As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As the United States is experiencing some very positive results in the leadership of President Donald Trump in shutting down the United States as Portfolio Protesters like Bill Cunningham and George Noory whine about needing to get the economy rolling again, there are reports coming out of China which assembled, indicate that Dictator Xi who got President Trump to stop calling Coronavirus China Virus, has not only had a biological weapon released in China, which was meant for the United States, lied about the pandemic, and then herded the Chinese by force back to work, but in the burgeoning 1.4 billion population of China, the loosening of restrictions, has unleashed what looks like an even deadlier second wave.
President Trump had better heed this reality of Coronavirus, as Hong Kong got itself into trouble by loosening restrictions and letting people move around, and the virus came back with force for a second infection binge.
Trump Says He May Place A 'Forced' Quarantine NY,
Parts Of NJ And Parts Of CT
China simply has too many people, so the small numbers they said were infected, were not enough to stop the spread of Corona. There are real problems with the Chinese numbers, as when reports appear that 20 million cell phone users disappeared, that indicates China has more dead than they are acknowledging. To put it plainly, Italy is dealing with 1000 dead a day. China had a bad of infection rate, so China really was having more people dying than they ever admitted to.
The evidence is mounting that another wave is sweeping through China. Theaters which opened are shutting down.
Lotta urns flowing into Wuhan right now, says Shanghaiist:
One photo published by Caixin shows a truck loaded with 2,500 urns arriving at the Hankou Mortuary. The driver said that he had delivered the same amount to the mortuary the day before.
Another photo shows stacks of urns inside the mortuary. There were seven stacks with 500 urns in each stack, adding up to 3,500 urns.
Taken together with the new shipment, the number of urns on hand at the mortuary looks to be more than double Wuhan’s death toll…
Wuhan has seven other mortuaries. If they are all sticking to the same schedule, this adds up to more than 40,000 urns being distributed in the city over the next 10 days.
Coronavirus has a pattern. There is the first infection. Then an incubation period. Then a bloom of mass infections, a plateau, and then a decline, when quarantine is administered.
This entire process takes about two months. The United States entered this around February 1st. The problem period was around March 1st. The suspected infection and bloom was March 14 to April 5th, the period we are now in.
Hot areas where Chinese were still poring into America as in California and New York, are ahead of the Italian Curve. Other areas where the crackdown took place has blunted this infection rate, where the numbers look very good. We simply do not know though, as the President reaches his 2 week assessment or Easter Mandate, if there is a lull in this, meaning Coronavirus incubates from 5 days to over 30 days.
I am going to feature South Dakota in this as a test case as I have championed Governor Noem in getting her elected to the House years ago. Placing her midway, two weeks numbers for review, shows that she has produced the Taiwan and South Korean model in the United States, but in her numbers she is showing that people who are younger, as in Italy are the ones being infected.
Test Results | # of Cases |
Number of Cases
Age Range | # of Cases |
0 to 19 years
20 to 29 years
30 to 39 years
40 to 49 years
50 to 59 years
60 to 69 years
70 to 79 years
80+ years
South Dakota had an outlier which is predictable in some dumb asses start a cluster and a hot spot in arrogance. Their hot spot was Beadle County, accounting for 16 infections. When coupled with metro center of Sioux Falls multicultalism, of 21 cases, one can see that almost half the cases in South Dakota were like South Korea in their one infamous patient exposing people.
South Dakota would have almost no cases if not for these areas.
I will apologize as I love data, and I pore over it with relish, but there is a fascinating reality in this, that South Dakota has an Air Force base, and like North Dakota's bases, there is not a plume associated with those military bases. These bases should have projected to a plume, and they have not. The general population of rich travelers is what bit these people in the ass.
Why this matters is, the United States needs to shut this down. I would advocate that from North Dakota to north Texas be a concentration zone of effort to make this virus free. Ohio has been outstanding in control of this virus, as have the States south to the Gulf. America at this point only has a half dozen hot zones, due to Chinese exposures or deliberate infections.
And I will state who is sucking blood from Americans, and charging American for it? The Taiwan Chinese, thwarting all what Mike Pence is attempting to do with fast nasal kits and moving for Chloroquine treatments.
Instead Taiwan who have people living in Colorado are sucking blood from Americans, as they did in China and California, and more to the point, they are taking VIRUS which is biological weapon, without FBI and Homeland oversight.
Colorado is a hot spot, and I don't want foreigners sucking American blood and holding stores of Coronavirus for more terrorists to steal.
Having developed diagnostic tools and vaccines for SARS, another type of coronavirus, Reese and Hu said their team was ready to move fast on coronavirus. They said their company has already deployed approximately 100,000 tests globally, mostly to China and Taiwan.No one has explained yet how Teluride which had children getting Corona, and no cases found, got Corona in this out of the way place, as the only people who had the virus, was in bottles at UBI Labs and now they are the ones sucking up the profits.
