Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Tetrasaurus Rex

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is times like these I remember two things.

First if I had Richard's brain, I could explain the 0 10 10 11 stuff of computers better and if I had Stephanie's brain I could sound like a genius in French.

The second part is I remember floppy discs and I remember CD's and remember that guy who played Earl on tv, actually in Enemy of the State, copying files to a flash drive, and thinking how exotic that was.

I of course never got a flash drive until after TL appeared, and I think it was like 8 gigs out of Oklahoma, as I thought I would try one on an expensive lark.

When the beloved Dell D430 burned out the monitor wire, I had to change computers, and after Richard said to plug in another monitor, that solved that part, but I still had to get the data off of it in an XP operating system, which does not match Windows 7. Too much information, but suffice it to say I had to go shopping for flash drives, and it really tisses me off when I see them for 12 to 20 bucks a drive.
So I took to shopping online and got an American flash drive dump location in California from China, and I ordered 4 drives for 30 bucks. Granted I still have not tried them on the XP as they do not take monster drives it is said, but I went for the big uns, in the 2 tetrabytes of info.
This 4300 in Windows 7 I tried it out on, and it worked. Was amusing in I saved it to the drive and it did not even show, and it as the 130 megabyte Open Office Suite.
As TL says, we have plenty of memory now.

Now I can take off my Obamacare shit off the smaller drives if they do not work, and then hopefully save the mega downloads I got online for e books and Gaytube things like how to disassemble guns and killing wolves, cougars and coyotes by trap and or snare.
Either way,  I do finally have the way to save things and I do get upset about all the past programs which are discarded and I try in vain to get them to work on the big platforms which do not work. Richard is very good at explaining it all, but I am just a flash drive brain and I synthesize it down to "It don't work".

This is more for you children who have things on your laptops or computers which you should be saving, and if you shop around usually on Ebay you can find  some affordable buys on whopper drives to save data files.
One day when rich, I am going to flash drive all the music I saved and see how that goes in data files, and probably start saving movies. That though is if the world does not blow up, and then I guess my flash drives being chrome will make pretty earrings or necklace ornaments. The history of the world in a little package for someone to be asking about 1000 years from now, before eternity begins as what these weird computer things were and how this thing worked that he is now hammering into an arrowhead as they make good points to kill deer.

You really though should save your operating system and back up things to a flash drive, as it is easier than trying to use a CD, which of course the old 430 did not have one and only has USB ports.

Gone are the floppies and I still have them, and the old towers which sit here, never fired up again. Again someday I will blow them out and see what is on them, besides Wolfenstein, which I still love sitting down and shooting Nazi's to relax as Germans are the coolest of peoples.....great language and just are meant for shooting games in trying to kill you.

So that is the million dollar infor for today. Get yourself some cheap flash drives as this much storage is more information than you could ever remember or need anyway.

Oh pay attention to the 3.0 Memory stick as that is the USB on a computer. There are other numbers with the small one which you have on cell phones and ipods.

Nuff Said
