We have Wuhan special for kidney and heart transplants for American rich...
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have been hearing that the Peking Chicoms are lying about Coronavirus, in there are not hundreds dead, but tens of thousands. The reality of this is the story that the crematoriums in China are running round the clock, incinerating more Chinese than the Nazi ever did typhus Jews in World War II.
Always looking to help people in distress, I did a search on Wuhan, and it simply was an economic city of high technology, a pharm, optics and automotive assembly area, without the necessary blast furnaces of steel production.
Industrial zones
Major industrial zones in Wuhan include:
Wuhan Donghu New Technology Development Zone is a national level high-tech development zone. Optical-electronics, telecommunications, and equipment manufacturing are the core industries of Wuhan East Lake High-Tech Development Zone (ELHTZ) while software outsourcing and electronics are also encouraged. ELHTZ is China's largest production center for optoelectronic products with key players like Yangtze Optical Fiber and Cable,[137] (the largest fiber-optical cable maker in China), and Fiberhome Telecommunications.[138] Wuhan Donghu New Technology Development Zone also represents the development center for China's laser industry with key players such as HG Tech[139] and Chutian Laser being based in the zone.[140]
Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone is a national level industrial zone incorporated in 1993. Its current zone size is about 10–25 square km and it plans to expand to 25–50 square km. Industries encouraged in Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone include Auto-mobile Production/Assembly, Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals Production and Processing, Food/Beverage Processing, Heavy Industry, and Telecommunications Equipment.
- Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone
Wuhan Export Processing Zone was established in 2000. It is located in Wuhan Economic and Technology Development Zone, planned to cover 2.7 square kilometers (1.0 square mile) of land. The first 0.7-square-kilometer (0.3-square-mile) area has already been created.[142]
- Wuhan Export Processing Zone
Wuhan Optical Valley (Guanggu) Software Park is located in Wuhan Donghu New Technology Development Zone. Wuhan Optics Valley Software Park is jointly developed by East Lake High-Tech Development Zone and Dalian Software Park Co., Ltd. The planned area is 0.67 square kilometers (0.26 square miles) with total floor area of 6,000,000 square meters (65,000,000 square feet). The zone is 8.5 km (5.28 mi) away from the 316 National Highway and is 46.7 km (29.02 mi) away from the Wuhan Tianhe Airport.
- Wuhan Optical Valley (Guanggu) Software Park
Biolake is an industrial base established in 2008 in the Optics Valley of China. Located in East Lake New Technology Development Zone of Wuhan, Biolake covers 15 km2 (5.8 sq mi), and has six parks including Bio-innovation Park, Bio-pharma Park, Bio-agriculture Park, Bio-manufacturing Park, Medical Device Park and Medical Health Park, to accommodate both research activities and living.
- Wuhan Biolake
In order to deal efficiently with the Coronavirus dead, numbering in tens of thousands, the Lame Cherry advocates that hermetically sealed body bags are brought in by train, and then the dead and dying will be placed in them, and transported back out, to the high temperature nuclear reactors, where they bodies will be turned into ash, and this being sterile will be spread on Chinese farms to fertilize their crops.

It has come to a point, that China does not have the gold reserves to deal with 60 million people under quarantine. If you peruse the above list, you will see that the Chinese fiber optics industry, there entire optics industry, telecommunications, heavy and automobile industries, and laser industry, will all be shut down, including export.
If you know what you are looking at, Wuhan Coronavirus, is going to shut down Huawei 5G for Europe, because 5G needs fiber optics, telecommunications.......telecommunications is 5G.
Huawei has cancelled a conference over it's expansion. It is almost as if the powers that be had a motive in Coronavirus to protect their industries.
Bloomberg on
As stated, China is facing an economic implosion, as it is in economic recession over Trump's Trade Wars. If one wants to cripple China, Wuhan was the target.
Explained: Why Wuhan is so important to China's economy ...
Wuhan's GDP growth was 7.8 per cent in 2019, 1.7 percentage points higher than the national average, local government data showed. The total value of imports and exports reached 244 billion yuan ...
China admitted that of the 11 million residents, 5 million had fled before quarantine. The death rate in China is spiking due to these carriers. China is a inhumane communist regime. It harvests organs for the rich from inmates before they are put to death. It runs over citizens in Tienanmen and Hong Kong protests. The point being a regime as murderous as this, will have to take measures to preserve itself by the People's Liberation Army. The PLA is in charge of China now in the Wuhan outbreak. It will be deprived of resources in this for self defense. That means the sick and dying can not be allowed to deplete resources or China will implode in a coup.
As Mao starved his people and they turned into cannibals, it is deemed a scenario that Peking via the PLA will begin killing the infected and exposed, before they become ill. Thus stopping the plague from spreading and depleting resources as Huawei can donate 30 million dollars, but that is not the billions which will be necessary or the trillion this will cost China. China is literally facing extinction as a nation as Zbigniew Brzezinski stated, that China was too big, and needed to be broken up. Coronavirus will break China up, unless the communists begin eradicating their people.
A scenario which would fit the PLA, would be to place Chinese into bags, suffocate them, place them on trains to nuclear incineration plants, and then dispose of the ashes on farms, in the Great Patriotic War For Survival.
Coronavirus cases top 31,000 as U.S. plans more evacuations from outbreak epicenter i…with one person dead in the Philippines and another in Hong Kong. More than 31,000 people have been infected with…KTVQ
Peking made a mistake in leaking online the death toll of 24,589, that is the reported number infected. China has been hiding the real numbers and not reporting outbreaks throughout China from the carriers.
As of January 25th, the infected rate was thought just 4000, but within a week, the report was 31,000 and this did not reflect the almost 25,000 dead. China is either lying or Corona is killing 5 out of 6 people it infects.
This Is How China Is Hiding The True Number Of Coronavirus ...
Because as the relatives of all three now dead people said, the deceased hadn't been included in China's official count of 41 deaths attributed to coronavirus. And that's how China is suppressing the full extent of nCoV's lethality, and keeping the mortality rate of the coronavirus artificially low: "There are likely to be many times more ...Real coronavirus death toll may NEVER be discovered as ...
THE true death toll of the coronavirus may never be known, with a report claiming that China is cremating bodies in secret to hide its scale. The number of confirmed cases has continued to climb ...
This is why the United States is keeping silent and evacuating it's people out, as Americans would never allow exposed carriers into the United States with a 5 out o 6 death toll. It is why America has moved as it has, because the reports of Chinese dead in the streets and piled into vans, are accurate.
Europe will not have a 5G Chinese network as that theory is gone in the Coronavirus plague.
It will come down to the PLA slaughtering and incinerating 25 million Chinese to stem this virus and to save Peking and the PLA. Otherwise the projections are China will no longer exist. It's population implosion of 2050, has begun in 2020, and without trade, China is a worthless entity to the West.
This once again is another Lame Cherry exlcusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said
Nuff Said