I wear nail spiked leather underwear and have the nails turned inside.
Those sissy boys on the Supreme Court need a man to whip them as they like it.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry arises to defend Senator Chuck Schumer, a Jew, who everyone knows he was not threatening the boy toys on the Supreme Court, in fag Gorsuch and fondler Kavanaugh, both of whom have voted for nothing but liberal sodomy and baby butcher since Trump appointed them on the court.
Schumer ranting about their paying for things on some abortion vote which will no doubt open the door to kill more babies, was never a threat and everyone knows it.
Mark Levin calls on ABA and Senate to act after Schumer threatens Gorsuch and Kavanaugh - Jen Kuznicki ∞ kuznicki
Yeah how bad is it, when you got a Jew in Levin, attacking a Jew in Schumer, and then you got that bungholer John Roberts sending messages that he was disturbed by it all. Roberts probably was disturbed as a queer in he wanted more details of Chuck Schumer dressed up in leather and having a whip to make those naughty justices call him Madam Schumer.
I would that I was a woman, so I could have Chuck Schumer's baby!
So let's just drop this as it is all bogus and a diversion. Let us not overlook that Chuck Schumer might be President of these United States, as Mike Pence is infecting Donald Trump with Corona, no one wants Nancy Pelosi as President when both Pence and Trump are incapacitated, no one will want that Mitch McConnell, so that leaves the negotiated point as Chuck Schumer as President Schumer, rousting Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton out as Chuck is not going to give up the White House, and .....none of this matters as Chuck Schumer did not threaten anyone, who did not want to have a little BDSM in their day.
Why is Roberts trying to horn in on our boy fun, as Chuck was flirting with us!
See Chuck regrets it.......case closed.
Nuff Said