Friday, March 6, 2020

Coronavirus Clarification in the Propaganda

I would like to report that more people are working, so vote for me
as you will die from Corona, but have a job. 


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am going to keep this short, but the worry lines in this are that Sean Hannity and the US Government are now saying pandemics are not that bad as they always happen. Rush Limbaugh was telling everyone car crashes are more dangerous.

My refute is if  this Corona is not a problem, like a cold, then Cancer Limbaugh should spend the weekend at the nursing home facility in Seattle where people are dying, and be quarantined the next 30 days, to prove that this is nothing to be concerned about.
 I guarantee if Florida goes lethal, that Rush Limbaugh will be jetting out and if New York goes lethal, Sean Homo Hannity will be doing his shows from home.

Stock Market 900 point fall Thursday, 250 point fall on Friday.. That is closing in on a 3000 point drop.

What is to be taken from that headline, is the markets surge to 800 point rises when the Treasury pumps money into the market. This means with a trillion dollar money dump, the best the Treasury could do was "correct" to a 250 point drop.
The US Stock Market is in free fall and I told you that an inquiry about a week ago was indicating a 10,000 level over this.

China is shut down. Starbucks has stated SECOND QUARTER they believe their sales will be half. That is JULY and China will not be moving yet.
The American companies are beginning to shut down with work from home. This is just starting, and the virus shed and inoculation has not reached the burn date of April 20, 2020 AD in the year of our Lord. Homo Hannity was mentioned schools being closed. This is just starting and groups have not yet begun to reach their coming infection rate by design.

The Government is now stating that the death rate is .1 to 1% for Corona, not 2.4%. I can tell you the death rate is much higher in the first phase, not because there are two virus as this blog broke the story as this is a bio weapon, but because in the Friday data in America, what you have is 14 dead, but the virus is spreading, meaning the spread is raising the fractional numbers, in giving a false read. The virus takes time to kill, so newly confirmed have not reached the lethal level yet.

Corona for the weak, is almost 100% deadly as the nursing home is proving. In general population, it's rate is still at least 2.4 and climbs to above 4% on the correct ratios.

Italy is entering the spike rate. America has not entered the spike rate.

Number of CoViD Deaths in Italy Soars From 41 to 148

I really get pissed at Rush Limbaugh or George Noury keeping on saying the flu kills more people. That is  damned lie, because Corona has not infected the hundreds of plus millions yet. It is comparing apples to oranges. Corona will be more lethal when it reaches the numbers in the millions.

14 dead, rising to 200 infected.

For the record in this. The United States pulled out of the Obama Super Depression for a Trump Recession, that recession is going to move into a depression, and there will be negative growth in the world economy this year .China will be stagnant for half the year at least. The United States is moving toward stagflation by second quarter.

Finally, there are 7 billion people in the world. 1% dying of Corona is 70 million dead. That is nothing to take lightly as the government is, nor as Sean Homo Hannity is whistling through your grave yard. Half that for Bill Gates, and the numbers are still 35 million people dead, on top of the millions who are dying from other diseases, flu and old age.

Just to tell you something which no one has, those gas masks which people are buying, do nothing to stop the moisture contact with the eyes, which is were viruses enter the body, with a percentage in ear canals. and ingestion.

The United States is STILL tallying infections from the first wave, meaning the State Department and CDC's first evacuees are still getting sick.

Two More CV Cases Sonoma Co CA ex-Grand Princess
(These are From The FIRST Grand Princess Cruise)

Donald Trump is going to be looking at city and state quarantines. Business are imposing work at home conditions. People are going to stop buying, and that includes mail sales and exchanging cash as Corona can transfer there too. The markets can hit around 10,000 in a steady drop. Oil is going to continue to drop as American Big Oil rapes Americans with price spikes.

Necessities will be horded, there will be supply problems as truckers will not want to visit the coasts.

Commodities out of Chicago are level as people are looking for places to pump their money into. The problem is China has zero interest now in copper or other metals. They have no interest in soybeans as they have a pork flu problem and no one is going to feed the chickens. This translates to the American farmers choosing crops to plant.

For Donald Trump, I URGE THE PRESIDENT TO urge American farmers to plant wheat and corn. The wheat to be purchased by the US Government to stock pile at a market rate, and the corn to feed the ethanol fuels, to protect American oil, as ethanol in a crash is going to be more feasible.

 Otherwise for each of you, PLANT a garden this year, things you like to eat, and potatoes, leaf lettuce, chard and if you like root vegetables. Tomatoes if you like them, but the things Gram planted to survive. A small lawn patch the side of your kitchen will do a great deal to help out.

Did not mean to start fixing problems in saving people in this post, as it is short, but this is moving to the spike phase, and Donald Trump looks flat, he has not warned about March Madness to give himself political spring break, all these will spread and cause problems.

The markets are telling you there is a problem and the government telling you there is not a problem is a red flag there is a problem out there.

If you notice, the problem is the people giving you the facts, not the people who made this bioweapon and are spreading it, and the government for not taking steps to stop this from spreading in full form.

Oh and Homeland is importing 35,000 more foreigners to infect Americans as they will probably work through quarantine. 

Nuff Said
