Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Raise Your Hands If You Care Kathy Griffin Has Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While in the checkout line today, I saw the grinning CORONACOUPLE of Tom and Mrs. Hanks, exploiting a pandemic, while people in New York are begging for ventilators and experimental drugs, for their failed careers.

Then I saw this article about Kathy Griffith, another multi millionaire, in such unbearable pain.......but it of course is not so devastating that she can not keep from tweeting about it.

Here is the list about Kathy Griffith.

She is RICH. She can afford any drug and any treatment, and most of these doctors would bend any rule and break any law to save this Trump hater, while regular folk will be denied, die and end up in the morgue.

So what is she bitching about, besides Trump? That she can't get tested.

So what is a test going to do? Not a damn thing as she is sick and knows it. Here is the thing though in all of this.........if she was really in a bad state, the medical staff would have her tested, as she is a celebrity, so this has nothing to do with the need for a test, as she is in the hospital and being treated.

The question in this is, who cares if Kathy Griffith has Corona or she just has bad karma? Is anyone going to miss her? Is anyone going to care?
She never donated a penny to this blog nor more than other rich people did. She trashed everything I believed in and mocked everything about my Christian life as she did millions of others. She did all of this with fame, fortune, liberal cheering and promoting her.
She weighed it all in the balance and chose to be nasty, attention grabbing and vicious for her whore's wage. She got what she wanted. She voted for New York liberal politics, and that is what imported all these damned foreigners which infected New York in mass. She is where she chose to be and did it all with vitriol and venom.

I'm ready for my close up now...


Look at Kathy Griffith. She is in an expensive private hospital room. She is cared for while others are not. Look at her eyes. This is not a sick person. This looks like the Celebrity Corona which this blog warned all of you of.

Having chest pains is not Coronavirus, that is agina or heart problems or pleurisy which is not Corona, and why the doctors are not testing her.

If Kathy Griffith has corona, good. If she does not, I hope she helps Bill Gates and Oprah out, as they want to be rid of the excess population on earth, and gets corona.

In my world, Kathy Griffith's epitaph goes something like, "You are an asshole. No one cares if you have corona or if you die, because we won't get medical care and we sure as hell will not be taking selfies if we do have a pandemic killing us."

Kathy Griffith dealt herself this hand, and it looks like she dealt from the bottom of the deck and is cheating. She should be ashamed she is taking a hospital bed from a really sick minority in all her white privilege.

Again, selfies? Tweeting? Yeah is there a law against faking having Coronavirus as a publicity stunt?

Then again, maybe she will die and prove me wrong.
