In Chinese it is "pown mai anus"
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This blog will have more on this tomorrow in what is taking place in communist China, but there is now evidence that WHO has been covering up the massive deaths in China, and has been fronting for the Chicoms as this blog exposed over a month ago.
In a bizarre interview, Bruce Aylward was being questioned by a Hong Kong producer, who brought up Taiwan containment. Aylward responds that he can not hear the question, and then says they will move on. When the producer repeats the question, he hangs up on her, and when she calls back, he says, "We already covered China".
This becomes even more intriguing as Aylward who was like #2 at WHO, was immediately scrubbed from the site.
Dude looks like death warmed over in real life, but his photo on WHO looks like when he was getting bung hole sex in college.
The reason this matters is there have been some patterned Trump flip flops on China. The President pounds sand on his opponents like Rocket Man Kim, who became his best buddy. Xi has been China Virus, until this week, and now there will be no more China virus.
The President was pounding China hard until American Pharm was let in, and then it was China virus, and now there will be "cooperation". I can tell you that China is melting down in another paralyzing wave from Coronavirus Wuhan. The signs are there in they shut off foreigners and as they were "bringing in the virus". Theaters are shutting and Wuhan is receiving thousands of new burial urns a day.
China opened up it's business again and Coronavirus came back.
I suspect that the principles who launched the first biological release to stop China's biological first strike at the the world order have been spreading the virus again as China has too many people who are not infected, even with millions dead. I also suspect that Taiwan has been releasing the virus through it's corporate nazi businesses, to destabilize Peking and bring down the communists. None of this is happening by accident, no more than the events in the United States, Europe or Africa.
The Chicoms do not yield unless the hurt is on. It projects that Donald Trump via the NSA knows China is festering again, and he leveraged Xi to cooperate. The President has tells in how he operates and he patterned this with China twice.
I believe the Republican Protestant areas of the United States will deal with this virus as South Korea and Japan have. I am beginning to believe though that projections are that China will not recover for 2020. They have alienated nations by looting supplies from them. The offers to assist with supplies have been zero quality control Chicom garbage. China is a bad actor in this, and it appears that it will continue to reinfect itself with a little help the rest of this year.
China is damaged. It projects to be voided of it's gold, US debt and warehouse goods. It's pattern is emerging as Japan was forced into before World War II. The Pentagon's plans appear to force China out into the Pacific Islands and kill her there, or more to the point as the Pentagon always is head up it's ass, China will have to be killed in Alaska, cut off in the Khyber and killed in the Middle East.
This blog is too far into the future in this assessment, but what happened at WHO is damning to the China narrative. There will be no Joss Whedon Serenity in this future episode as the ghost of Zbigniew Brzezinski is rising in China the paper economic tiger is become the paper dragon.
More to come.