As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has decided to produce a magnificent operatic pageant to glorify and honor President Donald John Trump. I foresee it taking place on the Washington Mall, with the Reflecting Pool as the main stage. It will be 3 hours of glorious music, of course produced by that genius Kayne West in version of the score and costumes will be created by the gorgeous Kim Kardashian.

Here is what I envision.
Donald Trump is born into the world of swamp politics, where the evil #NeverTrumpers seek to end his life, but Lady Liberty as his mother, places him into the Reflecting Pool in a bull rush ark, where he sails away to the Washington Monument, there to be serenaded in the National Anthem.
Soon Donald Trump can bear the repression of his people no more, and rises to the court of Pharaoh and demands "Let my People Go!"
In horrific plagues the swamp people will not let Americans go and instead try to trap Donald Trump on the shores of the Reflecting Pool, but like Washington, the President crosses the Reflecting Pool to safety.

There in the bosom of Abraham Lincoln, he experiences a vision, which is POTUS and FLOTUS sailing on the Reflecting Pool in a swan ship, with the President in command, and Melania, trailing her hand in the placid waters, as fireworks illuminate the night sky.
Donald Trump returns to his People, where in praying at the Rose Garden he is betrayed by the evil flying monkey people, and led away from trial. There he is framed and railed against, but the President maintains his dignity and honor, but is convicted and led away to be crucified on Capitol Hill.
There as the nails pierce his flesh and a crown of thrown are placed on his head, and the President is lifted up on the cross, even the forces of nature groan, and darkness storms upon the land, as the mob flees, the President heroically is saved by a bolt of lightning striking the right arm of the cross, shattering it, and in this the President pulls the left nail out with his teeth, and the nail in his feet with his hands.
Leaping down, he fights his way through the #NeverTrumpers and Lady Liberty, parts the waters for the President to escape.

The #NeverTrumpers report him dead, and as his followers gather to mourn at the Reflecting Pool. There Lady Liberty appears again, and hand in hand, they walk on the water where the amazed faithful examine his hands and feet, and place their hand on his side, where he has been thrust through in the battle for America.
In all the euphoria, the American Angels appears and they arise to the White House in Trump's Second Coming.
The US military bands will be strategically placed around the Mall and the White House lawn to serenade the President in chorus. The greatest operatic tunes as interpretted by Kayne West will be used, as will Shakespearean lines, re written as much as the Bible for this production, by Futurus Ivanka.
I of course will be paid 40 million dollars for this creation. I only hope that the President is not offended that I have not asked more, but I hope he understands that in royalties I will pick up that billion dollars, as this will of course be mandated viewing on PBS, and licensed to a global audience.
It is only fitting that an exonerated President be raptured in the chorus of this national and international adoration.
You rich portfolio procrastinators start donating as you do not want President Donald Trump knowing that you refused to pony up in adoring the greatest President in history, the historical shining light, overcoming the Obama darkness, in President Donald Trump!!!
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........and who was right about Joaquin Phoenix saving Hollywood?
Nuff Said