Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Tracking the Coronavirus which will Murder you

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is a great deal of technical information, and I will explain it in layman's terms. The source of some of this is FBI minder of the AltRight, Hal Turner, who has been engaged in a thorough education of the public about the real threat Coronavirus is, and that Peking has been lying about this pandemic.

The early reports in this is that this was Saudi SARS, which the Chinese stole out of Winnipeg Manitoba Canada. The technical data on lung flu SARS is that it has a natural ability to sequence in DNA and gear it's viral response on that DNA, in order to survive in mutations to keep reinfecting humans as the host.
SARS survives on a sequence in nature of numbers present in DNA.

the different strains of SARS which have emerged, mainly in China, between years 2003 first SARS genomes and the last 2020 nCoV-2019 Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus isolate Wuhan-Hu-1, complete genome. This global strategy, this temporal link, is materialized in our demonstration by highlighting stationary numerical waves controlling the entire sequence of their genomes. Curiously, these digital waves characterizing the 9 SARS genomes studied here are characteristic whole numbers: the "Fibonacci numbers", omnipresent in the forms of Nature, and which our research for several decades has shown strong links with the proportions of nucleotides in DNA. Here we demonstrate that the complexity and fractal multiplicity of these Fibonacci numerical waves increases over the years of the emergence of new sArs strains. We suggest that this increase in the overall organization of the SARS genomes over the years reflects a better adaptation of SARS genomes to the human host

The reality of Coronavirus is much more interesting as while the initial reports from Zerohedge pointed at SARS, which was created by a Dr. Germ, who appears to have been contracted by the Iranian Shia to genocide Sunni Arab Saudis, there are extensions in the virus which can only arise from lab splicing.

The virus is bat SARS, which explains why Peking started blaming the Wuhan bat diner as the source to diver attention. Peking knew this virus was from the Wuhan bioweapon's  lab. By the actions of certain European leaders all of last year in delaying forming governments, this was not an accidental release. As with SARS, someone did this deliberately.

The Bat virus, was being studied in India, unknown to Indians by China and the United States. The Bat SARS or Bat Flu was modified by inserting into it, the auto immune receptors from the American generated HIV or AIDS virus, which was spread into the population through hepatitis vaccines in homosexuals who then spread the disease through copious amounts of anal sex.

HIV inserted into Bat SARS created a receptor to the human lungs in the ACES2 there. The infecting of ACES2 represses the ability for human antibodies to fight off the Super Corona. Short version is these virus were designed to suppress the immune system or production of white blood cells, hence the term auto immune disease as it represses the body's ability to fight off thee infection.

The proof that this virus is a genetically-modified Bat-SARS-Like Virus, manipulated by the Chinese Army, appears below.  The evidence is irrefutable.
Two separate components of genetic sequencing from HIV-1,  the virus which causes AIDS, were added to Bat-SARS-Like coronavirus in the laboratory, thereby allowing it to infect human lungs via the ACES2 receptors in our lungs, and to disrupt the human body ability to fight it off, by reducing human leukocytes.

The response of the body then is high fever in an attempt to burn out the virus. High fever though destroys organs like the heart and bring on sudden death as in Rheumatic Fever. As the lungs are the target point, the body responds with swelling and fluids, like a sprain, to try to protect the lungs. The result though like the Obama Mexican Flu which was drowning Americans in 2009, is that pneumonia kills the victims.

There is something interesting in this Bat HIV, as that is what this virus is engineered as. There are two areas in the body with high ACES2 proteins, one the lungs, the other male testicles. This explains why AIDS spread so fast, in it was incubated in testicles, and upon ejaculation into an anus, the rectum provided the perfect lab to grow the disease. The anal canal was an incubation zone and infection zone by design.
That is why this Coronavirus is able to live in human feces as it was designed in HIV to survive this waste area. Remember in this, that HIV originated in monkey primates. So what was created in a Wuhan weapon's lab was a combination of Saudi SARS as the sequence model, on the platform of Bat SARS, and infused with HIV or Monkey virus, so that it would bridge the gap which nature has walls to separate. Meaning HIV was needed to making Bat flu, a weapon against humans, by adding Monkey or primate receptors, proven in the original sequencing by thee American bioweapons labs for profit in nationalizing a homosexual disease in billions of dollars.

"The protein and mRNA expresson of ACE2 in the testes is almost the highest in the body. Moreover, both cells inseminiferous ducts and Leydig cells showed high ACE2 expression level. These results indicate that testicular cells are the potential targets of 2019-nCoV."
"due to the potential pathogenicity of the virus to testicular tissues, clinicians should pay attention to the risk of testicular lesions in patients during hospitalization and later clinical follow-up, especially the assessment and appropriate intervention in young patients' fertility"

The proof in all of this, is that Corona is a bioweapon, and was created in a laboratory by human hands.
By the reactions in this, the communists of China immediately knew this virus, the Jews of Tel Aviv knew, thee Americans knew, and the strange silence out of Europe is proof they knew what this virus was in it's assembled form.

We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019- nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.


There is no way in nature that the Bat coronavirus could fortuitously acquire the HIV genetic sequences, without causing a mutation of the Virus Envelope.   The ONLY way the virus envelope could obtain the HIV genetics and still remain 100% identical to the 2018 sample, is if the HIV genes were added in a laboratory.

China has had far too many "accidents" as with the original SARS this blog exposed to have this accidental. In the forensic projections, someone spread this deliberately, China knew it and covered it up, and someone in Europe knew it was going to be spread last year, just as Bill Gates was lusting over 30 million dead from a mystery virus.

All of these virus, from SARS, HIV to Chicomcorona are engineered by humans. They are more elaborate than cancer in the splicing, but then cancer is more complex in requiring a bacterial acid for the cancer to grow in, for the cancer to consume sugars to compete with the body. With the Chicomcorona, it infects in various forms, the body reacts in numbers of cases with fever to burn it out, but in other cases Typhoid Mary's spread the virus. That part of the virus is still a designer mystery as in some carriers DNA there is a suppression of the virus naturally, akin to why a segment of Europeans survived the Black Death, and those same groups were immune to HIV infections.
It is the same base group of Israelites of the Lost 10 Tribes.

This though is the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter on the forensic trail of Coronavirus. It is beginning to make more sense in why it is what it is and what it was designed for.

Nuff Said
