Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Object of my Desire

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Growing up, the mother had this ancient grater, with the cutters down each side for large and small cutting.  I never liked it, as it seemed to enjoy cutting me as much as cabbage or potatoes.

In not liking the mother's presence in my present, I came across another old grater, like the one on the bottom below and got it for pennies at the thrift. It sat almost a year in the crockware we store things in on the table, before I decided it was time to make hash browns. I was not paying that close of attention when I picked out mine, but wanted to use mine as it is MINE. I like having my own things, as there are not a price on things like my soul to blackmail into doing things, because I used someone elses things.

That is when I discovered that mine was better. I had no idea that there could be a difference in cutters. The mother obtained another cross slice cutter which she upgraded to, but while it was probably easier on the bloody knuckles, stainless  steel does not have the patina that this old metal has.

The thing is it is the short strokes which keep me from working up speed to draw blood on me. In mine, the blood is just potato and cabbage.

Gram had one of these, all the old women did. They were amazingly efficient, and this one I have is sharp as tacks yet. It amazes me how something old as dirt is as good as gold yet.

I suppose antique shops have these, and it bothers me that if I was not picking up things like this, they would all be gone and I would never obtain one. I have a pile of stainless steel mixing bowls as the mother only had "one" as having more than one would be some kind of sin. Just like having shitty pots was all she would have, as she frowned at my purchasing good cookware which she destroyed or they ended up outside feeding the cats in.

This though is a recommend, if you come across one of these cheap, then they might please you as this grater pleases me. I have been grating potatoes on it, and been enjoying the results. One large and one half size makes our hashbrowns to perfect proportions. I am still trying to figure out though why my Yukon Gold are white, as apparently someone switched the variety I planted.  I am at least glad they grew, did not make me sick, and we have something to eat.

Am glad I have my own grater as it is better than the other one.

Time to scoot.
