As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As an information link, Dean Koontz published a most interesting Mockingbird scenario of a deadly virus having been manufactured in Wuhan China around 2020.

For the record in the time line, this Wuhan 400 is thee original virus meant to be deployed against Indians, Americans and Japanese as a first strike biological weapon.
It was replaced as this blog has noted by 2 viruses of the Bat SARS group, similar but a far more complex and advanced. China is not intelligent or developed enough to create Coronavirus Wuhan or the Mirror, as these virus are too complex, and specifically they are genus precision biological bombs.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
It is an Obama Weapon's Labratory in China which produced Coronavirus!
Not even with a traitor Jew and 30 pieces of silver could the PLA have produced this organism which is not a virus at all.
I had better be right about this virus by God's Grace or none of you rich people reading this are going to be donating. Every one of you is going to be rotting where you drop otherwise, with your next appearance before being sent to hell, offering lame excuses why you did not make the 350,000 dollar donation to the Lame Cherry when you were still in this world.
As it requires stating, it was Barack Obama's regime which built the Harvard laboratory in Wuhan to make the Wuhan 400 batch. It completed this, but the Wuhan 400 was replaced before it could be used as a first strike against India, Japan and America. More designer virus have already been seeded and spreaders have been infecting entire nations.
The United States though was not behind this. President Donald Trump has been a complete ignorant in this, in allowing his Pentagon and CDC to spread this virus for the swamp globe inside the United States. This President is slowing realizing the problem, but he does not have anyone who is capable of delivering the advice he needs.
I probably should inquire of the matrix in this on projections as there is an impending shockwave which will rip through America as this is just beginning.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Cherrystone Files: Coronavirus Wuhan