Friday, March 13, 2020

Trump as Emergency Leader

Ivanka Stays Home After Australian Official She
And Barr Met With Tests Infected With Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Donald Trump has done a fine job in declaring a National Emergency to free up FEMA and Pentagon supplies for the public good. In the declaration, he handled the press with authority and manage the conference expertly.
For all the nay sayers who have been attacking Donald Trump on leadership, he more than measured up.

What the Lame Cherry wills to focus on in this update are the realities.

While the President has finally rested control from the Obama holdovers who caused this epidemic to enter and spread in the United States, he still has the problems of what this blog stated. there is a peak coming to Coronavirus and it lasted in China and South Korea for 7 weeks, and is blowing Italy and Iran off the map.

U.S. summons Chinese ambassador over Beijing's coronavirus comments: U.S. official - Reuters   reuters

The United States though has some exemplary Governors and emergency management people. The Governor of California has done very well. Ohio is reacting with diligence. North and South Dakota are supreme examples of how to contain, deal and manage states with authority and direction.

This is something the rest of the world does not have.

China though to cover it's ass is blaming the United States for Coronavirus, which China was making as a biological first strike weapon. The President is doing well in managing China and the press. Donald Trump has proven a better businessman in the White House than a politician like Obama.

This stated, Donald Trump has nationalized the response to Corona. The US is an operational emergency Nazi state, as this is what it will require. His people are every bit as good as the Army quartermaster in coordination which this blog suggested. Germ Lord Pence has risen to the job as have the people assisting in this.

American Pharm is now in China. I will translate that for you. China was in meltdown and the United States Pharm entered and started pumping the country full of drugs. The Chinese have been turned over to Big Pharm as rats to save the world, and Xi has agreed to this to cover up China's biological weapon and to save his ass, as this is how severe China has been hit. Donald Trump is calling the shots in the relationship with China now.

Wall Street on the Nazi response rose to new records, because this kind of response means billions of dollars in sales. Coronavirus will be good for production and profits.

What I am telling you though is the peak is still coming. The President has the United States ready. From the problems of Washington State, the successes in California, the dictatorship in New York, the quick response in Ohio, to the rapid response in the Dakotas, Americans are focused.

The problem still is the stupid, which is the American majority, Dumb ass college kids with time off will decide to go pick apples in Washington state. People with time off will go on vacation to Corona central and drag the pandemic back to areas which are not having trouble.

Iowa has been a waymark in this. The genus of the population, and the reality that it's main cases came off the Egyptian Princess. The shit spread virus is not spreading to the general population and that is what this L strain is. Other areas are spiking to the Italian and the S strain.

The fact is, if people would just quit running around like raped apes all over the place for 6 weeks, this virus, without additional help in being spread would draw down. People will not behave though, and that is the problem in this. The President has led, and now people will begin to let down, and when the peak starts, people will think something went wrong, when the fact is, this is not a 30 minute television show.

With testing, the emergency management will be able to track the spread. North Dakota has one case confirmed, and they were able to track to a known patient. That thread is stitched shut, but there are all kinds of dope dealers making shipments and smugglers who will spread this.

I will have more on this but the President deserves praise for this effort. He has to stay well and Americans have to not blame him for their spreading the virus.

If the President had put this kind of effort into MAGA, I would be voting for him, as none of this would have happened.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

