, is the Chinese looking to February 21st to begin operations again, to the new reality of United Airlines is not going anywhere near China until almost MAY 2020 and Hong Kong is not going to open their classrooms for another month in the middle of March.

That is not a virus peaking in the near future. This is a virus which is spreading with deadly effect.

No matter what that worthless dictator Xi is advocating as he hides in his bunker, the reality is, Corona has shut down China completely and Xi is a damned murderous fool for advocating that manufacturing centers begin operations again in this kind of pandemic environment of this plague is killing like wildfire.

United Airlines extends suspension of flights to China until late April

Hong Kong extends school suspension until at least March 16

President Donald Trump is absolutely not being provided correct data on Corona, as his task force has not only brought exposed carriers into the American Heartland, but in the worst of realities, the United States today began releasing Americans from quarantine, and this blog warned everyone that the incubation period was up to a month. North Korea has confirmed the Lame Cherry correct as Pyongyang has increased quarantine to 4 weeks.

There are now 19 carriers loose inside the United States. They are not staying in California, but are running home to only satan knows where throughout America.

Wuhan evacuee tests positive for coronavirus in southern California

A second person who was evacuated from Wuhan, in China, to southern California has tested positive for coronavirus.
The patient was in quarantine at the Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, in San Diego County, when diagnosed, Ana Toro, press officer for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told CNN. 
More details: This is the 14th confirmed case in the US and the eighth in California.

Donald Trump is increasing the odds of a Corona outbreak inside the United States, and it is his Pentagon and advisors who created this death trap.

North Korea extends coronavirus quarantine period to four weeks

And as the Chinese data now conclusively prove, the WHO in stating China was doing a great job of containment, was flat ass wrong. Worse, the WHO has been releasing pie in the sky forecasts of Corona would mutate and become a less lethal form of pandemic.

I mean how goddamn out of touch with reality and how owned by the cartel seeking to Bill Gates crop people, does an official have to be to say that in public. How often does cancer mutate to a pimple gone tomorrow? How often has any mumps, measles, whooping cough ever become the sniffles? How damned often does botulism mutate into a savory seasoning for food?

Virus mutate to become more deadly, in order to overcome the human body's defenses. That is why you can't get rid of cold and flu season, because the virus mutate to new forms the body does not have defense against.

This Chicom Corona IS lab engineered. It is smaller than normal so it passes through latex gloves and like HIV it lives in human excrement. In the case of English being infected in France, as on the ships in quarantine the virus is very capable of surviving on surfaces and infecting airborne for long periods of time.

Corona is mutating to infect the people who have recovered and shown resistance.

WHO official: It's "normal" for the definition of coronavirus to evolve

This blog has warned all of you, that if China beats Corona, it is going to unleash it on India, the United States and Russia as their nuclear option. President Donald Trump has made horrendous failings in this Corona epidemic, as that is what it is. Corona was built to kill Americans by the Chinese and no one seems to see the crimes against humanity in that, as this is a weapon of war, and China covered it up, endangers the world, and is a damned plague nation, which appears to be accelerating in the infection and death rates.

Get the point, when CNN is confirming all of this. The shit has hit the fan in China and the shit is about to hit the fan in the United States.

Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
