Monday, March 9, 2020

The Coronavirus Dow has plunged 5000 points

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For the first time since the British invaded America and burned the White House, the United States has reached a paradigm shift, in which it is plunging toward a world of chaos and coming world war.

The world is at war, and has been for sometime. When Iran and China unleashed their versions of Coronavirus in first strike attacks against Saudi Arabia and the United States with India, the world moved to the start of World War IV, in a biological germ warfare.
Corona changed everything and as oil commodities were not purchased by China, Saudi Arabia saw oil flow loss to Russia, which set off the Septic Monday in the US Stock Market as Russia and Saudi Arabia are in an oil war, which will drive into the US energy sector. As America is the target of this too, this blog urges the President to nationalize the costs of oil production and inside the United States sell oil at these bare market levels, and force the energy companies to begin selling fuel at 1 dollar a gallon gas and 75 cent diesel. This will provide a stimulus in deflation, to offset the Corona Quarrantine.

I simply do not know if I could as a democrat support Donald Trump. I can tell you as someone who will not vote for Donald Trump as he abandoned MAGA, that I will support him now as he is all America has.
When democrats wiped out Bernie Sanders, who is a Corona communist virus which would destroy America, and replaced him with Joe Biden, who no longer has a mine capable of being trusted with nuclear weapons, democrats have had created for them the perfect storm for a brokered convention.
Seriously, do democrats want to trust the fainting falling Hillary Clinton in this chaotic time, or are they going to allow a ticket picked for them of people who can not beat a Joe Biden, or will be in Obama prison? Democrats have real radical problems and the only person who would have the experience to settle the nation in Bill Clinton, looks like he would be dead next week too.

This is the reality, because come election day, it may be President Nikki Haley running and a fill in the blank democrat, as they are all dead from Coronavirus.

What this blog posted on a week ago in the stock market plunging to around 10 to 12 thousand, looks exactly like the reality America is headed for, and that means retired people and rich people will lose 2/3rds of their fortunes and retirement by May.
Money will have to go somewhere, and President Trump will have to find an outlet, which should be stable US bonds, as commodities can not be traded in the Soros record high prices for wheat, as people will not be able to afford food. The President does need to get on the USDA and urge farmers to plant, corn, wheat, oats, to increase the US strategic food reserves tha the Government controls and not Soros. Soybeans are a Chinese outlet and China is not a land which is going to recover from Corona in 2020.

The reality in this is people are going to stop spending money. That means fuel consumption will fall. Low fuel prices mean deflation sets in, and this will be across the board as China is not manufacturing, so all of that wood being removed from America, will remain in America, and lumber prices will fall.
Under W Bush and Obama, the banksters were allowed to not allow real estate and other prices to plunge to correct, this time is a different situation, because China is removed from the consumption mix, and so are numbers of other nations.
How many of these Visa Vermin are going to be coming to America, with America in a plague epidemic? Bathing in the shit water of the Ganges looks attractive to dying in your own shit in America.

Honestly, the biggest threat to the United States, is the Mexicans, taking up hospital beds which must be saved for Americans. The health system will overload, and in that President Trump better get his tent cities for Mexicans set up, across the border in Mexico, and the President must begin the removal now, or he will have piles of old dead White people in the streets.
The cure for all of this is 12 million dead Mexicans from Coronavirus and in economic surge, Americans expanding into the states of Mexico over the next decade. The Mexican can not die in America though. They must die in Mexico as the United States does not have the resources.

It is past time the President not make it the issue of 2020, that it was Obama holdovers who brought Coronavirus into America and these fellow travelers provided the President horrid advice. The only way to create a MAGA is for numbers of old people to die, numbers of Mexicans to die, allow the stock market to correct in a deep plunge, force real estate to plummet, and return robotic manufacturing to America from China, with an expansion of America into Mexico, and if Trudeau in Canada, screws this up, for the United States to annex western Canada for American settlements.

These are cold realities and a reality of this Lame Cherry producing policy for the best asset America has in White and Black working groups who have been targeted for genocide for 3rd world races. If this President makes the move, the gambit should be to seize the 30 some trillion dollars which was looted from the United States and is in offshore banks, by the very people who provided Corona to Iran and China.
Seize that money back, windfall it directly to Americans, and Americans, not the feudal few will make certain the United States survives.

Nuff Said
