Sunday, March 29, 2020

Perplexing Coronavirus Death

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You know, well you don't know, but you know, I am perplexed over this Coronavirus thing, as Joe Diffy, a country music legend just died of Coronavirus.

This is perplexing, in we all remember the Tom Hanks and the wife, down in Australia, were doing press releases, taking selfies and having a grand olde time of it, even staging Corona gear photos.......and coming back to America in grande celebrity style, and Joe Diffy dies, and Tom Hanks is a geezer with underlying conditions who was supposed to die according to the medical releases.

Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson Are Back In The U.S. After Quarantining In Australia


Then there was Kathy Griffith, taking selfies, her flat chest hurting like she had large breasts, taking selfies, in her private hospital room, attacking Trump, and well Joe Diffie dies, and I would have thought Griffith would have been dead by now as bad of shape she was in, but only Joe Diffie dies.

Kind of odd how celebrity liberals, actually look better after getting Coronavirus, and regular Americans like Joe Diffy die.

Maybe the cure for Coronavirus is what leftist celebrities do, in they take lots of photos, have lots of press releases, get no rest, tax themselves, use it to advance their careers, as they sure seem to get better, while Joe Diffie who is really sick, just dies.

Just saying.

Nuff Said

