Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Lame Cherry Saves America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You know right now, La'me Cherry feels like the best dictator, the best Prophetess and best Shepherdess you cloth of the land have ever had, as it was a pretty monumental day for the blog affecting the world for good.

To stop the plague spread for snotty college kids and their glory daze parents in the NCAA March Madness, the world of sports money whoring children, has left the building and the most necessary measure to keep Corona L Strain from easy spread shake and bake has been stopped.

These snotters though have to be kept from spring break, or at least let them out of the country to Cancun  and let them die there, drunk and doped.

Yes as this blog advocated, the tournament is big screen only, which means the snotters will create clusters, not burned out cities.

Coronavirus fears mean NCAA tournament to be held without fans   usa

Next we have the Lame Cherry prediction of Celebrity Corona, and who should appear but the worst of the washed ups in Tom and Mrs. Tom. At least it is not Opie and Meathead.
I fully expect publicity stunts like this to continue, with washed up actors streaming their own Corona experiences for whore attention, and be discovered later they were never sick.

For the record, Hanks and Mrs. Tom, do not have L Strain or that gimp would be flat lining now and not tweeting.


Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson have tested positive for the novel coronavirus

"Hello, folks.  Rita and I are down here in Australia," Hanks said in a statement to Deadline. "We felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches. Rita had some chills that came and went. Slight fevers too."
He added: "To play things right, as is needed in the world right now, we were tested for the Coronavirus, and were found to be positive. Well, now. What to do next? The Medical Officials have protocols that must be followed. We Hanks' will be  tested  observed, and isolated for as long as public health and safety requires.  Not much more to it than a one-day-at-a-time approach, no? We'll keep the world posted and updated. Take care of yourselves!"

And of course, what would be a crisis without more whining rich people, like the Jew Goldbergs who lied about having the virus to bring it into America via Obama's holdovers at State, defying Donald Trump's no entry order.

Op-Ed: I’m an American in Italy, where 60 million are trapped by the coronavirus. It’s horrific

Yes I really feel sympathy for rich assholes, who let American rot for their luxury lifestyle, and now having dug their own Corona Dungeon, we are supposed to cry for these boogers, now that they got themselves into the pandemic pit.

Horrific, try being like most Americans in trapped in debt, never get to go on vacation, having Homeland spy on you, and having to listen to these whining shitheads tell us all we need is more Obama failures to make things work.

Lastly, Donald Trump seems to be getting his wind, after reporters conspired to try and assassinate him with Coronavirus.
For politics, the President is moving to the correct Lame Cherry spin in this, in the facts.  I believe the President should fine tune the message in Dr. Ben Carson has a really good presentation in this, in being honest, forthcoming, comforting and yet telling people this can all go bad.

President Donald Trump is on the learning curve and is getting it. He will figure out the "I am in this with you and feel your pain". I suspect it would be helpful for his children to get the corona like other families will.

Trump To Ban All Travel From Europe Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Lastly, the coons tested positive in the NBA for Corona. That means Kobe checked out at the right time, and another voting block is to be cropped.

I forget all I was going to thank God for here in the great successes of this blog today.

Oh, there is going to be a spike in Coronavirus in the next week, because there are millions of test kits going out. It does not mean a massive spread, but actually confirming the spread which America is already engulfed in.

That is not all bad news, as if this is the S Strain, it is inoculating the population by design from the L Strain. The news though should unleash another panic in the markets. The main street USA is in financial bankruptcy. It will only increase as this reset which was deliberately unleashed cripples the US economy.

Tom Hanks will only get people killed as celebrities will make it appear in their lesser strains that there is nothing to Rush Limbaugh fear, and in that it will create more spread and the 15% which turn toxic from the lesser strain, will die or destroy their lungs and die in the next years.

The panic has hit the brier patch. Was a run on toilet paper today, rubber gloves are gone, and hand sanitizer has been gone for 2 weeks.
I was told that a daughter of a guy here, said weeks ago she warned him to start buying things, because Denver was empty of merchandise already.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
