As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I suggest that each of you reading this, copy it, and print it, and grab the original posting from Rense.com, because the layman's version of the Coronavirus Wuhan and who is behind it, is explained in detail there on this link., because I believe it will disappear.
What I am going to attempt to do, as most of you do not have any education in these areas, is to provide you with an explanation which is simple to explain to anyone.
The first thing I will to explain is, China could not have manufactured this virus. It is beyond their limited mentality. Any nation that steals an Arabian SARS out of Canada, has literally not comprehension to the dynamics of what Wuhan and Mirror are.
There is nothing in nature which Coronavirus Wuhan is. The best I can tell you is, it is akin to an Anthrax Cancer. Anthrax is a spore which is inhaled and kills, while Cancer is an organism which eats the body resources as it replicates. Yet Corona is not this in the least. Corona is an outer shell of a virus (SARS), inside this "virus" has been spliced in as a biological weapon, two strings. One is TB and the other is HIV.
What Corona is, is the impossible in it is virus, bacteria and fungal. It is genetically engineered cancer grown up to include a fungus.
This is the most fascinating demonic entity ever created, as it is pure evil and a violation of nature, because this is created to be a genocide weapon, as it does not have any weaknesses and why it is killing so efficiently.
Before I digress further, the outer shell of this thing is SARS a virus, with protein spikes which is how it attaches itself to cells. In normal virus, it invades the cell and reprograms the cell to repeat with the virus programming which is like a computer code. With Corona the protein spikes are bacteriophages, or a bacteria which a virus exists in. In nature bacteriophage, eats other virus to replicate.
In Corona, the bacteriophage are mutating just as bacteria do at an advanced pace in order to survive and outwit the bacteria. This is why the test kits are not showing Coronavirus, as the test kits are designed to react to protein receptors. The bacteriophage are either mutating beyond the kits or are showing as bacteria, not protein.
The testing response was then to look for TB in the lungs, but finding Corona is not curing Corona, as there is not a cure for a supra organism.
As Corona hides, the HIV begins replicating itself and "shedding" or distributing the virus in the billions, like a spore would in anthrax. This is why medical masks did not work. The shed is smaller than the latex and micro structures of surgical masks.
So when the COVID or shedding enters the body, and attaches to an ACE2 protein, which is found in body organs from lungs, heart to testicles, it begins replication. The reason AIDS drugs work in suppressing, is because it is suppressing the ACE2 in the body. This is not curing anyone, it is delaying the consumption of the body as a cancer treatment does in chemotherapy.
If you witnessed the massive plumes of spraying in China, that was sulfur being drenched across China. Sulfur is used to kill fungi, but Corona is more than fungi as it's make up is, 88% SARS, 2% HIV and 10% TB.
Recovery is impossible, as with HIV, as the virus continues to shed. Reinfection takes place where the bacteria had the most success the preceding infection. That is why people are dying in the street. It is not the HIV drugs, but the body organs have been depleted and simply fail.
This Corona kills at the base structures of the body. It is not yet determined if there are any more base structure surprises in disruptors hidden in the spliced in links. What the Lame Cherry is certain of, is China did not have the experience to build this virus.
This blog maintains that China was a building a first strike bio weapon against the United States, India and Japan. A global group recognized this overthrow of the order, and released a Corona which the Chinese would think was their virus, but the mutations of it, would produce a different result.
This blog has stated, it believes there are 2 virus in China, an over virus and a spreader virus. Term it as a virus which is seen in symptoms and a virus which is Typhoid Mary in it spreads without showing symptoms.
This blog believes this virus has specific DNA dams so it is a genus specific killer or it would not have been released.
This blog believes there are other genus specific Corona to generate "recoveries" and infections of new genus groups such as Iranians who began this with their creating the original Arabian SARS to mass murder Saudi Sunni.
The confirmation of Dick Allgire's remote viewing is in the technical aspects of this paper in Allgire stated this Corona loved sugar. That is impossible as a virus does not eat sugar or anything as it is code. That meant this was not a virus. This virus is a bacteria in replication, and like cancer, that is why it loves sugar. This is a Chimera in it is all of the assembled parts and none of them.
If you hit it with antibiotics, the bacteria suppress, but the fungal lives and the viral continues to infect cells. If you hit it with anti viral drugs, it still lives as the fungal and bacteria are consuming resources. If you use sulfur, the fungal is retarded, but the bacteria is eating and the virus is replicating.
One would have to kill the body to make it stop replicating, but this thing would still be there, ready to resurrect and start again. This is why this blog is warning of the crematoria spewing ashes and parts of this virus into the air, which is carrying around the world to Canada and the USA. China is shoddy in everything they do and this is probably spreading it further. And as far as burying this Corona, it is in the soil and leeching into the water as a cholera would.
By the manifestations of this virus, it was designed as a biological weapon. That means intelligence behind it. That is the saving grace, as a weapon not in China's hands, but in the hands of those who have moved to neutralize the biological first strikes of Iran and China's regimes, there is hope that this is not a human pandemic, but a human genus pandemic.
The United States is being blamed for this by design, but the United States in the MAGA of Donald Trump is not acting as a source in this, but a scapegoat. The source of this which would benefit most is the order which is arising in Europe and seeks to make the United States a power concerned with it's own massive debt and health problems.
What Iran and China began in first strike biological weapons is unacceptable. The remedy chosen appears to have been turned upon them in judgment by science which is as beyond what China can comprehend as a plasma weapon is to a Chinese wok.
I encourage all of you to read the information, study this for days, so that you comprehend the information, as this is the first real technical analysis of this, which is not propaganda, but the inner workings of Corona.
China would not vat produce or mass produce in two locations and have two "accidents" in assembling a Coronavirus like this which would kill not just their targets of America, Indian and Japan, but as it is, everyone in China.
This "virus" has not any known cut offs.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Cherrystone Files: Coronavirus Wuhan
This Lame Cherry has been progressing conclusions on Inspiration from God in assembling data, inquiry and logical conclusion. At this point, this blog has been absolutely correct in every aspect and the manifestations which logically should have progressed in cause and effect. The virus is not intelligent, but those utilizing it, are very intelligent, but have finite moves.
I have posted enough on where I believe this logically should progress. That future time line remains to manifest.
This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said