"Now we are on the front lines," Reese said.
Reese and Hu said they decided to pilot the program in Telluride because it’s home. But they insist that the test can be just as useful in places like New York City, New Orleans and Los Angeles, where officials fear hospitals could be overrun with COVID-19 patients.
The answer to American's pandemic is in Chloroquine which is cheap, and effective as there is now a clinical trial which proves it. America does not need Bil Gates toxic vaccines or UBI 10,000 blood transfusions. Chloroquine for 100 dollars cures Coronavirus in all it's strains.
Today, Prof. Didier Raoult and his team published results of their new study. The study was supported by the Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire (IHU) Méditerranée Infection. Unlike the previous small study trial, the new observation study has a larger sample size of 80 COVID-19 patients. The objective of the study was to find an effective treatment to cure COVID-19 patients and to decrease the virus carriage duration.
In 80 in-patients receiving a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, the team found a clinical improvement in all but one 86 year-old patient who died, and one 74-year old patient still in intensive care unit. The team also found that, by administering hydroxychloroquine combined with azithromycin, they were able to observe an improvement in all cases, except in one patient who arrived with an advanced form, who was over the age of 86, and in whom the evolution was irreversible, according to a new paper published today in IHU Méditerranée Infection.
The reason all of this matters is the Chinese model, which Donald Trump is being pushed to by Wall Street and the "get the economy rolling mantra". China has been lying all along and Dictator Xi is lying to Donald Trump. China has not contained this virus. China had a lull when American pharmaceuticals became involved, and then China released quarantine, and the numbers are spiking in a new massive wave in China. What the disaster in this is, is that it appears that people who were tested again, are getting ill later. This virus in China is reinfecting people as was the information which came out of China at the start of this.
The last thing that the United States needs is for a repeat to sweep through California and New York in August.
I will be frank in this as I have always been. This weapon was released, before China could release their biological weapon against America, India and Japan. The PLA after realizing that this was not their virus, began deploying sick Chinese from Australia, to Canada to Europe to America, to spread this virus. There is enough information to point to that come conglomerates are spreading this virus, and I suspect that this second wave in China, is probably like the first wave, in a deliberate infection to pin China down economically, so the regime of Peking will collapse. The world is at biological war.
This blog supports the President in containment zones. We witnessed today an Illinois vehicle packed to the roof, in someone was moving through here from Chicago pandemic. The rats are fleeing to remote areas they called deplorable and this has to stop or the reinfection rates are going to keep growing.
I can only watch these rural states and assess in time, to see if they have stopped the infections, and enough people have been scared to stay home. We will know in a week to two weeks, but if this is contained, America must not allow these areas to manifest again.
Chloroquine can chop the head off of Coronavirus, to end the death toll to next to nil. The answer is not to repeat what the communists of China just unleashed again in China and upon the world. China will not die from Coronavirus deaths. China will die from attempting to start their economy and prolonging the pandemic, which they have successfully restarted. See China is the swinging sword, it has too many people to die from Coronavirus, but Coronavirus in a population that large will continue to circulate as they keep their business open. The reason that matters is China will continue to reinfect the world.
The President needs to deport the 300,000 Chinese nationals going to school in America and only God knows how many illegals are hiding in America, as this is the infection point of greatest threat.
That will not happen as America festers from Reagan Republicans who governed correctly and the liberal model which infected America.
There is nothing wrong with putting people who will not obey curfew into dog cages. It will teach them a lesson.
People caught breaking Coronavirus curfews in the Philippines are held in dog cages,
It is far better than the United States in the grave. The fact is the DOJ does not need to suspend Habeas Corpus, it only needs to sign arrest warrants for judges and attorneys who would challenged disciplining people put into cages for threatening others.
I still believe that the worst is coming to America. The death rates will not be Americans, but foreigners are they are predominantly at this point. I believe Mexicans and Indians will be the April to August waves. I also believe that Protestant America will not be greatly affected by this as the storm rolls over the country in the hot spots of liberalism.
I will continue to inquire on this, but something is really off in China and they are dying in mass yet.
The United States needs to heed the facts and not the lies of Peking nor the lust of Wall Street. It appears that the President is privy to the Chinese model and is moving to produce an occupational order as did President Johnson after the Civil War in the South.
You do not need 1 million reserves for 2 years. That is what HW Bush signed for Gulf War I. I informed you that Coronavirus is the beginning of events, not the end.
Trump Signs Order Allowing The Call up Of Up
To One Million Reserves For Up To Two Years
Oh and the Lame Cherry names the events in China as CORPA II the second corona pandemic.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said