Monday, March 9, 2020

Donald Trump and the QED

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There has been a glaring fact with President Donald Trump, and that his advisors have not served him well, but in at least 3/4ths of the cases they were Obama, Clinton or Jeb Bush voters.

The example of the Coronavirus Pandemic is another glaring fact of the President being ill served. If one reviews, all of the culprits involved in this, they were Barack Hussein Obama appointees who brought Coronavirus into the United States by the hordes. There is since Russiagate, Impeachment and now Corona, a real question, did these Obama supporters bring Corona into the United States to bring down Donald Trump in 2020?

Sunday, March 8, 2020

President Trump must protect from being lynched by Coronavirus

The fact is Barack Hussein Obama placed Ebola into White Christian Nebraska. That is unheard of in placing a pandemic center in the center of your country at the crossroads of all. Obama has loathed Christian America, and the fact is his people have expounded the Coronavirus threat, and who is going to be blamed by Donald John Trump.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Trump's Plague Spreaders Were Obama Employed

It is a necessity for the President to protect Americans, and it is a necessity that the President has someone to protect him. In this, the Lame Cherry urges President Donald Trump to appoint his former friend and New York City police officer, Keith Schiller, to head a new agency of volunteers, which could later be appropriated for by Congress or funded in teh 8 billion dollars for Coronavirus, in a coordination center which answers only to the President and supersedes all other law enforcement in the protection America from Coronavirus.

QED Director Keith Schiller 

Keith Schiller (born c. 1959) is a former Deputy Assistant to U.S. President Donald Trump who concurrently served as Director of Oval Office Operations. Prior to his appointment in the Trump administration, Schiller served as the Director of Security for The Trump Organization; in this capacity, he was the personal bodyguard to Trump. He has been described as "one of Trump's most loyal and trusted aides" and "a constant presence at Trump's side for nearly two decades."

Mr Schiller would head a federal group termed the QED, the Quarantine Enforcement Division.  This QED would be based on the SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING, in citizens could report suspected plague carriers, States such as Washington, California and New York would turn over belligerent carriers who violated self quarantine and endangered others, people who would be re infected would be removed to a secondary confinement for their protection and Director Schiller, would have the entire local United States Police Force to help assist in this manner in apprehending carriers.

This is why this blog has advocated the seizing of the California Corona Princess, as an offshore detention center to deal with plague carriers. Open windows on the high seas would be the best fresh air for the cure. If people did not come down with the virus in 30 days, they would be released again. It would be more cost effective than Washington State buying entire communities to try and house the sick.

President Trump needs someone to carry out his enforcement and to protect the President. No decisions would be made as Obama's appointees bringing in infected Coronavirus people to California, Texas and Nebraska without Director Schiller affirming this was the President's consent. There has been far too much Obama appointments making Corona into an American plague in going against the orders of President Donald Trump.
The Germ Lord, Mike Pence can have his meetings with scientists, but thee American People and Donald Trump need a protector, and Keith Schiller would be the person to coordinate the quarantine realities that the United States has and will have for all of 2020.

Detainees are not going to have cell phones to send whining video to their Congressman friends in Tennessee which is where this all began in letting in infected people from China and cruise ships. There will be rules, because the right of Americans to Life is a majority to the Corona few who do not have the right to rant about pitying them, when they are the ones who were rich for a cruise and were taking the filthy Chinese wages to ruin thee American economy.

There must be a strong federal response, engaged in the President's will, and Keith Schiller is that response to protect Americans from Obama era policies and appointees which created this pandemic in America.

I designed this ensignia for Director Schiller's division, as it originated in a disgusting New York Times' op ed smearing ICE enforcement of US laws in being connected to Coronavirus problems. That is what the President is up against, is this derangements as much as law enforcement. Plague carrying Chinese are still invading America and Border Patrol is dealing with this danger, and the liberals are still trying to stop the President in closing the borders, and by it endangering all Americans.

The Skull and Crossbones is deliberate to remind the United States is facing genocide from within in this treachery and from without as China created this virus as  biological weapon to strike first against thee American People to wipe this nation out.

Director Schiller will implement a review of all this subterfuge and if these paid terrorists against America think Corona is such a non threat for their agenda, the the Director will have full authority to place these willing on Corona Ships for the duration too, as they have nothing to fear.
