As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have been rather upset in being mistreated as a door mat, and God has not been as scorched earth responsive as I would prefer Him to be in avenging me. I have been through this my entire life, but the past month this has been grating on me particularly, and in prayer I have been forming myself to God's Will further. While I have not experienced the results I desire, there is something the Holy Ghost led me to read before bed last night, and in that it became clear.
I have known this verse was there and have used it in the DUST OFF MY SHOES PART. There is something else in this the Holy Ghost focused my attention upon, and that is what this is about.
I had weighed whether to show this to the public, as you are undeserving selfish trolls. In that though, the reality is while you pretend christian, you are of your father the devil. Yes of course you are all upset in your raging defense now, but tell it to God, as I don't want to hear it.
That is the point in this, what I am about to teach here, will do the trolls no good. It will be powerless to them. To the Christian though it will be power.
Matthew 10
12 As you enter the home, give it your greeting. 13 If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. 14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. 15 Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.
I doubt many of you Christians are of my league. I do not say that to brag, but a reality in you have hearts and you would lament someone going to hell or their dying from something you prayed. Having been put down that road enough times, I just follow orders and follow through, as people do not change and the best thing is for God's retribution to be a grave. The only shame is, it does not come soon enough for most of the sinners, as they go on to hurt others.
This is about PEACE in what Christ says. You are His child, so you go in His Peace, everywhere you go, whether at work, or play. It is the Spirit in you, and you convey it to others, and it something which betters everyone, even at a molecular level.
So you enter or engage someone as a Christian, and your Peace extends from you and benefits that person.
But what is Peace? Peace is Shalom, the Hebrew word for completion. Completion, satisfied, at ease, at rest. Whole, serene, an all encompassing love in security.
The opposite of Peace is shattered, empty, missing, broken, want like an eating cancer.
Are you getting the education of what this is saying, what Christ commanded? That you meet people, and the Blessing of God in you, touches them. I those people are mean, betray you, belittle you, treat you like dirt, harm you, you as a Christian, a child of God, are directed to REMOVE your Peace from them.
The Holy Ghost led me to another verse earlier in there is no rest for the wicked, as God will not permit it.
So you have had a number of horrid people over the years, which have scarred you. It hurts when they come to mind, and you feel nothing has been done. Remove your Peace from them and they will manifest what they are, empty and broken, and it will end them.
Their end is their doing, not yours. You have the Right to be avenged by God, and you are instructed to not allow people who reject God to benefit from your Spiritual blessing. They want to build their lives on your corpse, make them find out what their bone pile structure is without your bones, and they will topple.
The last part of this is "Dust off your shoes". That is their sins put back upon them unforgiven and retained. That too is a command from Jesus, in whatever you retain they are retained and whatever is loosed is loosed.
That last part is up to you, if you are so moved to brand the sins of the wicked onto evil people for Judgment. I tend to not perform the last part on the associates of the wicked who are pee warm in being good, meaning they might see Judgment, the person is put into the grave by God, and without that evil, they may repent, as this is what it is all about in repenting, but let it be said, Leopards do not change their spots, and a hurtful person is not going to change ever. They will feign a smile to manipulate you and get what they want, but when push comes to shove you will be more Spiritual road kill.
I made a mistake on this, in praying in a situation for a person I hoped would benefit us. All that got me was the outcome I knew was coming, and it got my animals slaughtered in a demonic rage. i should have finsihed this person off when my prayers put him down in hours, and he thought he was dying. The fear of death changes no one. It must makes the wicked more shrewd to hang on.
So you can do whatever you want with this, but I went full bore in unleashing with this, as there have been people who were real asses for decades who are still above ground, and it is time that God put the hurt on them, as they all have gone on to shatter more lives and cause more problems for others, because they are wicked.
This is God's command and doing, so do not make yourself out to supplant God. You do what needs doing, perhaps the people will repent, which I doubt as no one does, and in the end, the world has one less wicked tool of satan and one more inmate in hell.
This is weaponized Peace and a Dust which does not wash off.
Go with God.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said