Saturday, March 28, 2020

Mr. President it is CARING not SCARING

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The President of the United States has a difficult job in Coronavirus, and in this post, I am not going to post satire or what I normally teach with, as I do desire the President and his advisors to understand something about the American political animals.
I make no derogitory comment about Americans, but state fact in forensic psychology which is a field I pioneered, and for the sake of America and the necessity of Donald Trump to continue on, he requires some sound advice which he is not receiving.

When this blog stated that Coronavirus is Conservative, in it is making Govenror Cuomo to act Conservative, it was something no one had said or noted. The Lame Cherry is about to reveal to you, that Americans love the Coronavirus.

In psychology, people tend to take the part of their captors. It is called Stockholm Syndrome. Coronavirus is terrifying and people are scared, working from their reptilian brains, and it is why they are reacting as they have.
The fact is the Preppers, the biggest Reptilian brains on the planet, saved the United States, because they did not need to horde, as they already had the stockpiles. It was the grasshoppers fucking around while the ants stored things up, which is what caused the problems we face.

The President hears a constant lament from rich people, about the stock market, so he focuses on that. The President has never experienced a life among livestock, the politcal animal, to know that his message of "Getting the economy up and running" is being heard differently from Americans, who are not rich or have portfiolios.

What Americans are hearing is, "You are expendable like the Chinese, to be forced to get out and do work, endangering their lives for the corporate again".
Americans are hearing that the economy is more important than their safety. The President is not being informed of this and these American animals, after getting a card in the mail from him yesterday on Corona Isolation, are now going to be told to go out and endanger themselves. Americans are not going to come out of their holes, and the President's words feel like they are being beaten to do something they will not do.
As I have mentioned, the President has no experience with animals, like cows, pigs, dogs, chickens, so he has no idea, nor do his advisors what animals are, as people in this frightened issue are acting as animals in self preservation. A cow can find one wire off on a fence and crawl  through, but to get her back in, she will not be able to see a gate the size of New York .You can beat her, chase her until she drops, and then she will go in, but by that time the President will have lost the American good will in treating them as less than the economy.

Mitch McConnell, told us we would receive 1500 dollars. We are now getting 1200 dollars. Americans heard this and learned once again that they are getting fucked over by their government in being cheated. The President castigated a Republican for making that point in the House. Americans heard that too and Americans heard that Pelosi handed over hundreds of millions of dollars to invaders. Once again, Americans heard they do not amount to jack shit. In the worst of times, Americans were told they were expendable and not worth anything.

Americans are listening and watching, and they honestly love the Coronavirus, because Coronavirus is doing things that they would get Homeland and the FBI shooting them over.
For the President who has not been made aware of this, Coronavirus has kept his MAGA promise of deporting and shutting down the borders.
Americans in their communities have rich assholes who have stocks, are bankers and all of these bastards who play golf and look down on them with a smirk. Coronavirus is robbing them on the stock market, making them sweat. Americans love that in the rich are getting fucked over, like Americans always get fucked over.

100% of the Americans think they will get Corona, because they want this virus. This virus is their champion. This virus is killing the goddamn Chinese, Indians, Mexicans and all this other trash which is brought in to replace Americans. Americans can't go around killing their competitors as Homeland will kill them, but Coronavirus can do it, and Homeland won't do a thing about it, because some of the corporations, some Bill Gates types, are spreading this virus for profit and control, but the FBI does not shoot those rich people, so Corona gets away with things Americans can not, and Americans love Coronavirus.

Coronavirus has allowed Americans who have had the weight of the world on their shoulders of geneartions to take that burden off. Americans do not have to go into work. Americans do not have to pay bills. Americans are getting free internet. For the first time, Coronavirus is making the powers take care of Americans, so the powers will not lose everything. Americans do not want to go back into that bondage. They like liberty. They like being in their homes. They like not having to die for some goddamn corporation or foreign vermin.
And in that, Donald Trump has conveyed an incorrect message to Americans, that they are going to be forced back into that bondage, when Americans at heart, just want a break from all of this slavery, poverty and misery.
The President should have been informed that Americans needed to hear, "You people have been abused and beaten up for generations. I will protect you from Coronavirus. You are the country and you are the economy. That will all come back. You take a rest for this in an extended Christian Easter, and I will be working for you, and when you are ready, your Govenors will open your states and we will make American better for you, because this crisis has taught the world that you are right and these policies were wrong which harmed you and created this epidemic".

The President has to stop the message of scaring Americans in having them feel like they are being beaten to come out of their homes. They will come out when they feel safe and if they are forced to come out and those waves appear which will appear, even with a remedy like Chlorquine, they will blame the President. Americans are hearing things now which they will never forget. If the President handles this correctly, he will be a god to the people like George Washington. If he screws this up, he will be a pariah like Jimmy Carter.

This all boils down to the Lame Cherry teaching that Coronavirus is Conservative, and Ameicans love Coronavirus as it is giving them things the powers stole from them and anyone who screws them over or makes them feel unsafe is going to burn a bridge which will never be rebuilt to them.

I would suggest the President state that Congress promised 1500 dollars and Americans are going to get that and now 2000 dollars each. Most have not figured out as I have ,that due to Obamacare in people were not dependent deductions in 2018, that is why the rebate was based on those taxes, not the 2019 when Obamacare penalites were gone and dependents like my TL could be deducted again. See I notice games like this in how I always get fucked over, like not having any appreication for 2016 in by God's Grace placing this President into the White House, and as I am noticing this, so are hundreds of thousansd of other voters who have and are simmering over that being cheated some more.

The President needs to put forward a message of CARING, and not SCARING, or worse threatening people who are going to protect themselves first. That is not going to change in what Americans will do in their self protection, so that is what must be focused on and policy formed around it.

I have things to do in going out into the Coronavirus world, because rich people did not donate 350,000 dollars when I begged, so they put our live in danger some more. Americans are well aware of the threats in their lives, and they will reject proclamations which put the economy or anything else above their safety.

It is like George Noory whining about his daughter and granddaughter, in the daughter almost got fired while others did, and his grandkid was fired. This is from a RICH MAN, and he is bitching for a portfolio and his worthless children, instead of writing a check out. I am spot on about worthless children, because where does it say that any one of us has to be forced to go to work in a pandemic, "To get the economy going", when George Noory raised a middle of the pack failed daughter who almost got fired with the other whiners and raised a low par grandkid who did get fired.
My life is not forfiet bedcause George Noory like most of these entitled elite raised Darwin children, and their jobs depend on millions of Americans risking their lives. Too fucking bad for the elite in what they created for themselves. Thank God for Coronavirus and may God use that virus to promote His children and wipe out God's enemies.

The President needs to hear statements like the above, as millions of Americans are stating them, and thoes Americans are smiling over Coronavirus evening the score.
This is more sound political advice that the President has had for years. The President is too metro in his message

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

