Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Giants of Cornwall

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The other day for a quarter I picked up a Fairytale book from 1912, being over 100 years old, in great shape, and worth more than a quarter, it was a good investment.

The deal with this book though is it seemed to have a bountiful number of tales where the cover artwork looked like an Indian, because it was, in a loin cloth, and erection like a mule. There were lots of odd named stories at the beginning, but as I got through them, things were a bit more familiar, except it was:



Yes queer means oddball like it does now for fags, but Jack was from Cornwall in King Art's reign, lived by Cornwall and the Giant lived by some St. something mountain. That information is important, as it is based upon fact that a giant probably did live in Cornwall, because no one else would. I don't know why the Queen did not make Megan Markle, the Duck of Cornwall, because no one cares about Cornwall. Cornwall people speak this odd form of English that sounds like nothing English. You smiply can not understand the blokes. That is probably part of the Giant dialect which was handed down as Giants say FEE FI FO FUM, and do not like Englishmen as they eat them. I suspect Giants are Celtic who were not painting their faces blue and living on fish in Scotland or Irishmen who were eating rocks, as they ate up all the snakes, and rocks do not provide proper nutrition, nor does whiskey which is an Irish food group. When it comes down to it all, it just does not raise a tall Giant person, and Giants grew up eating meat diets based on human flesh. Everyone knows this as it is in the History of Giants and the Pomegranate, written of course by me. Most people do not know the Pomegranates history. Is quite dangerous to humankind.

Anyway, the world was better when children were told to go off and kill Giants and that being queer was not what you wanted to be, as if you had one queer brother, you were that person who had a queer brother and everyone knew having sex with you would throw a queer, you would have to lock in the attic, and never be able to go to places queers hung out like Disneyland on vacation. Not many things worse than having a queer locked in the attic and you never getting to go on vacation.
Only thing worse is bieng from Cornwall or wedding a wog quadroon like Megan Markle who makes you give up being Prince Charming, for Harry of Vancouver.

Royals should never stick their dicks into North American women as it is the worse deal  than Jack and the beans, as there is no Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island in a French maid costume and no  goose laying golden eggs. All you get is exile and wandering around with Nazis or Communists, in damp France of Canada. Living in a damp land is as bad as being a a queer, a quadroon, Harry, or being in a book like Jaquee and the Giant Who Raped His Ass with a Gerbil and the Gerbil was not Queer.

I am thinking abour reading this children's book, as I like children's books where things get killed. Dr. Seusse sucked as no one got killed. At least Wile E Coyote got blew up about once a show. A good children's show needs things blowing up and death and people who do not want queer relatives.

Anyway, that is the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. If anyone wants to donate like 4 million pounds, I will take you along on  safari to Cornwall, as I intend to fund an expedition to hunt Giants, based upon the story of Jack the Giant Killer, as I am certain it is historically factually. I plan on using a number of Irish Setters a tracking dogs, horse to ride and asking the locals if they have seen any Giants, Giant bones, Giant graves or Giant things, besides Stone Henge mind you, as that was built by Giants so they would know the seasons when the earth used to rotate west to east.

If I capture a giant, I will take it back in chains to the Smithsonian Institute and present it to the First Lady, so she can open a Giant wing of the Smithsonian, for her living biologicals of antiquity display.

I think that was it when  I said thsi was another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

