Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Peking Burning Almost 60,000 Dead A Day

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 Whatever the numbers are in China with the Coronavirus plague, the communists of Peking are presiding over at his rate 22 million deaths a year. At this rate China will not have any people in 54 years. While this is eye opening in how many people 1.2 billion are, remember in this, that the infection rate is a peak rate like ping pong balls. It compounds each day. and it increases.

Not that long ago, there were just 25,000 infected after a week of multiplication of contact. There comes a time when the infected will overwhelm the ability to feed, water, and care for the sick.

Breakpoint in China is not a 2 in 10 number or 250 million sick and dead. The breakpoint in China is the concentration of this plague in Wuhan and the coastal ports. China is already at breakpoint, due to the mechanism of the Chinese state industry is not able to both prop up their stock markets, and the foreign commodity markets.

China is no longer manufacturing. It is ceasing imports of Natural Gas and Copper. China needs rare earth elements for it's industry. The Chinese ports are backed up. Little is going in or coming out. Think of China as a body. China is no longer breathing. This break point.

50,000 New Coronavirus Infections Per Day in China

 Chinese Officials Warn of Aerosol Infection
as Coronavirus Continues to Spread

China is at the point of funding infusion to the markets in massive amounts of capital. Logic would dictate in this roulette wheel, that the next step is the Chinese gold reserves. China has been playing with the Venezuelan, UAE, Turkish, Iran gold laundering scheme, for oil products. China in this projection will be forced to liquidate gold. Gold as Copper, as all metals and products should begin deflation, along with energy costs, increasing deflationary cycles.

In short, China produced at record levels of inflation, including warehouses filled on no orders, as they inflated prices on the United States and Europe to gouge them. The worm will turn. Chinese currency and good will deflate to worthless value, and gold will be the medium. When China is forced to liquidate gold, gold will deflate in price, completing the dragon eating it's own tail.

Broken China:

- Breaks Iran
-Breaks North Korea
-Checks Russia
-Places Europe on America's technological leash

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
