Thursday, March 5, 2020

In the Coup Against Bernie Sanders

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In review of Bernie Sanders the victim of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, is the fact that the Jew Seth Rich was murdered because Bernie Sanders agreed to betray his voters in 2016 and take a fall for Hillary Clinton.

Barack Obama is once again in image telling liberals to not vote for Bernie Sanders, a wing of the part these zealots created to loot America in welfare programs. For the fact Obama stole 8 billion dollars from the US Treasury, handing money to this cronies to "combat" Ebola and SARS and the plagues were not even in the United States.

This post is to make you think, think of things like the violent quotes of Sanders supporters which have appeared, and ask yourself as the FBI has infiltrated every group in the United States. Ask yourself if the same FBI which framed Donald Trump is having their paid operatives spew violence again to smear Bernie Sanders.

This is not about supporting Bernie Sanders. This is about the fraud he was and is, and the fraud of the democratic party in picking more frauds to lie to liberals about what a messiah send their Wall Street bower like Obama is.

No one has stopped to ask if the FBI is still paying political operatives to spy on and cause problems in political campaigns. We know for a fact the FBI was involved in the Virginia Gun Grab  State of Emergency, as it was their producing talking points about "White Nationalists" as a threat, for spraying a Jew building with paint. That is not a national threat.

Democrats are exposed for the frauds they are in not allowing their voters to vote for the communist of their dreams in Bernie Sanders, who is not a communist, but just another capitalist who likes taking money from others to spend it.

Do not miss the point in what this post is about, how many FBI agents are in the Sanders campaign and are part of sabotaging it?

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
