Give us your tied, give us your poured in, and we will provide the rope!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry commends ICE in apprehending international criminals stealing jobs from Americans and thwarting American law, but the Lame Cherry, always seeking to assist law enforcement has noted a final solution in the apprehension of foreign vermin which must be addressed.
Say, I call that a good Mexican!
Mexican man dies in ICE custody in seventh death since October
A Mexican man died by an apparent suicide in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Ohio, the agency said in a statement Friday. The ...
Yes some of these Mexicans, in having the good life in America, commit suicide, rather than take up arms and defend themselves in Mexico. Yes a Mexican expects 2nd Amendment Americans to arm themselves and die to protect them and law enforcement to die to protect them, but a Mexican will not buy a gun in America and go home and fight for his Mexico. Instead a cowardly Mexican will hang themselves in ICE detention.
In that, the Lame Cherry sees real opportunity for President Trump, AG Barr, ICE and of course the United States Department of Agriculture and the Textile Union of America. The Lame Cherry advocates that HEMP be grown in American farms, including Indian lands, and harvested for profit, sent to Union textile manufacturers where they will turn out fine hemp rope, like you used to see in old westerns on television in hanging criminals.

The Mexican Necklace
Hemp is a green material, and while some will say "Let us give Mexicans yacht yarn to hang themselves", this would be inhumane as that rope is soft, stretches and will only cause a lingering death. Instead good American hemp rope should be provided, and a Mexican given picture directions in how to tie a hangman's knot, put it behind their left ear, and then all these illegals can be taken to the roof of the ICE center, with plastic restraints on their wrists, loop the rope to an appropriate scaffold and then jump.
Now as an incentive, I would offer the Mexican if their neck did not break, and if they did not strangle in a half hour, they can stay. Otherwise, these suicidal Mexicans, playing Mexican rope roulette, will be cut down, and dumped over the Trump wall into Mexico and Mexico can do with them as they like.
I realize the plastic restraints are not green, but in that, we can use soybean oil, as the Chinese will all be dead from coronavirus, and plastic can be made from that soy product, and once again rural America will profit.
I think this is a good political policy, as it profits rural America, American agriculture, the Unions, the plastic manufacturers and gives Mexicans the helping hand they want. I mean why should Americans have to keep buying replacements sheets in Mexican hangings, when a nice hemp rope would serve the purpose?
Now Tommy, you stop being so White!
Also, I think school children should be paraded out for the hangings, and told, "This is what happens when you break American laws". Also, when leftist teachers all start whining about this, the children will all be handed out, nice hemp switches, where for recess they can lash their teachers to silence. It will simply be good in handing over some power to children and letting them vent on authoritarian figures.
Hey Teach, you know where you can stick your liberal chalk!!!
I am thankful that Mexicans have finally provided and opportunity to benefit the United States as all they do is take, take, take, take. Surely for the investment of hemp rope, America will profit immensely as our children will finally learn something of value and what could be better than 30 screaming children on reality TV, lashing their teachers to fetal position post birth lumps of tissue.
I say, let's all support the US Government and US Industry and Farming and turn those 7 good Mexicans into 7 million great Mexicans!!!
Great job boys, but like Henry Ford said, you have to increase production.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said