Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Steven Spielberg's Taste In Porn

That's what I like in daughter!


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well is not this every father's dream?

Mikaela Spielberg, 23, the daughter of legendary filmmaker Steven Spielberg, 73, and his actress wife, Kate Capshaw, 66, revealed Wednesday that she is starring in her own solo porn videos.
The Nashville, Tenn., resident also announced to the US Sun that she hopes to score an exotic dancing gig as soon as she hustles up her state stripper’s license, which is reportedly quite difficult to obtain.

Unfortunately for Mikaela Spielberg, her career has shown to be of a limited venue, as the types of males like Barack Hussein Obama, attracted to "women" like Michelle Obama, in being aroused by something ugly which one can not tell if it is male or female, is limited to two males who have came out of the closet in Mr. Hussein Obama and Hugh Grant.

I've moved on to dog boffering now


Steven Spielberg's don't got what you gog, how about  I lick that off......

Sorry to say for Ms. Spielberg, she seems to have lost her best clients to dogs.

This blog appeals to Ivanka Kushner to save her fellow Jewess from a life of a her 15 minutes of fame has been reduced to not even a sticky Obama blackberry.

PS Without looking it up, it seems obvious that this quadroon is something the Spielberg's decided to pet to make themselves feel superior to those before the day of Designer Negro Obama exorcised that racist fetish.

Nuff Said.
