Friday, March 13, 2020

Coronavirus plot to 25th Amendment Donald Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a far difference between free speech and screaming Coronavirus in an infected America.

Like the flu? Trump's coronavirus messaging confuses public, pandemic researchers say

What certain branches of the Mockingbird Media have engaged in, is criminal treason, and the projection of this is, they want Donald Trump to sneeze, so they can say he has Corona, and Nancy Pelosi already has her 25th Amendment on incapacitation dusted off, and democrats will rant and scream about removing Donald Trump and Mike Pence.

These traitors know this act is coming and you will notice that only REPUBLICANS infected by Jews are the ones being exposed. Why is it democrats are not having people show up to breathe on them?

Donald Trump's message is not confused. These are Obama holdovers who planted this virus into the United States on evacuations and the Corona Princess. They have gotten people killed and this charade in attempting to 25th the Donald on Coronavirus is something that touches each of us, as it plunges markets, spreads panic, and gets more people killed.

America can not have a Constitutional Crisis over Coronavirus removal of the President. Woodrow Wilson's wife ran the country in World War I and Franklin Roosevelt was dead for months and he was not removed from office. The world is in far too chaotic of state to have this kind of treasonous politics to continue at this time.

Those attacking Donald Trump over his saying he is not worried about being exposed, would rant that he is spreading fear if he locked himself in the White House. They will take any tact and twist it to weaken Trump as Joe Biden, who has proven what a worthless leader he is in pandemics already, now begins issuing ludicrous statements in senility as if he is President.

Donald Trump has to calm the markets, as that props up the economy, if the economy plunges, then people will have the Obama Super Depression for real.
Donald Trump is right in the United States has the best system and the best reserves. It is a damn like that the US does not have enough masks and resources as FEMA has stockpiled tons of resources at their facilities for biological, nuclear and other disasters. The resources are there, but they have not yet been tapped, as they are not yet needed. They do not appear without a national declaration, and if Donald Trump did that he would be accused of being a dictator and cancelling the elections.
We already have liberals demanding electronic elections which of course they will rig to install democrats as Obama did in 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014.

That is the reality Donald Trump faces and it is each of us facing this same murderous overthrow, as this is personal now. The last thing America needs is President Trump sick, because it is the first thing the Adam Schiff crowd have been plotting for.

I will write more on the question of what is coming in Coronavirus, but the worst problem America faced was the NCAA tournaments and Spring Break for spreading this virus, and creating new L Strain clusters which are what needs to be shut down, and these issues are being addressed.
Warmer weather will spread the infections, BUT warmer weather will make it easier for people to recover from the S strain who are going to go critical from that infection.

This is a long process yet, and the United States needs President Trump's unquestioned leadership in the continuity of government. Think of this as a 12 step program, like for drunks and dopers. We are at step 3.

Step 1 was the initial infection.
Step 2 was the infection spread in S strain.

Step 3 is the first containment. American states have responded very well, with federal funding and support. As I stated the NCAA and Spring Break were the disasters awaiting. If parents keep their snotty children at home, have them text as that is all they do anyway, Step 3 will save a number of lives.
The President and Governors can only do so much. If you still have shit for brains people taking trips, traveling and not staying home, this Corona will spread faster, and that is not President Donald Trump's fault, it is these shitty Americans who do not give a damn about the people in their communities they will be killing.

Step 4 will come with the progression of community infections as in the Afroid community from their shit for brains rich blacks as in the NBA thinking this is a "TAKE A KNEE JOKE" in Obamaness.

People need to be told that they had better plan to not travel out of America this year, and to not travel out of your states. You have enough stuff to look at in your home areas, so stay local.

The President can do a great deal in shutting down that Goddamn HAARP which is keeping things cold and wet for oil selling profits. A hot summer will fry that virus which will save lives, as much as for a stable autumn, so this virus does not go pandemic again in October.

The Italians are issuing "homicide "warnings for people who spread Corona or cause problems. There is enough in the Patriot Act to arrest and hang people. It would do a great deal to put an end to this 3rd coup against Donald Trump, in making it known beyond this blog, that those who are pushing this 25th Corona for Trump and Pence, are going to be arrested and hung for sedition and treason, as that is what is behind all of this, and it is time it is spoken of, and it is put a stop to it, and that means if the political elite in the #NeverTrumpers and the liberals are arrested and hung as President Abraham Lincoln engaged in, during the Civil War, then it ends now, before millions of Americans are dying horrid deaths, because the elite are trying to get Donald Trump.

America is in a Biological War. Iran and Persia created these virus. Canada allowed them to be stolen. Obama's Harvard professor built the Wuhan lab. Other European forces unleashed a counter virus before China could use it's Wuhan in a first strike on America and India, and those are the realities. People need to know the facts and America needs to be stabilized to stabilize the world.

I have no problem with Melania Trump like Mrs. Wilson, enacting Donald's orders as wives do, until this crisis is passed in the Coronavirus there will be other phases of this.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

