Monday, February 24, 2020

The Little Wuhan that Would

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Donald Trump in India is ill timed as dictator Xi observes that the world has moved past China with an American Indian alliance to produce good for the world.
This is a giant FU in the face of the originators of the biological warfare pandemic.

The United States should be not making itself look guilty when it had not any part in this outbreak, other than Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and James Comey allowing the Harvard Jew ship all their biological warfare technology to China to build this Coronavirus Wuhan.

We are entering a Stage 2 in Wuhan. People who were supposedly recovered are now Typhoid Mary spreaders. This Coronavirus comes back. We still do not know if the people die in the second round.

Wuhan to quarantine all cured patients for
14 days after some test positive again!

The outliers in this are distinct in this logical virus. Korea is now facing a meltdown as will world electronics and LG products. Shortages will prevail. I suspect the Korean population in China is the logical outcome.



Not that Afghanistan is the same factor it was months ago, nor was the dusting of Iran with radioactive debris, as Iran is spreading to epidemic as this was salted into the turban heads. This will shut down the Khyber, as what good is a pass if it has more plague that China is fleeing from.

Italy is in play as the logical progression of this virus will be Germany, a Muslim community, which should provide the necessary means for removal and the appearance of a leadership worthy of Chancellor Sebatian Kurz to secure Europe, as President Vladimir Putin secured Russia.

Logic would dictate the China hoppers in the United States will prevail in clusters. Wall Street is plunging as Pat Buchanan's cry against globalism is coming true. There will be shortages. I am amused that Big Oil is jacking up oil prices again, this time the excuse is Daylight Savings Time is adding another hour and everyone will be driving all over the place, so gas prices must spike now. I have doubts about that, as much a market without China, and a market without 11 million Mexicans burning up American resources seems to a market heading for deflationary cycles.

How good is all that gold and silver treating you in keeping you safe from pandemics eh?

England appears on the chopping block, but then again maybe not Megs and Hars, just the Londonstan inmates.

British National Health Service (NHS) Announces
People Will Be Tested For CoViD In Their Homes

 I hope this poor orphan girl is right about the American cluster which will emerge, if not, you are in a great deal of trouble. By God's Grace, I have been absolutely spot on from this from the start.

This time you had better have food, disinfectants and defense.

