As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As much of this is for cold and flu, as Coronavirus, as was the case with small pox, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness", you can prevent a great deal of sickness, by just being clean.
I consider Bleach, Peroxide, Lyson as mandatory agents, along with one of the best in hot water and soap. I make it a point to always wear rubber gloves while doing dishes and rinse my dishes in bleach to kill germs in cold and flu season.
Hygienically, my Auntie taught me a great lesson in TL and I never come home, without using a wet kleenex to clean out our noses.
In that, if sick, gargle with a solution of Hydrogen Peroxide, Q tips to the ears and the nose CAREFULLY, as this does burn. The fact is most people get sick because their ears are sewers in they do not clean them. If you have dirty wax that smells in your ears, you have things in their which your body is combating and expelling. Swabbing your ears out with Peroxide stops ear wax.
In that, the online sources, and I have done this, I have put about a 1/4 of a cap of Peroxide into my ear canal for 1 minute, when I had severe flu. If you get things early enough, you will not get the flu, but once the flu sets in, it is 11 days as it is with colds, but the Peroxide does lessen the effects.
Lysol is a basic sulfur cleaner. It does kill germs.
There are problems with Coronavirus, in this Chinese version as it is weaponized in being smaller than surgical masks and gloves, just as HIV is, which is another lab creation.
I always carry with me "town gloves". I put them on, leave them on in shopping, wiping down carts, and they get laundered when flu season is there. This has cut down on our being sick by a huge margin. I have a pair of gloves that I use to put gas in the vehicle also. The main point is I make a transfer point break in all things, and that includes the mail.
I NEVER touch my face when in the city. No eye rubbing, no itching nose, no brushing my hair. I have trained myself that if something is bothering me, I IGNORE IT!!! It keeps me well.
These are simple things which will assist that everyone can choose to do or not do. The problem with being sick is there is always something picking their body, when you have not, they drag the flu home and get you sick. My dad was a real bastard in this, he was a walking epidemic, who always brought home the most ghastly things, because he was a dirty man, he picked his nose, was in the most ghastly of cafes with other grubby people and had zero empathy for others in not getting them sick.
I meant it when I said to not go to Chinese restaurants. I meant it when I said not to order stuff out of China on Amazon or Ebay. Frankly, I would stay away from all these ethnics, and these people who keep these goddamned pets around them all the time for validation. You cut down on exposure where the globe trotters are in contact with you, you keep track of your food, including washing fruit, and you will do a great deal to not catch any virus.
Wipe your cell phones off, realize those blowers in shitters are blowing shit on you, wipe your steering wheel off and wipe your door nobs off. Use hand sanitizers, and I am not to blame in your using the wrong product on your 600 dollar cell phone, while you tell me you are poor and can not donate here.
Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.