Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Corona Economic Surge

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog has already reported on what the matrix indicated the stock market would fall to. I though do not agree with Sec. Mnuchin that the US will not experience a recession, as the world is heading to an Obama super depression, and China can return sick people to work, prolonging the problem there, but no one is buying Chicom goods. That market has left the building.

The US will experience a recession. The CDC is marking 8 weeks for this virus to peak in America.

I have made known my projections in I believe this will come in waves. America is said to be about 2 weeks behind Italy. The US Government knows very closely how this bloom works, as the President shut down travel to Europe, and two days later the plume erupted all through Europe.

Those infected were brought back into America, and will produce another wave inside the United States. So America is going to experience a series of waves. Watch for the bloom and the plume from the first Caucasian wave in the S strain. I do not believe that will be the major problem in the United States. I believe the Latin will cause the major problem which is probably starting in 2 weeks and will peak in 4 weeks.


If you notice the country is not shutting down as people are buying necessities in bread and bullets and bathroom tissue, the 3 B's of Coronavirus.

Those are manufacturing which should continue as I do not see a widespread problem in employment of "real" jobs.

It is this Latin feature which is the one to watch for. Mexican shit will leave a trail south into Texas and flush into Mexico, where the pandemic will rage.California with all of it's shit on the sidewalk bums is not surging. Mexicans though are a filthy problem, as they already broke the law in being here, will lurk in the shadows in their high occupancy slums, and then create a literal hive of death from these clusters.

The Spanish version of this, is already being sown into South and North America. Latin America should be ravaged too in the worst cases in the West.

Spain becomes 4th most coronavirus-infected nation, seizes all private health care

But as Goldman Sachs is now speaking of a 2000 market, which is about 9000 lower than what I saw in the matrix, I would urge all of you to understand that if the President keeps fuel prices low, people do not travel and binge buy, they will by summer have a pretty good amount  of cash in their accounts, and in relief from surviving Corona, even rich old people will probably share the wealth with the rotten kids, meaning around August there could be a massive uptick in Americans rewarding themselves and sparking thee economy.

Mnuchin is seeing Nazi funding or regime money flowing to stimulus corporations, but something inside of me in knowing human nature, says that sometime in 2020, people are going to be happy to be alive, and being able to go out, and that will translate into a Corona Surge.

Goldman Sachs Warns S&P 500 Might
Not Bottom Out Until It Hits 2,000

This virus seems to have burned through East Asia. They will start having companies fleeing China being manufacturing there, as much as the United States. There are opportunities in this, and if the President has kept the Caucasians alive and the vermin are weeded out in coming waves, there is going to be good deflation and a raised standard of living.

Corona must be contained in being the set of biological weapons it is. If it is, then all will be not so dark clouds.

Nuff Said
